Message for World Day for Social Communication

It sure sounds to me as if the Holy Father is saying that people who produce wretched stuff aimed at children are in risk of going to Hell.

The Holy Father issued his annual Message for World Day for Social Communion.   This year he focuses on "Children and the Media: a Challenge for Education"

Here is an interesting paragraph (my emphasis):

3. This heartfelt wish of parents and teachers to educate children in the ways of beauty, truth and goodness can be supported by the media industry only to the extent that it promotes fundamental human dignity, the true value of marriage and family life, and the positive achievements and goals of humanity. Thus, the need for the media to be committed to effective formation and ethical standards is viewed with particular interest and even urgency not only by parents and teachers but by all who have a sense of civic responsibility.

While affirming the belief that many people involved in social communications want to do what is right …, we must also recognize that those who work in this field confront "special psychological pressures and ethical dilemmas" (Aetatis novae, 19) which at times see commercial competitiveness compelling communicators to lower standards. Any trend to produce programmes and products – including animated films and video games – which in the name of entertainment exalt violence and portray anti-social behaviour or the trivialization of human sexuality is a perversion, all the more repulsive when these programmes are directed at children and adolescents. How could one explain this ‘entertainment’ to the countless innocent young people who actually suffer violence, exploitation and abuse? In this regard, all would do well to reflect on the contrast between Christ who "put his arms around [the children] laid his hands on them and gave them his blessing" (Mk 10:16) and the one who "leads astray … these little ones" for whom "it would be better … if a millstone were hung round his neck" (Lk 17:2). Again I appeal to the leaders of the media industry to educate and encourage producers to safeguard the common good, to uphold the truth, to protect individual human dignity and promote respect for the needs of the family.  

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Raphaela says:

    Amen to all of the above.

    But, Father, something strange is going on in the “Links to some recent posts” on the left of this page. They currently list three entries more recent than this one, all of which have what looks like the identical line of Russian text in the body and nothing else (i.e. no date stamp, subject header, comment box, etc).

  2. Irulats says:

    And it’s not Russian according to Babelfish!

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