Someone sent me a copy of the program of the Liturgy Conference that will be held in Ireland in July
Registrations can be made through the following e-mail address
Saturday, 12 July 2008
9.00: Opening
9.15: His Eminence Jorge M. Cardinal MejiaThe Translation Problem. Some observations not only linguistic.
10.00: Professor James Hitchcock
The ‘Hermeneutic of Continuity’ in the Church10.45: Concelebrated Holy Mass in St. Colman’s Cathedral, Cobh.
The Prinicpal Celebrant: His Eminence Jorge M. Cardinal Mejia
Novus Ordo in Latin, Missa Maria, Ianua Coeli [Collectio Missarum B.V.M.]
Music: The Lassus Scholars: Missa Papae Marcelli (Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina)
12.00: Luncheon at Fota
13.30: Dr. Alcuin Reid
The Liturgical Reform of Benedict XVI
14.30: Professor Manfred Hauke
Klaus Gamber, ‘father’ of the ‘new liturgical movement’
15.30: Coffee
16.00: Mrs. Helen Hull Hitchcock
Benedict XVI and the ‘Reform of the Reform’
17.00: Fr. Uwe Michael Lang
Sacred Art in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger – Pope Benedict XVI [CHANGED]
18.00: Dr. Neil J. Roy
The Roman Canon: Deesis in Euchology
19.00: Professor Dennis McMahon
Translation Theory in Liturgiam Authenticam
20.00: Closing of the Conference
20.30: Gala Dinner
Excellent–Twelfth of July–Orangemen’s Day!
Is the conference open to the public and where can you register?
The last time I read a schedule, it appeared that Father Vincent Twomey, S.V.D. was also going to play a prominent role. Does anyone know if that has changed?
I am planning to attend. Hope to see a few WDTPRS-blog friends there…
Gordo, I heard Fr. Twomey was named as a bishop for one of the Irish sees. Perhaps he’s not on the schedule because he’s no longer “Fr.” and doesn’t have room on his schedule.
Professor Vincent Twomey will co-chair the Fota International Liturgy Conference.
It says that you can register by emailing this address:
Is that true? How marvelous!!!
He is a very gracious man, humble and extremely wise. I have read his Apostolikos Thronos, which is the dissertation he did at Regensberg under a certain unknown theologian – Fr. Joseph Ratzinger! :-)
He will be very good for the Church in Ireland, I believe. They need a man of strong faith who also has a missionary background. If it is true, God grant him many years! (and a Cardinal’s hat someday as well…)
It seems he actually wasn’t made a bishop afterall. He was rumoured to be named for Down and Connor (Belfast and a large swath of Nothern ireland, effectively), but Noel Treanor will be installed this month.
Easy way to check if someone is in fact a bishop:
How disappointing! I believe he would make a wonderful bishop. Something to really pray for…all in God’s timing.
What a great line up, wish I could go to it. Fr. Neil Roy is a very good friend and I know he will be brilliant as will all the others.
Wow! A liturgy conference where the emphasis is on actual liturgy and not on various ways to elevate the laity to be more like Priests! Could a program like this have been possible 3 years ago, even 2 years ago? These are indeed exciting times. I still wonder when the “Church” will get around to a serious look at the topic of liturgical music. We are starting to feel like the ugly stepchild…..
Isn’t it Father Neil Roy?
WOW! A great time to be Irish. The rejection by the Irish plebiscite of the EU. The Holy Father’s proclamation of St. Columbanus as father of Europe. Now this wonderful conference. This event would be an immediate “sell-out” if held in a populous area of the US, say, New York (hint, hint). The Hitchcocks are not in the same league as the other academics. If the focus of the conference was the motu proprio, and TrueMass was celebrated with ecclesiastical permission, as a Pontifical Mass, what a wonder it would be.
Does anyone know what the change is with Fr. Uwe Michael Lang’s talk on Sacred Art? I would be intrigued to hear what he might say about Pope Benedict’s statement about the need for the West to more fully receive the dogmas of the Seventh Ecumenical Council and how it builds upon the Christological definitions of the previous conciliar teachings.
Fr. Lang changed from another topic to this one. That is the change.
Very nice! I look forward to it!