There is a note available about the upcoming letter to Chinese Catholics, to be issued in a matter of days.
The text will be published in booklet format. Translation problems caused the delay, which is understandable given the great difficulty in putting any Western language, with its particular concepts, into comprehensible Chinese.
Here is the poorly written Italian piece from ADKRONOS.
Citta’ del Vaticano, 7 giu . – (Adnkronos) – E’ questione ormai di giorni per la pubblicazione della lettera del Papa indirizzata alla Chiesa e ai fedeli cinesi. E’ quanto apprende l’ADNKRONOS da fonti vaticane. Il testo sara’ pubblicato sotto forma di libretto, mentre un certo ritardo nella sua uscita e’ stato dovuto almeno in parte a problemi di traduzione, alla volonta’ insomma che ogni particolare fosse curato con estrema attenzione. Fra i punti qualificanti che la missiva dovrebbe contenere c’e’ quello riguardante un’apertura della Santa Sede al dialogo con la Chiesa ufficiale di Pechino, e in tal senso, dato che quest’ultima si trova sotto il controllo del governo, verrebbe di fatto manifestata una volonta’ concreta di dialogo con le autorita’ del regime cinese.
That means since the chineese letter will be issued the Motu Propio is right in back of it, I would speculate we will be seeing the Motu Propio during this coming week.
Qua ratione?
A bit off-topic, but I decided to mention this here-
Sacramentum Caritatis has been “re-translated” for the Vatican website-
Jonathan, it was previously reported that certain mistranslations in SC had been corrected. Are there any other changes and corrections you’re aware of besides those that have been discussed here?
All: I am shifting this thread drift on the Post-Synodal Exhortation to another entry.
Am I reading this correctly?…the Chinese letter is going to be issued in a few days? I couldnt read that “translation” on the front page so I dont know what is going on.
If it is going to be issued in a “matter of days” then this is very good news because the MP should be right behind. At the same time I would be very interested to see what this letter says, it should be very important information.
p.s. The “anti Spam” word was “Buy a Lewis & Short”…what does this mean? Usually the word is liturgically related.
It’s a Latin dictionary, known by the names of its primary editors.