While I do not approve of them using a "J" for "Juventutem", I do approve of the group!
Here is some information for young people who want to go to World Youth Day.
Even those younger among you who haven’t been involved with the TLM, perhaps this group could give you a great point of reference and a new experience.
For pilgrims intending to travel to Sydney Australia for World Youth Day, please note:The closing date for Juventutem registrations and payments is 9th May.
Please ensure you have registered and made any payments by this date.
Go here for further information.AN IMPORTANT LIST OF CONTACTS:
For Australian Pilgrims:
QLD: Anne Coles annelouisecoles@juventutem-australia.com
WA: Aaron Pereira aaron.pereira@juventutem-australia.com
ACT: James Doig james.doig@juventutem-australia.com
NSW: Eve Woolven e.woolven@juventutem-australia.com
TAS: Mishka Gora kylefirth@juventutem-australia.com
VIC: Tara Peters t.amp.peters@juventutem-australia.comFor Overseas Pilgrims:
USA: Indira Sweeny indirasweeny@hotmail.com
France: france@juventutem.com
Germany: Theresa Johler Theresa.Johler@gmx.de
Ireland: Robert Lane rjrlane@hotmail.com
Netherlands: David Oostveen david@ecclesiadei.nl
Argentina: Ramon Lopez ramon@juventutem.com.ar
Chile: juventutemchile@gmail.com
Biretta tip to Rorate. o{]:¬)
Thanks to the generous support of the Ecclesia Dei Society of Australia, Juventutem Australia is delighted to announce that Professor Scott Turkington has been appointed musical director for the two-week Juventutem programme at WYD 2008.
Professor Turkington will not only be involved in the liturgical programme, but will also be holding chant workshops [Very cool! Sign up!] in both Melbourne and Sydney as part of the official DID (Days in the Dioceses) and WYD Youth Festival activities. More information on Juventutem Australia’s programme and registration details can be found at: http://www.juventutem-australia.com
Fr. Z,
Can you please explain the J vs. the I?
I keep hoping to get Latin self-study in, even if it is only 15 minutes daily I so often see the J. Even in my Missal (at least the Angelus Press version).
What do the other Missals show?
I would just like some background on this.
Diane: There really is no “J” in sound Latin. It is/was used sometimes, but it isn’t really very good orthography.
I once told this story here:
But I think the most important thing is the possibility that young people will sign up this way!
Father’s right on on that, oc. ;-)
If I can add to the discussion, adding Js to present-day Latin texts is based on modern considerations of vernacular language. As words evolve, or devolve depending on the word, modern constructs come into play. For instance, the Latin for “Jesus” is IESVS: “ee-eh-soos,” ( sorry, can’t add diacritical marks on this blog ) which evolved into JESUS. Actually there are no Us in Latin either. As we see, Juventutem, classically spelled, it would IVENTVTEM. Vs and Us were interchanged by their use and so was their pronunciations. As time went on, that is how we got the W. That’s why it’s called a double-U. In French, we call it “double-V” or double V. VV. Both reflect back to this point. Same thing. Two Vs = W. :-)
BTW, Latin/French Missals do the same; add Js to Latin words. :|
Hope this helps and not muddle you any further. LOL
Thanks! Interesting thoughts.
I learned Croatian back in 1980 and their “J” is pronounced like our “Y”. So, when I see it in Latin texts, it is natural for me to say it that way. But, I had seen the “I”. However, that is so infrequent I just brushed it off until this post.
I can see it now…. a new movement to purge the “J” in favor of “I”.
I am really surprised that Fr Z of all people should propagate “I” instead of “J”. What is this if not archaeologism? The “J” has developed organically, and, like the “U” mentioned by Matt, for a very good reason. Its use was universal until the archaeologisms began in the early 20th century. Latin is not a dead language, which must be returned to its Ciceronian incarnation (which was only a literary form anyway), but the living language of the Church. No one is arguing for the abolition of “th” and the reintroduction of þ and ð like in Old English (well, I suppose, someone actually is, but you know what I mean).
I don’t like “J” in Latin.
I like the J, rather than trying to read a word like “eiiciam.” Sometimes I use a hand missal from the 1920’s that even goes so far as to say “Alleluja.”
My understanding is that the introduction and assignment of the U is just as recent as that of the J. But still, “de gustibus” and all that.