More photos of the Old St. Patrick’s consecration online

The site Kansas Catholic has some great photos of the consecration of Old Saint Patrick this last weekend.  Check it out!

Here are a couple teasers.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. tara says:

    Happy Birthday Father!

  2. KC says:

    Thank you, Father, for linking to my blog.
    As near as I can tell your post does not have a hyperlink to my blog.

    The address, for your readers, is:

    Thanks, again.

  3. Sam Orsot says:

    Happy B day Fr. What is the primary function of the Knights of Colombus? Secondly, does anyone know where to go to find funds to go to the seminary?

  4. “What is the primary function of the Knights of Colombus?”

    The mutual aid and spiritual development of its members.

    “Secondly, does anyone know where to go to find funds to go to the seminary?”

    Most seminarians are funded by their Bishops, either outright, or an agreement to repay loans in the seminarians name over time.

  5. Mary Jane says:

    Could someone please point me to an explanation of the letters in sand on the floor? I find this enormously intriguing. (Or someone could just explain it for all the curious.) Thanks.

  6. Emilio III says:

    Mary Jane, there are a couple of posts in the New Liturgical Movement blog about this. and a more recent one showing a larger scale version.

  7. maria b says:

    Could you please tell us who is incharge of this beautiful CHurch, and give some information on the restoration done there!?!

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