WDTPRS tweak

In my attempt to help these blog pages load faster, I got rid some gizmos on my sidebar. 

Among them, I got rid of the clock.  I noticed that the clock was often taking a while to load.  So… hasta la vista, baby.

I ask you… will anyone really miss the clock?  After all, I know what time it is here and if you have basic arithmetic skills you know what time it is here too. 


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Jon says:


    I dunno, sometimes I click on the clock just to reassure myself Marini’s still harmlessly a-snore!

  2. Raphaela says:


    I have to admit I adblocked the clock quite some time ago because it was slowing down page loading (and it might also have been one of those widgets that wants to set cookies, but I can’t remember now). So “what clock?” both sums up my reaction to reading this post and implicitly answers the question of whether it’ll be missed. :)

  3. Jordan Potter says:

    The clock did slow down the loading of the page. In fact, even just scrolling down the page, the clock would slow things down. And I never consulted it anyway.

  4. Tom S. says:


    Your page loads about 5 times faster than before!

    Thank You Father

    P.S. Ask His Holiness to deliver the MP faster, next time you pass him in the hall, or eat with him in the cafeteria.

  5. Tom S: He is supposed to come over tonight, but I just got a call from him. He is looking for a parking spot along the Lungotevere right now. I don’t know why he didn’t just walk.

  6. Adam van der Meer says:

    The clock still appears on the sidebar…

  7. Adam: You will need to refresh your browser, I think. It’s gone.

  8. Stu says:

    I would like to see it replaced with a sundial.

  9. dcs says:

    If you really wanted to show the time on your blog, you could add some JavaScript to do it and it would all be handled on the client side.

  10. Guy Power says:


    Here were the results displayed on my screen:

    Good riddance! 49
    22% of all votes

    Please bring it back? 0
    73% of all votes

    Clock? What clock? 166
    75% of all votes.

    Sumpin jest ain’t right with those figures!


  11. Andrew says:

    Is the Holy Father sneaking out again ala JPII?

  12. The clock was also a baseball. If you had a plain baseball, without clockworks, it would load quickly and usually from cache. How about a baseball autographed by a notable Catholic player, say Stan Musial? Or one could rotate through a list of several autographs.

  13. There’s a pretty good article on the game, and some of its Catholic players, here:
    Among other things, the article mentions that baseball is a timeless game, having no clock to run out. Also that the bases are run counter clockwise. It sez, “A game that could theoretically go on for eternity strikes a distinctive Catholic chord.” Appears to me that there is merit in a baseball and a clock being two quite separate things.

  14. RBrown says:

    Roger Maris was a practicing Catholic.

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