Synod – Day 2: some points

There were 23 5 minute interventions on the Second Day of the Synod.

Among the points made, these could be interesting.

The so-called biblia pauperum is still important.  "The bible of the poor", is comprised of non-literary works, such as icons, images, hymns, windows, etc.  These things are helps to lectio divina as well.

Some expressed a concern about "arbitary interpretations" of Scripture coming from some exegetes and from the media, especially having to do with films that have any biblical theme, or in non-scientific (scholarly) publications which can also confuse even priests.  It was repeated that in Latin America this is a problem.  Latin America has 43% of the Catholic faithful and in the last 40 years, the Church has lost 15% of her members.

Some want easier translations. 

A "general homiletic directory" for priests was proposed.  Homilies should not be boring.  [We need a Synod to help us with that?]  And should be "joyful".   [Oh really?  Always?] 

The 8 member post-Synodal committee was elected with Archbp. Ravasi as its head.  They will propose the themes from the Synod to the Holy Father.


A curiosity: For those of you who care, you can call into the Holy See Press Office for an automated recording with a brief summary in Italian of some of the barebones of the day’s work of the Synod.

Yes, the sound quality (at least today) really was as bad as this.  But I expected little else.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Prima says:

    I’m glad to see a recognition of the value of non-literary works on the part of the Synod fathers. We’ve had about enough of whitewashed churches or highly abstract art with no discernible Biblical or devotional themes. I think evangelizers and catechists don’t do enough with non-literary materials in their proclamation of the Gospel. We’ve turned everything into a literal “word” and have diminished the “Word” in the process.

  2. Tom in NY says:

    Those who want to escape “arbitrary interpretations” can consult then-Cardinal Ratzinger’s speech “Biblical Interpretation in Crisis” in 1988. He proposes a pathway away from these traps. Don’t forget he had been a professor at Tuebingen.


  3. Volpius says:

    I guess that’s why we no longer have homilies on the four last things then, hard to cover those topics joyfully. That comment is really demeaning it implies we cannot handle the truth and are not adults and so Mass must always be about been happy.

  4. TerryC says:

    Joyful is not the same as “happy”. It is eminently possible to cover the four last things joyfully. Be joyful that after Death we will have the opportunity to see God. Be joyful that through Jesus Christ God has given us the key to salvation without which Judgment would be a certainty of damnation. Be joyful that through the intervention of Christ we will not have to endure Hell, provided we follow his instruction to “take up our cross and follow” Him. Be joyful that through the salvation earned for us by the Son of God Heaven will be open to us.
    For to live a Christian life is to live in joy, no matter the circumstances. Lack of joy is can most broadly be blamed on failure to live up to Christian moral teaching. The Saints were most often joyful under the most horrible conditions, and even those deeply experiencing a dark night of the soul clung to hope, which is often the basis of joy.

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