Here is a good item which arrived via e-mail:
This has seemed one of the less TLM-friendly dioceses.
Initial celebration in Springfield will begin on a monthly basis, starting February 10th at Holy Trinity Church (website, directions). The exact time has not been set in stone, but so far it looks like 4pm. Monsignor Raymond Orf will preside. Its success will depend entirely on the Catholic people of Springfield and the surrounding region. Regular turnout and participation is the key.
Initial celebration in Stockton will begin every Sunday, starting at 12pm (noon) on February 3rd at St. Peter’s Church ( directions). Father Joe Orthel (email) will preside. Like Springfield, its success will depend on the Catholic people of Stockton and the surrounding region. Regular turnout and participation is the key.
So, folks… get to work!
I have old friends from high school who regularly have driven to KC from Springfield for mass acc to the 1962 Missal.
The comment about the Diocese of Springfield/Cape Girardeau being unfriendly to the Traditional Mass is no overstatement. I am originally from that diocese, and go back to visit family regularly. As far as I know, there has not been a “Tridentine” Mass there since the late Sixties, when I coerced the then-pastor of St. Francis Xavier Church, in Sikeston, Mo., to say a Tridentine Mass for a small group with “an attachment for some former rite”. The pastor did so, and never would again.
I am most pleased to see even some minimal consideration being given to the souls in that diocese, where there has been much by way of request, and nothing by way of permission.
This was no small work. I understand it has gone on for quite a while now and with great frustration. Thank Una Voce as well. The worst is now over. The should take a little rest now, but just for a while.
Living in this diocese, I can say it has been very unfriendly to the TLM or anything “traditional,” but that is starting to change. The bishop is having a change of heart, and that is due in part to two things. First, the pope’s muto proprio (Summorum Pontificum) has caused the bishop to look at things in a new light. He has expressed a desire to obey the pope. Second, the patient and tireless work of Una Voce Springfield, (under new leadership) has truly approached the bishop in a non-confrontational and charitable way, in the spirit of Summorum Pontificum. This has cause the bishop to be even more open and receptive to the TLM community. In effect, the bishop is having a change of heart. (You could call that “repentance” if you want.) So now he’s extending an olive branch, but it’s up to the TLM community in the diocese to rise to the occasion.
The TLM community in Southern Missouri is going through a process of HEALING with the bishop and the diocese. We understand that some people have been hurt by what happened in days past, but what we don’t want right now are expressions of anger or bitterness. We have to put those feelings aside right now, and let this new relationship with our bishop grow.
With this bishop past retirement age is there any indication when he will be replaced?
While it is true that the Latin Mass has not been celebrated in the diocese, one must fully consider the fact that it is geographically very large (bottom 1/3 of the state) and has very few ordained diocesan priests. True, too, is that it is a mission diocese, which adds to the difficulties of serving the Catholic faithful.
Many of the priests already serve MULTIPLE parishes (case in point: Pastor of Cathedral in Springfield is ALSO servicing other parishes each weekend) – some serving 3 parishes each and every weekend. There are also a number of senior priests who are well past retirement age yet serve Mass every weekend due so that the faithful can celebrate.
It is imperative that we all be thankful for the blessings we DO have. And although thought to be “difficult and trying” at times when discussing the Latin Mass in the diocese, we have a Bishop who was ever mindful of NOT overtaxing these few priests who continue to serve.
What we need to pray for MOST is an increase in Vocations – for without the aid of priests coming from religious orders across the U.S. and other nations, we would all be hoping for ANY celebration of Mass on a given weekend.
We are all truly blessed.