I got this by e-mail. Very interesting and good news.
Fr Z,
Got a flyer this A.M. that reads:
Father William Young will begin celebrating the Traditional Latin Mass on Sundays at 11:30am on March 2, 2008 at Holy Rosary Chapel in Marin.
Fr. Young met with Archbishop Niederauer and Fr Padazinski on Ash Wednesday to make final arrangements for the Traditional Latin Mass to be celebrated on a regular basis in the Archdiocese of San Francisco in accord with Pope Benedict’s Motu Proprio of July 7, 2007. The above Mass was approved at that meeting.
As you say, Fr, brick-by-brick. This is the first TLM in SF. It’s out of the way across the Bay from the City. But it’s a start. I have been attending the Mass at St Margaret Marys in Oakland (which is also across the Bay).
Well it’s a start, but it’s just as difficult– if not, more difficult– to go to Mass in Marinwood as it is to go to Mass in Oakland (St. Margaret Mary’s). The reason why many people wanted it in San Francisco is because many in San Francisco don’t have cars, and take public transportation for everything. Ideally, it would be in a pretty central location in San Francisco, so that those who take Muni, BART, or what not would be able to get there. But MUNI and BART don’t go to Marin. BART does go to Oakland, but then you have to walk a couple blocks, transfer into a bus, and then walk a few more blocks. It’s not easy.
I’m still hoping that FSSP or the Institute will take over this closed Church:
It is very close to all sorts of transportation, although it is in a pretty sketchy neighborhood.
If you want a TLM-parish, then you are probably going to have to look at one of the now-closed parishes. Part of St. Joseph’s is being used by Catholic Charities, so I’m not quite sure how a new parochial community would fit in. Unfortunately, aside from St. Joseph’s, I can’t think of another closed church that’s really suitable. Access to public transit would be key in having a successful location, and MUNI is really designed to get people to/from downtown.
The ideal church for a TLM would be St. Patrick’s on Mission between 3rd and 4th. It has slightly better BART and MUNI access, and the neighborhood is better. Also, it gets tourist traffic, which St. Joseph’s probably wouldn’t. That would enhance the evangelism aspect of this. NDV or Old St. Mary’s would be second choices, although I don’t see the latter happening at all.
I have an idea…how about a Traditional Latin Mass every day at Most Holy Redeemer?
Sounds great. Just let Father Ferryweather know, I’m sure he’ll be up for it.
Personally, I think that one or more of the churches on the western side of town (e.g., St. Anne’s, St. Cecilia’s, St. Monica’s, etc.) would be the ideal setting(s) for the traditional Latin Mass. The parishioners out there tend to be a bit more conservative and devout and would thus be more receptive to the traditional Mass. Also, parking would be easier for visitors drawn from outside the parish.
A regularly scheduled traditional Dominican liturgy at St. Dominic’s would be nice too.
Marty: One had been scheduled at St Thomas More near SF State back in September but was canceled. I heard conflicting rumors as to why it was canceled. I heard the pastor at St Veronica’s was interested but nothing has come of that.
T. Chan: St Dominic’s would be great. Fr Anselm (can’t remember his last name)OP is interested in the TLM. I saw him at St Margaret Marys about a month ago. He processed in and sat at the side of the altar. He gave the sermon.
Along with Fr. Anselm, Fr. Young was also a guest homilist at the Traditional Masses which comprised the novena to St. Francis de Sales in January at St. Margaret Mary Church in Oakland. The TLM offered by the Institute of Christ the King at St. Margaret Mary’s is by far the best in the Bay Area. They have High Mass (missa cantata) every Sunday, and many feast days throughout the year, supported by a well-developed amateur chant choir and a strong TLM community. St. Margaret Mary is a bi-ritual parish, and only one Sunday Mass is allowed in the Extraordinary Form, but it’s always done beautifully. This Sunday TLM is offered at a very inconvenient time of 12:30 pm, yet it’s the only Mass that is packed at this parish. (Weekday Masses in 6 pm Mon-Fri, 10 am on Saturdays.) With this new addition of TLM in Marin, it’s great to watch the TLM flourish against all odds in the Bay Area.
I’m in Marin. My family and I are very thankful. Very thankful. Anyone from San Francisco wanting to get to TLM at Holy Rosary Chapel and willing to take the ferry to Larkspur…we’ll take you the rest of the way. Please contact me: davidpaulyoung [at] mac [dot] com.
Fr. Wm. Young has, to date, celebrated the old Mass at 10.15 a.m. at Petaluma, Diocese of Santa Rosa. Does anyone on this blog know if this Mass will be entirely cancelled or only re-scheduled. I am concerned that the Diocese of Santa Rosa may be about to lose its only every-Sunday Mass in order to accommodate this new one for the Archdiocese of San Francisco.
Currently, there is no one set to take over the 10.15 in Petaluma, unfortunatly. However, there is a priest who is pretty interested who may end up doing it.
Currently, there is no one set to take over the 10.15 in Petaluma, unfortunatly. However, there is a priest who is pretty interested who may end up doing it.
To bring closure to this thread, the Latin Mass is back in Petaluma. Our new celebrant, Father Christy, is a Discalced Carmelite Father residing in Oakville, CA. The Mass is held at the Hermann Sons Hall, 2nd floor, on Sundays at 9:30am. (Upon your arrival, don’t mind the aerobics class being held downstairs.)
The TLM group at Holy Rosary has a beautiful website http://www.tlmmarin.org.
Father Z should really try to come out to visit us. Imagine a Mass without sirens, traffic or motorcycles. It’s a beautiful oasis of peace.