The 2005 Roman Martyrology has this entry today:
Festum Conversionis sancti Pauli, Apostoli, cui, apud Damascum cum iter faceret, adhuc spirans minis et caede in discipulos Domini, ipse Iesus in via se gloriosum revelavit eumque elegit, ut, Spiritu Sancto repletus, Evangelium salutis in gentibus nuntiaret, pro Christi nomine multa patiens. … The feast of the Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle, to whom, as he was making a journey to Damascus then breathing threats and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, Jesus Himself revealed Himself as glorious and selected him, so that, filled with the Holy Spirit, he would announce the Good News of salvation amongst the Gentiles, while suffering great things for the Name of Christ.
And let us not forget that this is also the feast of St. Ananias, who came to Paul at the Lord’s urgin, overcoming his fears, and baptized him:
2. Commemoratio sancti Ananiae, qui, discipulus Domini, Damasci Paulum conversum baptizavit. The commemoration of holy Ananias, who, as a disciple of the Lord, baptized the converted Paul at Damascus.
You might be the instrument of God’s plan in the life of another who is now lost. Do not let fear thwart God’s will.
Dear Father Zuhlsdorf,
As pertaining to The Almighty using His servants as instruments in the lives of others who are lost,it seems that the imminent release of The Motu Proprio has gotten His Excellency Bishop Tod Brown caught up in its near promulgation.He has allowed a Clasical Rite mass in Yorba Linda,at the Pope John Paul II Center at 7 am every Sunday beginning in Lent.
Viva Il Papa.