I just want to offer you a reminder:
St. Colman’s Society for Catholic Liturgy is pleased to annoiunce that by letter dated 21 February 2008, Bishop John Magee of Cloyne, has CONFIRMED that he will celebrate the Holy Mass in the extraordinary form – according to the Roman Missal published by the Blessed John XXIII – in St. Colman’s Cathedral, Cobh, Co. Cork, Ireland, on Easter Tuesday, 25 March 2008 at 12 noon. The Bsihop has also informed the Society that he will celebrate the low Mass, to the direction of the Cathedral’s Master of Ceremonies with music provided by the Cathedral Choir.
St. Colman’s Society for Catholic Liturgy is most pleased with this development which will be the first time the TLM has been publicly celebrated in St. Colman’s Cathedral in almost 40 years. The Society is also very encouraged by Bishop Magee’s openess to the very first request made in the diocese of Cloyne for the TLM and wishes to encoourgae as many as possible of its members and of the faithful in general actively, fully and consciously to participate in this important celebration of the Holy Mass
A glimmer of hope in that part of Ireland: which alas can’t be said of most of the other Irish dioceses….
…which alas can’t be said of most of the other Irish dioceses….
How true. Here am I all ready to roll and a congregation utterly terrified that I really am going to say the EF for the three folk who want it (human respect: what the will neighbouring parishes say? Shock, Horror, Shame.). Meanwhile, other congregations can’t find a priest to celebrate the EF for love nor money.
Time, patience and above all – prayer.
Please note that there is a very active traditional community in Dublin, supported by Archbishop Martin. Check out http://www.latinmass.dublindiocese.ie