A reader wrote with a question:
I have been reading your posts of individual Bishops who have responded publicly to the Motu Proprio. Is there anyway of knowing the Bishops/Dioceses that have chosen not to respond publicly to date?
Shall we help this fellow?
Perhaps we should limit this to brief statements rather than discussion.
To my knowledge, Bishop George Murry S.J. of Youngstown, Ohio has not. At least I have not heard anything here.
To my knowledge, Chicago’s Francis Cardinal George has stated nothing. And if he has, I’d love to know.
Bishop Paul Coakley of the Diocese of Salina Kansas has not commented on has not commented on the Motu Proprio as of yet. He is a good ang holy man but one adverse to controversy.
I don’t know that Bishop Vasa of the Baker Diocese in Oregon has published anything publicly, although he has written a letter to all the priests with his (bad) interpretation of it and we have had an email dialogue about it… he believes it is all about SSPX and nothing more. Not for us newer generation Catholics. We need to do the New Mass right and leave the old mass for the old fogeys… but that was a private email, not a public statement so…
Bishop Paul Loverde of Arlington, Virginia, has not issued a public statement to my knowledge. But he has discussed the papal decree at the last priests’ meeting, has designated a chancery priest to oversee its implementation, and has facilitated training in the classical Roman Rite for those priests who want it. Some have even gone to Denton for hands-on training. A priest of our diocese is a regular commenter here, and I would defer to him for any other details — except perhaps to say that our bishop may be remembered more for what he does than what he says.
I haven’t heard anything yet from Bp. Declan Lang, Clifton Diocese (Bristol UK), which is just down the road from Abp. Nichols’ Archdiocese…
As far as I know, the soon to be departing Cardinal Archbishop of Baltimore, William Keeler has said nothing nor has the Archbishop-Designate Edmund O’Brien.
As far as I know, the soon to be departing Cardinal Archbishop of Baltimore, William Keeler has said nothing nor has the Archbishop-Designate Edmund O’Brien.
As far as I know, the soon to be departing Cardinal Archbishop of Baltimore, William Keeler has said nothing nor has the Archbishop-Designate Edmund O’Brien.
Nothing public from Bishop Weigand of Sacramento to my knowledge. I am told that he did send an e-mail to all priests of the diocese in instructing them to “get familiar” with Summorum Pontificum, and that he’s arranging for the FSSP to train any diocesan priests who might be interested.
Nothing has come from Archbishop Harry Flynn of the St. Paul diocese, nor from the coadjutor. In a conversation I had with the director of the worship office, he indicated that there had been no discussion regarding issuing any statements.
I haven’t heard anything from Kevin Farrell in Dallas (but to be fair he is very new to the area and probably still getting up to speed). The Spanish version of the Diocese papge published a nice article about the MP though (I haven’t seen the English version, so I don’t konw if they correspond). As far as I know, Kevin Vann in Ft. Worth, who is relatively new, and a very good Bishop, hasn’t said anything either. In both cases (and living on the border between the two, I follow both as much as I can) I am hopeful; although the liturgies are generally uninspiring, Dallas has an FSSP Latin Mass community, and Ft. Worth borrows the priest for a mass their. …… both are far far away from me.
To the best of my knowledge Bishop Murphy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, Long Island, New York has uttered nary a peep about any implementation of his least favorite subject:the Classical Rite.
Rockville Centre is either the fourth or fifth largest{Catholic population}in the United States as far as diocese’s go.
Close to 2 million.
There is one indult mass, once a week, for the faithful.
This is typical of Rockville Centre.
Correction: I meant to say that the ordinary-Paul VI-liturgies of the dioceses are uninspiring, not the FSSP ones.
The Diocese of Little Rock is a year-plus without a bishop (pray for us!), but our diocesan administrator has called all of the diocese’s priests to Little Rock (the diocese covers all of Arkansas) in October to be trained in the Extraordinary Form by two FSSP priests.
The Diocese of Dallas’ bishop issued a letter on the MP. To me, it seems pretty positive. I’ve transcribed it and e-mailed it to Fr. Z.
To my knowledge, the Most Reverend Gerald A. Gettelfinger, Bishop of the Diocese of Evansville, Indiana, has said nothing regarding the motu proprio. I have recently been in touch with a fellow in Evansville (I’m away at college) who says the Extraordinary Form of the Mass will be offered once a month in Evansville starting Sept. 16, only to be “re-evaluated” by His Excellency in 6 months time. In the past, this parish had been denied. Their current pastor plans to say the liturgy himself, and they are even installing the original communion rails that were put into storage in 1970.
I actually just mailed a letter to the Bishop regarding the motu proprio last week. We’ll see what he has to say.
To my knowledge, the Most Reverend Gerald A. Gettelfinger, Bishop of the Diocese of Evansville, Indiana, has said nothing regarding the motu proprio. I have recently been in touch with a fellow in Evansville (I’m away at college) who says the Extraordinary Form of the Mass will be offered once a month in Evansville starting Sept. 16, only to be “re-evaluated” by His Excellency in 6 months time. In the past, this parish had been denied. Their current pastor plans to say the liturgy himself, and they are even installing the original communion rails that were put into storage in 1970.
I actually just mailed a letter to the Bishop regarding the motu proprio last week. We’ll see what he has to say.
Nothing has officially been said on the MP by Bishop Joseph Martino of the diocese of Scranton Pennsylvania, but a fairly nice news article was published in the diocesan news paper shortly after the Motu Proprio was published. Rumors in the diocese have it that the parish priest at St. John Neumann in Lords Valley pa. was approached by a rather large number of persons and asked for a Traditional use Mass. The priest who is very progressive informed them, the rumor has it, that he did not know how to say the Mass according to the extraordinary use, the group then called the diocese and the chancellery sent some one to train the pastor. If this is true it would be a significant shift of attitude towards the Older Use coming form the Scranton Chancellery.
I’m guessing Cdl. George of Chicago hasn’t put anything out because there’s not really a need for him to.
Cardinal George has been exceedingly generous with his support of the extraordinary form, in my opinion.
And now, when we are hearing so much about this parish and that parish in the Archdiocese planning on starting an extraordinary form after 9/14, I’d guess that the Motu was well-received. I have NEVER heard of anyone having trouble getting an extraordinary form Mass in Chicago when they requested it – not saying it hasn’t ever happened, just that I’m not aware of it.
If he doesn’t love the old Mass, he’s at least charitable to those who do – he is a supporter of the Society of St. John Cantius (it was he, after all, who gave the Society the “go-ahead” to form in the first place), and he welcomed the Institute of Christ the King into Chicago – actually, he requested them.
I certainly wouldn’t know for sure, though. Just my thoughts, and I would be interested to read something in the Catholic New World about it.
H.E. Bishop Peter Jugis, of Charlotte Diocese, composing more-or-less the western half of North Carolina, has not responded. Though “the word on the street” is that he intends to respond on September 14th. We anxiously await his statement.
Nothing public from Bishop Tonnos of the Diocese of Hamilton, Ontario, to my knowledge.
I don’t think Bishop Clark of Rochester has said anything. In fact almost no notice has been made of the MP in all of the diocese. Certainly nothing from the Pulpit.
I don’t think Bishop Clark of Rochester has said anything. In fact almost no notice has been made of the MP in all of the diocese. I think they hope to ignore it here.
To my knowledge, His Excellency Ronald Herzog of the Diocese of Alexandria, LA has released no public statement.
To my knowledge, His Excellency Ronald Herzog of the Diocese of Alexandria, LA has released no public statement.
To my knowledge, His Excellency Wilton Gregory of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, GA has released no public statement.
Abp. Henry J. Mansell, of Hartford, CT, has remained silent in public. The article on the MP in the archdiocesan newspaper avoided quoting him or anyone else in the chancery. Another article in the same paper (August edition) written by the editor, who is also the censor librorum of the diocese and an important theological voice there, repeatedly referred to the traditional Mass as “Mass in Latin”. Evidently he does not read this blog…
I still haven’t heard anything from HE Patrick J. McGrath of the Diocese of San Jose, California. Can’t find anything on their homepage.
I sent a short e-mail to the diocese about two months ago and have yet recieved no response:
10 July 2007
Has His Excellency addressed the Holy Father’s motu proprio, Summorum Pontificum, promulgated on 7 July 2007?
If HE Bishop McGrath has made an announcement, where can I obtain a copy?
If His Excellency has not yet made a statement, will he; and if so, when?
Thank you,
–Guy H. Power
Bishop Willaim Murphy of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY has been
silent on the issue. The weekly TLM for all of Nassau country is in a defunct
Junior seminary. Suffolk county has only one TLM each month.
The Archbishop of San Francisco, Mgr George Niederauer, has made no public statement about the motu proprio. And it’s perhaps relevant to note that we have no indult Mass anywhere in the archdiocese.
The Archbishop of San Francisco, Mgr George Niederauer, has made no public statement about the motu proprio. And it’s perhaps relevant to note that we have no indult Mass anywhere in the archdiocese.
Bishop Carl Mengeling of the Diocese of Lansing has not.
In the July 15, 2007 edition of THE CATHOLIC MOMENT (Diocese of
> Lafayette, Indiana), the following article quoting our bishop was
> printed:
> Bishop: Unanswered questions remain about actual practice
> The Catholic Moment
> Pope Benedict XVI’s relaxation of restrictions on the use of the Latin
> Mass leaves unanswered questions regarding the actual practice, says
> Bishop William L. Higi.
> The pope’s directive was issued July 7 to bishops worldwide. When
> interviewed by The Catholic Moment, Bishop Higi said he understands
> the Holy Father’s desire to retain the Tridentine Massas an
> extraordinary part of Catholic liturgy, and is fully supportive, but
> he questions whether it will be possible to provide it in the Local
> Church .
> By letter, Bishop Higi asked priests across the diocese to wait to see
> how procedural details are addressed by the Secretariat for the
> Liturgy of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
> The pope noted that use of the 1962 Missal “presupposes a certain
> degree of liturgical formation and some knowledge of the Latin
> language; neither of these is found very often.â€
> Bishop Higi, who was ordained in 1959, agreed.
> “Even though I celebrated the Tridentine Mass for several years, I
> would no longer be able to do so using the Roman Missal of 1962 (the
> required text) without significant study of the rubrics and a
> refresher course in Latin,†he said. “I suspect that is true of most
> of not all priests of the diocese.â€
> “In this Local Church , pastoral sensitivity suggests an in-depth
> study of Spanish rather than Latin,†he said.
> The pope’s directive states that a priest must be qualified to
> celebrate Latin Masses before he can celebrate one. But it sheds no
> light on who decides whose qualifications.
> The 1962 Missal also requires the use of altar boys – not girls – and
> they must be capable of responding to the celebrant in Latin. Choirs
> also probably would have to be trained in the Gregorian chant, Bishop
> Higi said. The 1962 calendar would be followed, because no mixture of
> the 1962 missal and the current missal will be allowed. Only one form
> of Communion would be available.
> Pope Benedict XVI said that any priest, without further permission,
> could celebrate the Latin Mass without the people at almost any time,
> and that laypeople could be admitted if they spontaneously requested
> to do so. It remains unclear whether such a Mass could be scheduled.
> The pope’s directive states that where any group of parishioners
> attached to the Latin Mass “exists stably†it may request a pastor to
> offer one.
> Apparently, when only one Sunday Mass is offered, Latin may not be
> used.
> No definition of “group†or “exists stably†was offered.
> [This document is not yet online at the diocesan website]
Nothing from the bishops of Australia
H.E. Gerald Barbarito of Palm Beach, FL, has published nothing of which I am aware. An other member of the diocese called the chancery in July and was simply referred to the one indult Mass for the diocese. An email to the Office of Liturgy regarding any planned promulgation or implementation was answered with a referral to my pastor. Another email of August 24 to inquire whether Palm Beach was adopting the norms for implementing “Summorum Pontificum” developed by the Diocese of St. Augustine (as Most Rev. John H. Ricard stated they will be adopted throughout Florida) has remained unanswered.
D of Knoxville TN: No mention in our parish bulletin nor on the diocesan web site. It should be noted that the see is vacant at the moment.
Nothing from Bishop David Choby of the Diocese of Nashville, Tennessee, to my knowledge.
Why aren’t we hearing from priests and bishops about celebrating the “ordinary” rite in Latin? The priests at St. John Cantius Church in Chicago have been celebtating the Novus Ordo in Latin on Sunday at 11 o’clock for many years now. Why must they remain (practically) unique?
Nichts from J. Peter Sartain of Joliet
I live in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, Long Island,
New York. I often correspond with Sr. Sheila Browne who
was head of Liturgy and Worship for the Diocese…she
is no longer….here is a copy of an email she sent
in regard to the Summorum Pontificum:
Hi Jeanne,
As I said in the last email, I’m just back from vacation.
Fr. Andrzej, the new Director of the Office if Worship has written to each priest in the diocese concerning Summorum Pontificum. Depending on the responses of the priests, some things will be in place by September 14. Nothing specific has been decided yet. For sure, whatever that is, will be in conformity with the Pope’s letter.
Sr. Sheila.
Jeanne Hunter
Southold, New York
I live in the Diocese of Rockville Centre, Long Island,
New York. I often correspond with Sr. Sheila Browne who
was head of Liturgy and Worship for the Diocese…she
is no longer….here is a copy of an email she sent
in regard to the Summorum Pontificum:
Hi Jeanne,
As I said in the last email, I’m just back from vacation.
Fr. Andrzej, the new Director of the Office if Worship has written to each priest in the diocese concerning Summorum Pontificum. Depending on the responses of the priests, some things will be in place by September 14. Nothing specific has been decided yet. For sure, whatever that is, will be in conformity with the Pope’s letter.
Sr. Sheila.
Jeanne Hunter
Southold, New York
Apart from Archbishop Nichols, I haven’t heard of any English bishop saying anything publicly. Have they?
I’ve heard nothing from Bishop Leonard Blair of Toledo, although my guess is that he’ll be very faithful to the mandates of the Holy Father.
Roger Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles has said nothing publicly nor does the archdiocesan website contain any reference to the motu proprio. The coverage in the Tidings, our diocesn newspaper, has been negative for the most part. This, despite the fact that there has been an active petition process underway for more than two years trying to obtain greater access to the TLM and despite the fact that independent chapels and the SSPX have been thriving for years.
Re. the English bishops,
Cardinal Murphy-O’Connor’s statement is here [interesting that the diocese has created a “debate” forum, isn’t it!]: http://www.rcdow.org.uk/cardinal/default.asp?library_ref=1&content_ref=1434
Mgr Kieran Conry of Arundel and Brighton made some sharply negative comments to The Telegraph: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2007/07/07/wmass107.xml
Mgr Nichols’s sermon at the Oxford conference is now well known, but he made an earlier statement as well (also favorable): http://www.birminghamdiocese.org.uk/page14.asp
Jean-Claude Cardinal Turcotte, archdiocese of Montreal: nada, nothing, zip.
Bishop Michael Saltarelli of the Diocese of Wilmington has made no public statements but was quoted in the diocesan newspaper, The Dialog, on July 12. “I believe that the Masses currently being celebrated at St. Patrick’s [Wilmington, 10 a.m. on the first, third & fifth Sunday] and at Holy Cross [Dover, 3 p.m. on the third Sunday] certainly respond to the needs of those who seek this particular Mass…[The diocese does not have enough priests trained in Latin] to offer beyond what we currently have. Even though I was trained to celebrate that Mass early in my priesthood [ordained in 1960], I did not easily remember all the rubrics necessary to celebrate it” when he offered the Mass a few years ago at Holy Cross.
Nothing from the Diocese of Biloxi Mississippi (the Most Rev. Thomas J. Rodi).
The August 31 issue of the Gulf Pine Catholic devoted a page to the “Latin Mass” consisting of the two articles from Catholic News Service by Father Eugene Hemrick and Father Peter J. Daly.
H.E. Fabian Bruskewitz of the Lincoln, NE diocese has said nothing officially(at least to my knowledge) and when I asked my pastor about having the extraordinary rite, he said noone had requested it (I have!!) and probably won’t and he doesn’t plan to announce it or promote it, and sadly it seems like that is the way it is in most of this deanery. Maybe we will be surprised on Sept. 14. Pray for us
H.E. Fabian Bruskewitz of the Lincoln, NE diocese has said nothing officially(at least to my knowledge) and when I asked my pastor about having the extraordinary rite, he said noone had requested it (I have!!) and probably won’t and he doesn’t plan to announce it or promote it, and sadly it seems like that is the way it is in most of this deanery. Maybe we will be surprised on Sept. 14. Pray for us
H.E. Fabian Bruskewitz of the Lincoln, NE diocese has said nothing officially(at least to my knowledge) and when I asked my pastor about having the extraordinary rite, he said noone had requested it (I have!!) and probably won’t and he doesn’t plan to announce it or promote it, and sadly it seems like that is the way it is in most of this deanery. Maybe we will be surprised on Sept. 14. Pray for us
Thaliarch –
Watch EWTN’s “The World Over Live” on 9/14.
Fr. Dennis Kolinski of St John Cantius will be interviewed, and I’m certain they’ll
touch on the Normative Mass in Latin.
You know, in some (many?) cases, you might do better not to prod a bishop into making a statement…
After all, in those cases, then motu proprio stands by itself, doesn’t it?
Just a suggestion…
Bishop Blaze Cupich of the Rapid City Dioceses has made no public comment on the MP .
now Arch Bishop Chaput of Denver invited the FSSP in 1992 and under him we had all the sacraments
Afew years after being appoionted to the Rapid City Dioceses Bishop Cupich took all the sacraments away. If I understand the MP right he pretty much has to give them back.
So we are waiting to see what happens Sept.14th ck your blog every day keep up the
good work. also I’ve seen no official statement from the Knights of Columbus.
… better not to prod a bishop into making a statement…After all, in those cases, then motu proprio stands by itself…-Fr Martin Fox
I agree. I want my father’s blessing but the whole point of the MP is that I don’t need it. A higher Father has spoken.
For those who might be interested to know; No news yet from the Bishops’Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei. There are at least a couple of hundreds of Traddies in
Singapore (relatively small compared to 160 000 Catholics), waiting anxiously to attend
the Extraordinary Form.
Fr Greg Rowles writes that nothing has been said by the bishops of Australia. I think the ACBC has issued a general press release, and His Grace Philip Wilson, Archbishop of Adelaide, has released the following statement (published in the diocesan newspaper, and in “internal” bulletins).
“Use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of1 9 7 0
Pope Benedict XVI has issued the motu proprio, Summorum Pontificium on the use of the Roman Liturgy prior to the reform of 1970. It is accompanied by a letter from the Pope to each diocesan bishop.
In the letter, the Pope entrusts the application of the regulations to the diocesan bishop. T h e regulations confirm the practice which already exists in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. I am very grateful to Fr David Thoroughgood and the Latin Mass community for their contribution to the life of the Archdiocese. I look forward to the further development of this community in accordance with the norms of this motu proprio. While the Missal of Paul VI remains the ordinary expression of the Latin Roman rite, the motu proprio recognises the “Missale autem Romanum AS. Pio V promulgatum et a B Joanne XXIII denuo editum†as the extraordinary expression of the lex orandi. Both are linked by the one Communion of Faith that recognises them and authorises their use. Our responsibility is to be formed by both of them as the one People of God united in love. Please see attached press release from the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.”
Sean Cardinal O’Malley has not made any official statement, aside froma few comments on his Blog to the effect that there is little demand in New England and for wayward Catholics in Europe.
Sean Cardinal O’Malley has not made any official statement, aside froma few comments on his Blog to the effect that there is little demand in New England and for wayward Catholics in Europe.
To my knowledge, His Excellency Bishop Paul J. Swaine of Sioux Falls, South Dakota has issued no official statement.
Unless I missed something, there has been no word from Bishop Campbell in Columbus, Ohio other than a short article in the diocesan newspaper a few weeks after the motu proprio was released. It said that the bishop would be examining the document and sending a letter to the priests of the diocese.
Joseph Mansfield:
I believe that Bishop Kurtz released a statement–it should be in the archives on this site–before it was announced that he was becoming the Archbishop of Louisville.
Another Rob
As far as I know, Abp. Justin Cardinal Rigali of Philadelphia, PA has not made a public statement. He did write a letter to the priests of the Archdiocese, but I don’t believe its contents have been made public.
Japan: No Comments AFAIK
I have just returned from Sapporo, Japan and have not been able to find any
message on the diocese’s website pertaining to the MP. I visited the cathedral on a Saturday; it’s a nice (and somewhat small) old traditional church built in 1891 (if I recall) and didn’t see any notice posted — either in English or Japanese. I was plesantly surprised the cathedral was not a modern concrete monstrosity as is the Tokyo cathedral.
Presaging Bp. Peter Jinushi’s lack of comment, perhaps, is the interior of the traditional church (now cathedral): the altar rail is missing and they have a “resurrection crucifix”. (They do have a nice organ, statues, a deep bas-relief carving of the Agnus Dei in the ceiling above where the old altar used to be.) I was earlier told by a Sapporo priest, via e-mail, that Japanese norms are to receive the Blessed Sacrament in the hand while standing — I infered that kneeling and receiving on the tongue would not be welcome.
I do not think Sapporo — or Japan, for that matter — will embrace the MP. Nothing on the MP from the Catholic Bishops Conference of Japan regarding the MP:
http://www.cbcj.catholic.jp/eng/jcn/aug2007.htm (covers the 14 July period)
About the D. of Sapporo:
Jya, mata!
I have not yet seen anything from Bishops Smith (Trenton) or Galante (Camden) in New Jersey. The Trenton Diocese paper (The Monitor) did take space, however, to print Fr. Daly’s wretched CNS article.
I stand corrected on Camden: their website has several items posted at the top, including a very positive (though unsigned) statement: http://www.camdendiocese.org
Bishop George Lucas has stated nothing publicly. However, the diocesan newspaper mentioned in it that it would be good for all Catholics to learn some Latin. In my letter to His Excellency, the response I received was one of things take time, they can’t happen overnight. He has not allowed an indult mass to this point, and I don’t think he is jumping at the chance to have the Tridentine Mass in his diocese. You can checkout the forum I created on the Diocesan Website on the topic at http://www.dio.org/component/option,com_fireboard/Itemid,33/func,view/id,4/catid,2/
To my knowledge, Bishop Randolph Calvo of the Diocese of Reno, Nevada has not issued a statement.
I know Japan is a Catholic wasteland, the labors of 400 years of Martyrs and missionaries all for naught, with the number of native Catholics in steep decline since 1970 (hint, hint), I fear young Subdeacon Ueda of the ICKSP will return to his homeland less a John Vianney than a Francisco Xavier, with nothing to work on or with. Or more likely, by having been trained at Gricigliano, he will never be welcome in Japan as a priest by the local “Successors of the Apostles” unless he arrives in a box. Sad
I do not think there has been any statement at all from any Canadian bishop on the MP.
Just to correct Fr Greg Rowles OFM Cap: from the Bishop of Parramatta, Bishop Kevin Manning: http://www.parra.catholic.org.au/Bishop/Bishop-letters.htm
Just to correct Fr Greg Rowles OFM Cap: from the Bishop of Parramatta, Bishop Kevin Manning: http://www.parra.catholic.org.au/Bishop/Bishop-letters.htm
Bishop Richard Garcia of Monterey, California, has not said anything yet. However, my sources tell me that a Pastoral Letter will soon be issued, which will address the Motu proprio, as well as where the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite will be celebrated regularly in the diocese of Monterey. We currently have no such liturgies. He is our new bishop and in a press conference he stated that he was friendly towards the “old Mass”. We are waiting patiently! I will keep you posted, Father Z!
Nothing from Carlos Sevilla, Bishop of Yakima, WA. I heard he is waiting for the USCCB in Washington DC to come up with something “official” that he can share with us.
Nothing from the Diocese of Sendai, Japan, that I know of–at least nothing mentioned by the pastor in Misawa.
Also nothing from the Archdiocese of the US Military that I know of, but that may be because Archbishop O’Brien is on his way to Baltimore.
RLP-not surprising about Yakima. Bp. Sevilla has never been particularly friendly to the extraordinary form, always limiting it to the far south, in Tri-Cities, in spite of requests for celebration in Yakima.
Apologies, I forgot about the no commentary request. Let’s try again:
Sendai, Japan, nothing.
Archdiocese for the U.S. Military: nothing.
I don’t recall Bp. Vigneron (Diocese of Oakland) saying anything, and a search of the diocese’s website for “summorum” gives no hits.
Bp. Vigneron is very cool, btw, and loves good liturgy. If he has made a statement, I suspect it will be very good.
Rob — It’s true that Cdl. O’Malley has not issued a formal statement, but the Archdiocese sort of acknowledged the existence of the MP (while the Cardinal was on vacation). It’s on the Archdiocese website, but AFAIK that’s all (it might have been in the Pilot, but I never read the Pilot). News/Events
July 18, 2007 – Statement Following the Recent Release Of the Motu Proprio. It’s so meaningless I don’t know if it counts.
Archbishop Lipscomb of Mobile has not released anything yet. From what I hear around the Chancery, there is not much of an interest:(
Archbishop Gregory hasn’t said anything, to my knowledge, but he doesn’t need to. We have an indult parish in the suburbs that began under his predecessor, and since he has taken office, he has allowed priests from the FSSP parish to celebrate the Extraordinary form in several other parishes around the city, including the Cathedral of Christ the King.
All well before the MP was anything more than a giant rumour.
Nothing from Bishop David Choby of the Diocese of Nashville, Tennessee, to my knowledge.
My understanding is that he will be issuing a statement in the very near future…
Cardinal O’Malley (Boston) – mention on blog
Bishop McDonnell (Springfield) – no
Bishop Coleman (Fall River) – no
Bishop McManus (Worcester) – no
Bishop Tobin (Providence) – don’t think so, maybe something in RI Catholic
Nothing to my knowledge from His Excellency Robert Carlson in the Diocese of Saginaw, Michigan
Only one from the Bishops of Lithuania.
Archbishop Tamkevicius, SJ of Kaunas, Lithuania stated his committment to the implementation of the MP at the start of Gregorian Chant Studies Week at the Benedictine Monastery in Kelme Lithuania, in mid July about the importance of the Traditional Mass.
There was also a comment by the Papal Nuncio the Baltic States, Archbishop Zurbriggen on the importance of the TLM.
Nothing from Bishop Betrulis of Siauliai even though he has celebrated the TLM at the Chartres Pilgramage and met with Michael Davies. I sent an email to the Diocese of Siauliai asking for a comment and there has been no response.
The news article on Rev. Haynes, S.J.C celebrating the TLM at the Marian Shrine of Siluva, Lithuania was correct in stating it was the first TLM celebrated there since 1990 but the TLM has been celebrated here and there since 1990.
If anyone wants more info on the TLM in Lithuania contact me at rmedonis@yahoo.com
Msgr. John Michael D’Arcy of Fort Wayne – South Bend in Indiana has only briefly acknowledged the motu proprio, and has made no official statement on the matter.
El Zilcho from Bishop Michael Driscoll of the Diocese of Boise.
I don’t believe Archbishop Timothy Dolan of Milwaukee has made any public statement about the MP.
Fr. Z,
Please remove the comment at 2:44pm on September 4th. The newspaper of the Archdiocese of Hartford just came through the door today. The Archhbishop’s column addressed “Summorum Pontificum”. Statement to follow if I can get my hands on an electronic version.
So far the Bishop of Peoria, Illinois, has not had anything to say about the motu proprio. As I mentioned here before, the diocesan Director of Divine Worship, Fr. Stanley Deptula, made some comments about it in the diocesan newspaper. One of his comments was that we’ll be hearing more from the diocese about it in the weeks and months ahead. But nothing from Bishop Jenky yet.
I have been told, however, that Msgr. Richard Soseman, pastor of one of the parishes in the diocese where the Tridentine Mass is offered, is going to be leading workshops for any priest in our diocesan who wants to learn or have his memory refreshed about how to celebrate the Extraordinary Use of the Roman Rite. So, although the diocese seems to be quiet about the motu proprio, things are happening and I expect Summorum Pontificum will begin to bear good fruit here in the months and years ahead.