Clearly the Pope is back in Italy and back at work.
There is a great report on ANSA and SIR today about a sermon delivered by H.E. Giuseppe Betori, secretary of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI). He was in Gubbio for a celebration of St. Ubaldo.
He identified as the new enemies of Christianity: abortion, euthanasia, the negation of sexual duality and of a family based on marriage.
This is interesting, since we must conclude from this that because ideas don’t float in a vacuum but are in reality help by people, the promoters of abortion, etc., are the enemies of Christians.
Bp. Betori compared nihilism and relativism to the troops of Frederick Barbarossa (!) who attacked Gubbio in 1155 and whom St. Ubaldo helped to drive away with the military.
Bertori defended the role of the Church in the public square, saying that the new enemy is trying to subvert public order.
Reading the Italian, it seems like Mons. Betori was making an extemporaneous speech. The Italian is a bit tortured, but here is a taste in my translation:
"If we want to defend the true face of man, we must rediscover the face of God. The face of God is love, not however a love which is weak and hides the truth, that which creates ambiguity under the veil of false tolerance, rather than one which is demanding, which does not avoid cutting to cure, which makes distinctions so as to build authentic bridges and looks not reduce everything to a false homogeneity, which reminds us of responsibility without indulging in a "go along to get along" attitude which fails in the end."
great info, father, thanks. sadly, the italian bishops got so gun-shy after they lost on divorce and abortion in italy in the ’70s. finally, they’re back at the alamo.
Yes indeed,”Cutting to Cure”.
The disease must be excised.If every dissident bishop,priest, theologian who teaches dissent would be cut out to cure the Church,She would grow gigantically strong again.
Thank you Father.You are always on top of what is really important.
God bless you.
Courage seems to sweeping through the Church these days! Do you suppose there really is a Holy Spirit after all? ;)
The Cardinal of Tegucigalpa may not have his blood up yet, but old Cormac-McCarthy seems ready to wash his hands of a Catholic hospital that wants to go on prescribing contraceptives.
“Step by step, the egg will walk”, as the Ethiopians say.