I was tagged in a meme to open the closest book to page 56 and copy the 5th sentence, as well as two to five sentences following.
Le critiche non si fermarono. Paolo VI dall’applicazione della riforma si aspettava «una felice diffusione della religione cattolica nel nostro tempo. Chi poi profitta della riforma per darsi ad arbitari esperimenti, disperde energie e offende il senso ecclesiale» (udienza generale del 22 agosto 1973).
Bux, Nicola. La riforma di Beneditto XVI: la liturgia tra innovazione e tradizione. Edizione PIEMME: Casale Monferrato, 2008.
III. La battaglia sulla riforma liturgica – p. 56
eis myrioi, ean aristos e.
Kahn, Charles H. The art and thought of Heraclitus: An edition of the fragments with translation and commentary. Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1979.
(trans. “one man is ten thousand, if he is the best” Fragment #49)
“Quilibet respondet: Amen.”
Actually, the _closest_ book is a children’s book that has only 8 pages. The _next_ closest book is the EF Pontificale Romanum, vol I. I’ve been studying up on the black, and the red. Pagina 56 est in media ritui de ordinatione presbyterorum.
Mirabile dictu!
And so the Roman Synod, which was to have been an exemplary foreshadowing of the council, fell within a few years into the Erebus of oblivion, and is indeed tanquam non fuerit.
But probably everyone was going to post that.
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F.M.Dostoevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, vol.1 (Part 1, Book 2, Chapter 3)
I cheated, perhaps. There were many books at hand and the “nearest” happened to be the one sticking out from the most convenient bookshelf on the bookcase.
“The Acts of the Apostles tells us: ‘Those who accepted his message… devoted themselves to the apostles’ instruction and thecommunal life… (Acts 2:41-42). Here we already see the Church’s communitarian nature…. “This is how all men will know you for my disciples: your love for one another” (Jn 13:35)… The communal dimension of your Christian vocation was strongly emphasized by the liturgical reform of the Second Vatican Council. Every liturgical act is… an act of the entire Body of Christ… and every Mass… is an act of Christ in his Body.”
— Prayers and Devotions from Pope John Paul II, Edited by Bishop Peter Canisius Johannes van Lierde (1984), p. 56, line 5…
……thus corrodes faith in the real bodily presence of Christ.” The late theologian Father John Hardon, SJ urged in 1997 that “whatever you can do to stop Communion in the hand will be blessed by God.”
In the same way that a deeper understanding of the theology of the Eucharist and the extraordinary gift of God has given us helped to foster the practise of Eucharistic adoration, a fuller appreciation of Christ’s Real Presence also ……….
Sacred Then and Sacred Now, Thomas E Woods,Jr,
Roman Catholic Books 2008
Since the relationship with creation has been damaged, only the Creator Himself can be our savior. We can be saved only when He from whom we have cut ourselves off takes the initiative with us and stretches out His hand to us. Only being loved is being saved, and only God’s love can purify damaged human love and radically reestablish the network of relationships that have suffered from alienation…
(‘Benedictus, Day by Day with Pope Benedict XVI,’ Feb. 11 entry is on p. 56)
“Second, it really was Leibniz’s geometry of situation that provided the tools to investigate the question. Actually Euler did more than just provide a yes/no answer to a vexing problem. He found the exact conditions under which a town with islands and bridges can be perambulated in the perscribed manner, and under which circumstances it cannot.” ~ Poincaré’s Prize by George G. Szpiro, p. 56
It is a book on Henri Poincaré and his famous mathematical problem in topology concerning the invariants of n-dimensional spheres. Posited in 1904, it was proven in 2006 by the enigmatic Grigory Perelman of Russia. Yes, this was actually the closest book at hand. I am a mathematician. Sorry… ;-)
“But how did he find that out?” asked Frodo.
“Well, as for the name, Bilbo very foolishly told Gollum himself; and after that it would not be difficult to discover his country, once Gollum came out. Oh yes, he came out. His longing for the Ring proved stronger than his fear of the Orcs, or even of the light….”
from “The Fellowship of the Rings” by J.R.R. Tolkien
(it wasn’t physically closest to my computer but is legitimately what I am reading right now. Actually re-reading for about the 5th time in my life.)
are these seriously everyone’s nearest books? if so, we’re a nerdier bunch than I thought.
“A friend of mine, Archbishop John Ward of Cardiff, Wales, confronted his accuser. It turned out she made a false charge against the Archbishop at the instigation of people who were furious at the Catholic Church because of its position on abortion. [End of chapter]”.
Groeschel, Benedict J. From Scandal to Hope. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, 2002.
As much as we all love Fr. Z’s site, we do read more than blogs!
In our greatest acts of love, we barely approach this kind of love of which the noncontrastively transcendent God is capable. Irenaeus’s counterintuitive claim “Gloria Dei homo vivens” (the glory of God is a human being fully alive) finds its metaphysical ground in the two-natures doctrine.
The Priority of Christ; Toward a Postliberal Catholicism by Fr. Robert Barron
“And he said, blessing God: Ruler of all, now dost thou let thy servant go in peace, according to thy word; for my own eyes have seen that saving power of thine which thou hast prepared in the sight of all nations. This is the light which shall give revelation to the Gentiles, this is the glory of thy people Israel. The father and mother of the child were still wondering over all that was said of him, when Simeon blessed them, and said to his mother Mary, Behold, this child is destined to bring about the fall of many and the rise of many in Israel; to be a sign which men will refuse to acknowledge; and so the thoughts of many hearts shall be made manifest; as for thy own soul, it shall have a sword to pierce it.”
The New Testament Translated by Ronald Knox
e. I will continue my work. Itutuloy ko ang aking trabaho.
(Learn Filipino: Book One)
I’m trying to pick up enough to say some Mass parts in Tagalog, but I haven’t gotten too far yet.
Nécessité d’adapter ou de réviser certains formes de la vie concrète de l’Église: C’était, on s’en souvient, la conclusion immédiate d’une prise de conscience réaliste de la vraie situation apostolique dans notre pays.
(Yves Congar OP, Vraie et fausse réforme dans l’Église, 2d ed.)
great name BTW. yes, nothing will replace books, I’m convinced. They say Amazon’s “Kindle” device is a step to replacing books, but the only way a book will be replaced is if a book can, in its pages, display any text, in the organic, pulpy way that pages of a book reflect light. I think the day will come when we have as our prized possession, “my book”, a device that displays the contents of all books. I have no illusions that learning will become universal then, but I’m not as misanthropic as Heraclitus.
Kaì akoúsantes hoi mathe:taì epeson epì próswpon aut?n kaì ephobé:the:san sfódra. Kaì proselt?n ho Ie:soûs hé:psato aut?n kaì eîpen, “Egérthe:te kaì mè: phobeîsthe.” Epárantes dè toùs ophthalmoùs aut?n, oudéna eîdon ei mè: tòn Ie:soûn mónon.
(Matthew 17:6-8; The Greek New Testament according to the Majority Text, Hodges & Farstad, 1985)
I had been working on my Homily and had looked up the 2nd Peter reading, so there sat the Greek Bible on top of everything else…
In the hard-fought campaign for the presidency of the United States in 2004, one of the candidates was a Catholic who had a legislative voting record that was “pro-choice” on the issue of abortion. Several bishops issued statements that such a Catholic politician should be denied Holy Communion, on the grounds that his votes constituted formal cooperation in the evil of abortion…
Coriden, James A., THE RIGHTS OF CATHOLICS IN THE CHURCH. Paulest Press, Mahwah, 2007.
The case study ends up coming to a rather week conclusion. But anyway, that is the closest book to me.
L’assemblea ripete:
Dilexisti iustitiam et odisti iniquitatem: propterea unxit Deus oleo Laetitiae
MESSA CRISMALE booklet from St. Peters, Rome 2008
Dunno why this is the closest book I have…
“To cook them uniformly, put the thickest pieces into the water a few moments before the thin, tapered ones. 2. Drain and cut the carrots lengthwise into sticks about 1/4 inch thick. Place in a small, but deep serving dish. 3. Mash the garlic clove with a heavy knife handle, crushing it just enough to split it and to loosen the skin, which you will remove and discard. Bury the peeled clove among the carrot sticks. Add the oregano, salt, a few grindings of pepper, the wine vinegar, and just enough olive oil to cover the carrots.”
Hazan, M. (2004). Essentials of classic Italian cooking. New York: Alfred A. Knopf.
P. 56. Marinated Carrot Sticks.
“As applied to the Church calendar, the word ‘octave’ means the eighth day after a feast, counting the day of the feast itself.”
–Richard Hoppin, Medieval Music (W.W. Norton: 1978).
It was that or a humorous science fiction novel, but as I am a graduate student, I like to pretend that I have been doing my homework rather than reading fiction.
Ich singe meinem Gott ein neues Lied; * Herr, du bist groß und voll Herrlichkeit.
(“Kleines Stundenbuch” (little Liturgy of the hours), Lauds of Wednesday 1st week, Canticle: Judith 16, 1-2a.13-15)
Or else, she is a woman who appears to be religious, but she is ignorant and negligent, or is stingy and loves money, and it would never occur to her to pay zakah even though she fasts, prays and performs Hajj, and occasionally gives a small charitable donation from her great wealth. These types of women — ignorant or stingy — are nothing like the true Muslim woman as envisaged by Islam.
Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi. “The Ideal Muslimah”. Riyadh: International Islamic Publishing House. 2003.
No text on p.56, just a drawing of “The Leimbach site on the Vermilion River, where Native Americans grew squash in the sixth century B.C. and maize in the sixth century A.D.” (Leaning against the computer was Thomas Fairchild Sherman’s A PLACE ON THE GLACIAL TILL: Time, Land, and Nature within an American Town.)
I’d just like to point our how eerily weird it is that you and I, thousands of miles apart and in no way part of the same social circles, came to receive the same meme on the same day. The internet is a scary thing some times. Thanks be to God that you’re doing such good with it!
“The priest was exceedingly clever at writing and figuring; he knew the law and was a skilled doctor, although not as skilled as he thought.
“But, judging by his behaviour, no on woujld think him a clever man; he often said foolish things. Ragnfrid and Lavrans had never liked him, but the Sundbu people, as was reasonable, set great store by their priest, and both they and he were greatly disappointed that he had not been called on to tend to Ulvhild.”
(The fantastic “Kristin Lavransdatter” by Sigrid Undset, Tiina Nunnally translation. Only a bit more than halfway through it so far – but it is breathtaking in the extreme.)
This has been the nearest book to me each time (of which this, I think, the fourth) I have received this meme: reading the (1,200 page) book is a commitment, so accompanies me most places at the moment, but one that is well worthwhile.
“A cropping change which deserves to rank as an improvement was the substitution of wheat for rye as the principal winter crop. Our manorial sources may be too late to catch sight of the substitution in its earlier stages, but most of them are able to show wheat continuing to gain at the expense of rye. What lay behind the substitution is difficult to say for certain. All it may signify is a growing preference of medieval consumers for wheaten bread; or else it may reflect the rapidly growing competition of Baltic rye which was beginning to flow into western Europe during the second half of the thirteenth century.”
-M.M. Postan, The Medieval Economy and Society (London, 1972; repr. 1981), p. 56.
By reason of statute, it would seem that in New York State a period of 20 years satisfies the age requirements to bring a map or survey within the ancient-document rule.
Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Location, Fourth Edition
By Robillard, Wilson, & Brown
Sentence 5 page 56
…to be enchanted by the song of sirens?
Letters from Pope John Paul I
3. An accurate factor for normalisation of RNA input.
(from an old lab book- very dull).
“The fact that the well-known series of attributed arms was generally agreed throughout western Europe by the late twelfth century indicates that they must have evolved soon after armory itself came into use. These attributed arms were probably invented by the twelfth-century minstrels and troubadours, who sang and wrote of the ‘Matter of Britain’, the cycle of Arthurian romances; the ‘Matter of France’, the chansons de géste which concerned the deeds of Charlemagne, Roland and the like; and of the ‘Matter of Rome’, which included the romances of Alexander the Great. As many of the early heralds were recruited from the ranks of the troubadours, it is easy to see why these attributed arms are to be found in so many of the general rolls of arms throughout the Middle Ages.”
from “Heraldry and the Heralds” by Rodney Dennys
“Indeed, for a portion of the 1970s, the return on Treasury bills exceeded the return on both stocks and bonds. Thus when investing in long-term assets such as stocks or bonds, one must evaluate the economic and investment climate beyond that expected for the next five years.”
Graham and Dodd, Security Analysis
Nec scriptum est, (scribendum tamen fuisset), quia non in omni Dei verbo sed in lucro solo vigebit homo oeconomicus.
(Irreverent paraphrase on Luke 4:4.)
“Hadst thou but allowed for the slight breeze thy shaft would have pinked the clout.”
Robin Hood
“For instance, in the equation (x-5)(x+2)=8 it is incorrect to set each factor equal to 8.”
Larson & Hostetler: Precalculus, 4th ed., Houghton-Mifflin, 1997.
“Themistocles turned out to be right, but if he hadn’t been, many Athenian lives, and the city itself, would have been lost (Herodotus 7.140-4).”
Johnston, Sarah Iles. Ancient Greek Divination. Chichester, Wiley-Blackwell: 2008.
“Heavy and insupportable yoke upon all the children of Adam alas! bending down our necks and bowing [our heads], so that our life hath drawn igh to hell.[Psalm LXXXVII,4] Unhappy man that I am, who shall deliver me from the body of this death?[Romans VII, 24] by which, surely, I am pressed down and almost crushed so that unless the Lord had been my Helper, my soul had almost dwelt in hell.[Psalm XCIII, 17] Weighed down under this burden was he groaning who said: Why hast Thou set me opposite to Thee, and I am become burdensome to myself?[Job VII, 20]”
— St. Bernard On the Love of God, translated from the Latin by Rev. Terence L. Connolly, SH, Newman Press, Westminster, Maryland, 1951.
Though the mountains lave their place and the hills be shaken, My love shall never leave you nor my covenant of peace be shaken, says the Lord, who has mercy on you.
Thursday of the Third Week of Advent The New St. Josephs WEEKDAY MISSAL Volume 1 Advent to Pentecost CBCP 2006
“As we have seen, Black has a number of methods to try to deal with that. When writing this chapter, one of the biggest surprises for me was how tricky it could be to obtain and advantage against Black’s modern plan of relinquishing the centre with … e5xd4, followed by playing on the queenside”
A. Greet, ‘Play the Ruz Lopez’, Everyman Chess. (yes, another sort of black, one that doesn’t come with red)
A lot over very hefty literature and eclesiastical material here. Be sure to relax at times ;)
“Parental attitudes affect growth and development.”
McKinney, E, James, S, Murray, S, & Ashwill, J (2005). Maternal-Child Nursing, Second Edition. Elsevier-Saunders.
“God out of His infinite goodness wills to lift us up to Himself in the measure that our weak nature allows, and for this purpose gives us a principle of supernatural life; a Godlike, vital principle, which is habitual grace.”
-The Spiritual life: A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology
By Adolphe Tanquerey
One possible familial example has been documented. There is one report of simultaneous presentation of linear focal dermal elastosis and pseudoxanthoma elasticum-like papillary dermal elastolysis.
Pathology of the Skin with Clinical Correlations – Volume 2, 3rd Edition. Philip H. McKee, Eduardo Calonje, Scott R. Granter. Elsevier/Mosby Press, 2005.
What can I say? I’m a dermatology resident.
Oh, he thought, if I could only hear the noise of a crow.
John Cheever’s “O City of Broken Dreams”
Fr. Z,
This is a fun post! Please repeat it again from time to time.
I’ve got two books within arms reach, so I’ll do both. One is more edifying and much more topical than the other.
–Tom Clancy, The Cardinal of the Kremlin.
—The Vatican II Weekday Missal, published by the Daughters of St. Paul.
‘The Futurists were in the forefront of those who demanded Italy’s entry into the First World War.’
George Mosse, Fallen Soldiers, OUP 1990.
Estando yo vn dia en el Alcana de Toledo, 25
llegó vn muchacho a vender vnos cartapacios
y papeles viejos a vn sedero , y como yo soy
aficionado a leer, aunque sean los papeles rotos
de las calles, lleuado desta mi natural inclinacion,
tomé vn cartapacio de los que el muchacho 30
vendia, y vile con caracteres que conoci ser
arauigos. Y puesto que, aunque los conocia,
no los sabia leer, anduue mirando si parecia
por alli algun morisco aljamiado que los leyesse;
y no fue muy dificultoso hallar interprete
semejante, pues aunque le buscara de otra
mejor y mas antigua lengua le hallara. En fin, 5
la suerte me deparó vno, que, diziendole mi
desseo y poniendole el libro en las manos, le
abrio por medio, y leyendo vn poco en el, se
començo a reyr.
Hidalgo don Quixote de la Mancha.
But, in the main, his conception of the human composite is constantly inspired by biblical language. From this there results a very intimate union between the soul and the body, by virtue of which all the activity of man can be refered to the heart, the focus of life. The celebrated definition:”An intelligence served by organs,” would not be to Paul’s taste. In order to grasp his thought, we must put aside the dualism of Plato, Descartes and Kant.”
Ferdinand Prat SJ, (trans. John Stoddard), The Theology of St Paul, Volume 2, (London, 1945) Book II, Preparation for Redemption, Chapter I, Humanity without Christ.
“Reply to 3. Anselm is speaking of when the exterior act is evil in itself: for then the movement of the will receives the nature of evil from what moves it, i.e., from the act itself inasmuch as it is the object.
“Reply to 4. The necessity deriving from coercion is absolutely contrary to the voluntary, and such necessity entirely excludes fault. However there is a kind of necessity mixed with the voluntary, for example, when a sailor is forced to throw merchandise overboard to prevent sinking of the ship; and acts done as a result of such necessity can have the nature of fault inasmuch as they partake of the voluntary. For acts of this kind are more voluntary than involuntary, as the Philosopher says in Book III of the Ethics.”
St. Thomas Aquinas, De Malo, q. II, a. III.
B) on the credence table
(1) wine and water crusts filled.
(2) finger bowl and towel.
(3) communion patten.
(4) the veiled chalice with two large hosts upon the paten covered with the white humeral veil, over which is placed the nurse. (if not a solemn mass veiled chalice is on the altar.)
(5) monstrance covered with a white veil.
From In sacristy and sanctuary.
By rev. William a. O’Brien
Copyright 1932. Roman catholic books, colorado
“The Church cannot be so easily overcome.
Historically, the standard polemical response of Protestants to the phraseology of rock was to contend that it referred only to Peter’s faith, not Peter himself. In that way, the institutional element of the charge from the Lord to St. Peter is avoided. If faith is the exclusive key to the meaning, then Peter can be viewed as merely a representative of a general principle, rather than unique in the sense of institutional, concrete leadership and jurisdiction.”
The Catholic Verses, by Dave Armstrong, discussing Matthew 16:18-19.
(It happened to be the nearest because I was consulting it for a quote on purgatory a couple of weeks ago and I haven’t re-shelved it yet . . .)
“If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that everyone has his price.”
The Days Are Just Packed: A Calvin and Hobbes Collection by Bill Watterson
(I copied the 5th panel in lieu of the 5th sentence) :-)
“El mayordomo los registró empezando por el mayor y terminando por el más joven y la copa se encontró en la bolsa de Benjamín”
That should have been “water cruets” and not “water crusts.”
“Dispose of the aqueous layer in the liquid waste. Wash the combined organic portion with .1 N HCL (.75 mL). Then wash the organic portion with water (.5 mL each time) until the aqueous layer is neutral to pH paper.”
Organic Chemistry Laboratory Manual, Morvan, OU (2008-2009).
Late night study session……