A prayer request

Apparently, and sadly, Fr. Richard John Neuhaus editor of First Things, has been diagnosed with cancer.

He put this on his site:

Fr. Neuhaus wrote this note on First Things:

I cannot begin to respond to the deluge of assurances of prayer and concern about my health. Please be assured that I am grateful and count mightily on being remembered by you before the Throne of Grace. Or, as Catholics are wont to say, on your storming the gates of heaven. The nature of the cancer is beginning to come into clearer focus, and I hope to have more details in short order. Meanwhile, I will, please God, continue to be as engaged as possible in the work of First Things and other apostolates, even as I am compelled by grace to know more deeply our solidarity within the Body of Christ.

May I ask you all to say a prayer, right now, for Fr. Neuhaus?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Matt Q says:

    Most assuredly, Father Neuhaus will be in our prayers. We pray this is something he can easily overcome.

  2. jarhead462 says:

    Prayers on their way.
    God bless Fr. Neuhaus.

    Semper Fi!

  3. Londiniensis says:

    A Decade of the Rosary is storming heaven when I finish writing. We need his energy and his health undimmed at First Things.

  4. Thomas says:

    Terrible news. I’ll remember him in my prayers tonight and for as long as he needs them.

  5. Warren says:

    Praying for Fr. Neuhaus’ health and well being.

  6. Kim Poletto says:

    A great prayer for cancer victims an be found at http://www.ewtn.com/Devotionals/novena/peregrine.htm. It is a novena to St. Peregrine.

  7. Andraea says:

    Fr. Neuhaus’ grasp of faith and reason is remarkably excellent and to top it all, he’s a very good priest. I’ll be saying a prayer for him until he recovers.

  8. Riverside says:

    I had Fr. Neuhaus at Dunwoodie for an elective called Christ and Culture…he was a superb teacher and a great priest. My Masses and prayers are with him.

  9. Ed says:

    I’ll have a holy hour from 4 to 5 pm, central time. It’s his.

  10. fortradition says:

    My prayers are with Fr. Neuhaus. He is a wonderful and kind priest and I always enjoy his occasional appearances on EWTN. May God in His eternal goodness restore Fr. Neuhaus to good health.

  11. Maria says:

    Will keep Fr. Neuhaus in my prayers, Fr. … and you as well. God bless you.

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