I am having a delightful time in England, meeting wonderful people and seeing some interesting things.
However, my connectivity to the internet has been nearly total disaster. In the one brief stretch I was actually able to download anything, I had over 1000 e-mails come in. Some of those were important. However, I can’t usually stay connected long enough to get much done. For example, I have every intention of tearing to quivvering shreads the stupidest of all diocesan statements about Summorum Pontificum I have seen to date: Portsmouth. I had it waiting for me in my e-mail box several days ago.
People were talking about the Portsmouth statement last night at a reception of the Latin Mass Society which took place at the lovely old Travelers Club in central London, Pall Mall area. Folks were pretty much stunned in disbelief that such a puprosely obtuse statement could see the light of day.
But I digress…
Yesterday the day dawned crisp and sunny. A priest friend and I zoomed into London to see The Merchant of Venice at The Globe Theatre. I have longed to go to that theater for many years, since I heard of the building project, as a matter of fact. It was a great pleasure and satisifying. Later, we visited Westminster Cathedral and heard the boy’s choir at Mass. Very nice.
Then off I went to the Travelers for the abovementioned reception.
Soon I am off to Rome, for various errands and hijinx.
My first task today, however, is to find a way to stay online for an extended period.
“I am having a delightful time in England … However, my connectivity to the internet has been nearly total disaster.”
OK Father, I was wrong – obviously we don’t have modern technology here in England.
Good to see you Father yesterday at the LMS celebration at the Travellers Club. After that conversation about Michael Rose’s book, I think I’ll have to redouble the Marian prayers for that seminary we talked of.
Not that I want to increase your work-load, but we would sure love to hear a new podcazt! I’m trying to get some friends to start tuning into them, I encourage other readers to do the same!