I just want to bring back to the fore the work of Manlio Sodi.
This is a Salesian who has been virulently opposed to Pope Benedict’s provisions in Summorum Pontificum.
Do not forget who this guy is.
I just want to bring back to the fore the work of Manlio Sodi.
This is a Salesian who has been virulently opposed to Pope Benedict’s provisions in Summorum Pontificum.
Do not forget who this guy is.
Comments are closed.
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
- Fulton Sheen
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- C.S. Lewis
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Oh, no! Mystery!!!
Fr. Z
Is there a scoop?
OK Fr. Z,
You must have caught a whiff of something coming soon. I can wait.
As Ayay? said, “Mystery”
Oh, don’t let it be true; as a worst case scenario, the man has a promotion coming up…
Perhaps some digging and discuss of Fr. Sodi’s work and positions is in order.
Does the Diocese of Irkutsk have a vacancy?
Perhaps some digging and discuss of Fr. Sodi’s work and positions is in order.
So that when he gets what’s coming to him, we’ll know why?
Perhaps a “Notification on the works of Manlio Sodi… ” by the CDF coming?
And let’s not forget the higher-level Salesians who have the confidence of Pope Benedict.
As one who grew up near a Salesian foundation, and whose Catholic faith was flavored by the stories of St. John Bosco, St. Dominic Savio, and the other great Salesians, my policy has always been: any friend of (good) Salesians is a friend of mine.
Why, Fr. Z?
So much of what he says is just more blather. What’s the reason we have to remember *this* one?
A Salesian? Isnt a central aspect of Salesian spirituality a strong sense of charity?
Manlio Sodi soon new CDW Secretary with Ranjit Prefect? New Archbishop of Pisa??
Apostolic Visitator in Antartica???
Syriacus: Manlio Sodi soon new CDW Secretary with Ranjit Prefect?
Wouldn’t that be unfortunate?
Perhaps it would be good for people to start digging on what this fellow has written and then express their opinions to H.E. Tarcisio Card. Bertone?
Syriacus: Manlio Sodi soon new CDW Secretary with Ranjit Prefect?
Fr Z: Wouldn’t that be unfortunate?
Father, please say it ain’t so!
I don’t have any Italian, but perhaps this dated bibliography will help someone take up Father’s invitation.
Fr. Z: Oohhhh! Now I get it.
To everyone else: Google the culprit’s name, read what you find and then do as Fr. Z asks.
A Short Profile
Manlio Sodi
Salesian Pontifical University
Professor Ordinary of Liturical Sacraments and Pastoral Liturgy
E-mail: sodi@ups.urbe.it
Born in Sinalunga (Siena) on 22 January 1944.
Licentiate in Theology (SPU)
Licentiate in Liturgy (SPU)
Doctorate in Liturgy (SPU)
1978 – Present : Editor of Liturgics Magazine (founded 1914)
1984 – 1999 : Consult to the Congregation for Divine Worship
1994 – Present : Consult to Office of Litrugical Celebration of the Supreme Pontiff
1999 – Present : Ordinary member of Pontifical Academy of Theology
Is as a consultant liturgical works with architects studies for the construction of new churches or their adjustment as determined by the liturgical reform desired by the Second Vatican Council (various churches of which are the Presbytery of Rome and the Temple of Don Bosco).
An interesting note: A “Traditionalist” (seems to be of schismatic attitude, actually)site lists books to use, one of which is:
Edited by Manlio Sodi and Achille Maria Triacca, consisting of the Breviary as revised after the Council of Trent and promulgated by Pope St. Pius V.
Some words attributed and translated:
Da “Presenza” 1/2007 From “Presence” 1 / 2007
Animatori parrocchiali convenuti ai Salesiani di Ancona per riflettere sui cardini della vita cristiana – Introduzione dell’Arcivescovo e relazione del prof. Animators parish agreed to the Salesians of Ancona to reflect hinges on the life of Archbishop Christian-Introduction and report Professor. don Manlio Sodi – Lavori di gruppo. Don Manlio Sodi-work group.
“Al centro di ogni azione ecclesiale vi è adorazione e santificazione”, dove nel rito si compie la Verità animata dalla preghiera. “At the center of every action there is the Church worship and sanctification”, where the ritual takes place inspired by the Truth prayer. “Ogni azione liturgica non è privata, ma della Chiesa. “Every liturgical action is not private, but of the Church. L’indole comunitaria della preghiera, la visione cristico-sacrale della Chiesa, la liturgia sono patrimonio di popolo, l’ineffabilità del corredo umano. The character of the community prayer, vision cristico-sacrale Church, the liturgy are patrimony of the people, ineffabilità the accompanying human. La liturgia come anima e forza, come sorgente di grazia”, ci rende “missionari del Padre come Gesù”. The liturgy as soul and strength, as a source of grace “makes us” missionaries of the Father as Jesus. ” Vivendo ed amando la liturgia si apre la strada della santità come traguardo accessibile a tutti i fedeli calati nell’esperienza cristiana con coerenza e coraggio. Living and loving the liturgy opens the path of holiness goal as accessible to all the faithful in Christian dropped with consistency and courage.
Con queste parole l’Arcivesco-vo Edoardo ha aperto i lavori di “Liturgia e santità”, tema da lui proposto per il convegno ecclesiale diocesano (4 e 5 gennaio) ospitato dai padri salesiani al cinema Italia, di cui è stato relatore don Manlio Sodi, docente di liturgia alla Pontificia Università Salesiana di Roma alla presenza dei delegati di With these words the Arcivesco-vo Edward opened the work of “Liturgy and holiness,” he proposed theme for the conference diocesan Church (4 and 5 January) hosted by the Salesian fathers Movie Italy, which was rapporteur don Manlio Sodi, professor of liturgy at Salesian Pontifical University in Rome in the presence of delegates from
tutte le parrocchie e delle aggregazioni laicali della nostra diocesi, che riuniti in quattro gruppi di studio hanno poi affrontato il tema della liturgia, dei suoi simboli e dei suoi significati, legata al progetto di santità. All parishes and lay our diocese, which met in four study groups have also dealt with the theme of the liturgy, its symbols and its meanings, linked to the draft holiness.
Parola di Dio, celebrazione e carità sono dimensioni essenziali della vita cristiana vissuta e di un progetto di educazione alla fede. Word of God, celebration and love are essential dimensions of the Christian life lived and a draft education in the faith. Entrando nel merito della dimensione liturgica, don Manlio Sodi, nei numerosi rimandi alla lettera pastorale del nostro Vescovo, ha posto l’accento sulla celebrazione: linguaggio e rituali simbolici. Entering the substance of the liturgical dimension, Mr. Manlio Sodi, in the numerous references to the pastoral letter of our Bishop, has put the emphasis on celebration: language and symbolic rituals. “Aspetti che toccano tutti, giovani, adulti, animatori pastorali e consentono di portare a termine la proposta di fede attraverso corrette celebrazioni che rispettano vita e liturgia”. “Issues that affect everyone, young adults, pastoral and allow to complete the proposed faith through accurate celebrations that respect life and liturgy.”
Ribadendo che la liturgia è Gesù Cristo, non i riti, il relatore ha posto Emmaus come fondamento metodologico e formativo dell’animazione pastorale, in quanto accostarsi e camminare insieme è la pedagogia che va assunta nell’azione liturgica. Reiterating that the liturgy is Jesus Christ, not the rituals, the rapporteur has Emmaus as training and methodological foundation’s pastoral approach and as a walk together is the education that should be taken in Iraq. “Il paradigma di Emmaus fa emergere un insieme di elementi che hanno come punti essenziali di intreccio la Parola e l’Eucarestia”. “The paradigm of Emmaus reveals all the elements which are essential points of the tangle Word and Eucharist.”
Primo passo dell’educazione alla liturgia è “la preghiera, come dialogo con Cristo, primo passaggio per la santità”. First step of the liturgy is “the prayer as dialogue with Christ, the first step to holiness.” Traguardo di liturgia e santità si delinea nell’esperienza di preghiera, in quanto “sua fonte e culmine è l’Eucarestia”. The finish of liturgy and holiness is shaping up in the experience of prayer, as “its source and summit is the Eucharist.”
Educare dunque all’azione liturgica significa celebrare la liturgia della vita, in cui “l’agire dell’uomo avviene secondo la volontà del Signore, nell’Eucarestia celebriamo il corpo e il sangue di Cristo e il nostro corpo e il nostro sangue. Educating therefore liturgical means to celebrate the liturgy of life, in which “the act of in accordance with the will of the Lord in the Eucharist celebrating the body and blood of Christ and our bodies and our blood. Nella celebrazione allora troviamo la sintesi: il senso e la fonte di vita”. In celebration then find the summary: the meaning and the source of life “.
Allora è possibile cogliere nel tempo dell’Avvento l’attesa, il suo compimento nel Natale, l’accoglienza nel tempo ordinario, nella Quaresima il cammino come dimensione costitutiva della persona, nella Pasqua il passaggio e il cambiamento e nel tempo ordinario, ultima parte dell’anno liturgico, il traguardo nell’incontro con Dio. Then you can take in the time of the delay, its fulfillment in Christmas reception in Ordinary Time, in the way Lent as constitutive dimension of the person, in the Easter shift and change over time and ordinary last part the liturgical year, the goal in the encounter with God.
“I sacramenti sono via e scuola di educazione alla santità e alla mistica. “The sacraments are away and school education holiness and mysticism. – ha sottolineato don Manlio Sodi – Essi rappresentano il vertice dell’esperienza misterica cristiana, che ha origine e fondamento nella rigenerazione battesimale, quindi nella confermazione dove il mistero della Pasqua diventa attualizzazione dell’opera dello Spirito Santo, ed ha come culmine l’Eucarestia, convitto nuziale alla mensa della Parola”. He stressed don Manlio Sodi-They represent the summit of the Christian mystery, which originates and foundation in baptismal regeneration, and in confirmation where the mystery of Easter becomes Update of the Holy Spirit, and as the culmination Eucharist , boarding wedding at the table of the Word “. Ed ancora “la penitenza come riconciliazione nella morte e resurrezione, il matrimonio, come alleanza nuziale simbolo dell’unione di Cristo con la Chiesa, il sacramento dell’Ordine come prolungamento del ministero di Cristo che genera e unifica la vita del popolo di Dio, ed infine quello dell’unzione agli infermi, per essere partecipi della vittoria pasquale”. And yet “as penance reconciliation in death and resurrection, the marriage covenant marriage as a symbol of the union of Christ with the Church, the sacrament as a continuation of the ministry of Christ that generates and unifies the life of the People of God, and finally what dell’unzione the sick, to be partakers of victory Easter.
Una vita mistica, dunque percorribile da tutti, perché educata alla scuola dei santi misteri, le cui conclusioni il relatore le ha affidate alle parole di san Paolo, il quale esprime la comunione sempre più perfetta con il mistero di Cristo quando accenna al cristiano con – sofferente, con – crocifisso, con – morto, con – sepolto, con – resuscitato, con – vivificato, con – vivente, con – glorificato, co – erede, con – sedente, con – cittadino e con –regnante. A mystical life, then accessible by all, because educated at the school of the holy mysteries, whose conclusions the rapporteur has entrusted to the words of Saint Paul, who expresses the ever more perfect communion with the mystery of Christ when mentioned with the Christian – Suffering with the crucified – with-dead, buried – with-raised, with-life, living-with-glorified, co – heir with sitting – with-citizen and -regnante.
Sono queste le tessere che strutturano il grande mosaico della vita mistica. These are the cards that the great mosaic structure of the mystical life.
Val. Rab.
Syriacus: Manlio Sodi soon new CDW Secretary with Ranjit Prefect?
Fr Z: Wouldn’t that be unfortunate?
Father, please say it ain’t so!
Comment by Berolinensis — 5 December 2007 @ 7:06 am
(…However, I think that the post of \”Vice-President of the PONTIFICAL COMMITTEE