In a few minutes, at the bottom of this hour, I will say Mass, again for the intention of the closer unity of the SSPX with the Roman Pontiff. Join your intentions to this Mass.
Remember, as Augustine says, where there is charity there are no distances.
Ask your angel guardian to be present.
Pray that God’s holy angels will protect all those involved from the incessant attacks of the Enemy.
O God, Who settest straight what has gone astray,
and gatherest together what is scattered,
and keepest what Thou hast gathered together:
we beseech Thee in Thy mercy to pour down on Christian people,
the grace of union with Thee,
that, putting disunion aside and joining themselves to the true shepherd of Thy Church,
they be able to render Thee worthy service.
(From the Mass for the Unity of the Church (1962 MR) translation from the Roman Catholic Daily Missal – Angelus Press)
Many prayers, Father!
God bless you and your intentions.
I join in prayer.
Thank you Father.
Pray pray pray – if our prayers have no effect on their hierarchy, there is still hope that the followers will rejoin the Church.
Dear Lord, please guide Bishop Fellay in these crucial days, that he may be influenced purely by You, the Holy Ghost and Father in Heaven and prtected by your most Holy and Immaculately Conceived Mother. Vade Retro Satano! St. Micheal, pray for us! St.Thomas, pray for us! St.Pope Pius X, pray for us! In Manus tuas Domine Commendo Spiritum meam. .
My angel has been sent to attend this Mass. And I join my prays to the intentions of this Mass
I join my prayers with yours.
Thank you so much Father.
Father Z, Do you think it merely coincidence that the prayer you posted is from a missal published by ANGELUS PRESS?
Pride will be the biggest obstacle. Let’s pray that the opening of the Pauline year will see the fruit of SSPX’s movement towards full unity right off the bat. I know Saint Paul would be a great help.
Mass said today!
Thanks for the solidarity!
An answer (or not) of a sort:
or see rorate caeli
William the Old:
Given that there are really only two main English language ’62 Missals, there was a 50/50 chance!!
Not that I’ve checked, but I’m sure the same prayer will be in the Baronius! ;-p