Still River, Mass.: TLM instruction for priests

Training Workshop in Massachusetts for Priests and Altar Servers in
the Traditional Latin Mass, March 28, 2008

At the request of His Excellency, Bishop McManus, Bishop of Worcester,
Massachusetts, Fr. Santos, pastor of Holy Name Church in Providence,
Rhode Island will be conducting an introductory training workshop for
priests in the Traditional Latin Rite. There will
also be some Latin language instruction.

Please call to Register.

Date:        Friday, March 28, 2008

Time:       10 AM-  4 PM, when a Traditional Latin Mass will begin

[Lunch will be provided]

Location:  Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel
                282 Still River Road
                Still River, Massachusetts 01467

Cost:     Thanks to the gracious hospitality of the Sisters and
           Brothers of Saint Benedict Center the workshop and
           lunch are provided at no cost.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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