… at least for a little while.
Some of you WDTPRS vets have seen the Z-Cam in times past.
I used to have it set up and on in the chapel of "The Sabine Farm", where I live when I am in the USA.
After some experimentation, I found a way to get much clearer audio. Therefore I will have to do some new recording and mixing. The old mp3s I made just don’t cut it any more, I’m afraid.
I haven’t decided whether it will be on live for Mass.
There is something one of you could do, however.
Perhaps someone who is good at this sort of thing could redo the ad hoc webpage I slap-dashed together. Maybe contacting me by -e-mail would be the best approach.
I missed the Z-Cam and Radio Sabina! I’m glad it’s back! :-)
Vincenzo did a beautiful job on the Z-Cam page redesign.
Thank you so much for the Z-Cam; I\’ve missed it!! I always enjoyed it and am grateful you decided to dust it off and turn it on.
How long until return to Rome?
God Bless you. Your work is deeply appreciated by many.
What luck! I happened to catch Fr. Z saying Mass! Very beautiful and reverent! :-)
It would be helpful if you were to post when you usually celebrate mass so it won’t just be hit and miss for those who are interested but don’t know when to tune in.