Would the old Mass help?

There is an interesting series of entries over at Hermeneutic of Continuity by Fr. Finigan on "How would the old Mass help?", which in many ways reflects my own experiences and the comments I have been making in WDTPRS for years now. GMTA. You should be checking Hermenetic daily.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. servitium dulce says:

    The link you provided to Fr. Finigan’s blog is not working.

  2. servitium dulce says:

    Awesome! Thanks, Fr. Z.

  3. Diane says:

    I’ve been reading Fr. Tim Finigan’s blog for some time now. One of my favorite posts was this classic. You’ll love the “confession” he anticipates he’ll someday hear.

  4. Henry Edwards says:

    Quote of the day, from Card. Ricard’s closing speech (as quoted by Rorate Caeli) at the French bishops meeting:

    “One cannot leave the choice of one of the forms of the Roman Rite –Mass of ‘Saint Pius V’ or Mass of ‘Paul VI’ – up to one’s own subjectivity. ….. It is necessary today to resist the temptation of a ‘religion à la carte’.”

    No, indeed. Perish the very thought of any cafeteria religion. Why, such a thing could fracture the pristine unity of faith and liturgy that we now enjoy!

  5. Jon says:

    “Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.”

    I’m praying, Holy Father, I’m praying.

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