We are Italian now.
Well.. I am Italian in a sense already… but… the One Year Later interview I did with ZENIT (in two parts here and here) is now coming out in Italian.
Part 1 (Part 2 on Wednesday)
C’è stata una grande richiesta della Messa tradizionale in latino dopo il motu proprio “Summorum Pontificum”?
Padre Zuhlsdorf: Sì e no. Non abbiamo visto orde di fedeli battere alla porta dei rettorati per chiedere la Messa in latino, ma c’è stato un costante aumento delle parrocchie in cui la Messa tradizionale in latino viene ora celebrata regolarmente.
Le gocce stanno formando un ruscello. …
There are some problems with the translation. For example, where I said "rectories", they said "rettorati", which are really "rectorates", another idea entirely. They would have done better to say "canoniche", which is a house where a priest lives.
Another example:
Molti Vescovi diocesani, incredibilmente, hanno posto ostacoli irragionevoli ai provvedimenti che il Santo Padre aveva generosamente promulgato. Questa resistenza si sta ora sgretolando sotto l’esame della gente e la pressione della Santa Sede.
I did not say under the scrutiny of the "people", but under the scrutiny of the "blogosphere"… "blogosfera".
“What Does The Interview Really Say?” ;-)
Well, Father. Hopefully my translation from the previous article you gave me measures up : ) And remember, my offer stands at any time (Italian, Spanish or Portuguese…I’ll of course leave the Latin to you :)
Well, this illustrates how much really is “lost in translation,” innocently perhaps, but lost nonetheless, in what appears to be a no-brainer translation.
Odd problem:
I’m trying to access old WDTPRS articles, but all I get is this:
??????????, ?? ???? ???????, ????? ?? ????????? ?? ?????? ????????!
Anyone know what that means, and what I’m doing wrong?
Well, what I posted didn’t come through, but the page I’m trying to access is here:
And this is relevant…. Why?
Mostly my incredible curiosity as to why very strange script (Russian?) is appearing on your blog, and the meaning of that script. Coupled with my incredible lack of knowledge on computers, I presumed I was doing something wrong and those that know more than I would easily be able to correct my error.
If you feel it irrelevant, please feel free to delete my posts.
LCB: I imagine the WordPress software is Russian and the (404?) error message was left untranslated. I also wonder What Does The Error Message Really Say? :-)
However, I think Fr. Z. was just trying to keep the discussion on-topic. It might be a good idea to have a place for technical blog questions, but that would need a WordPress expert to handle it.
I put my money on that it is Bulgarian, not Russian. I didn’t find any Russian or Bulgarian among the main developers though. Mystery!
Not that I speak or really understand Bulgarian, I’ve only read some on it here and there, and it looks like it is (together with Macedonian) a fairly odd member of Slavic family. In our orphan WordPress message we have at least two examples:
1. Bulgarian lost complex system of Slavic declension (instead introducing prepositions, as in ?? ?????? ????????)
2. and introduced definite postfixes (?????? ????????).
For the rest of us Slavs it all seems extremely odd, but other than that it’s a fine Slavic language.
I apologize for digression, but it was an interesting puzzle.
Ref. to your post on jul 8th 2008
Translation from Bulgarian to English by google:
??????????, ?? ???? ???????, ????? ?? ????????? ?? ?????? ????????!
Sorry, there are no positions that meet your criteria!
Saluti, Paolo