Twitter report

Up to 183 on Twitter.

I wonder if we can do better?

I know some folks who twit.

Do you tweet?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Inge says:

    I added you on twitter Fr. and trying to spread the love :)

  2. Tina in Ashburn says:

    I don’t tweet but am considering it. How does Twitter differ from Facebook? Among other social sites, I use Facebook and LinkedIn. I notice that some use Twitter to update Facebook profiles.
    Both Twitter and Facebook can be updated via mobile phone.
    So is there an advantage to Twitter in comparison to Facebook?

  3. James says:

    I think we need to promote the #Catholic hashtag, so if anyone is reporting on anything church related, tag it. Anyone care to follow me? twitter id: Jdskyles

  4. Tina in Ashburn says:

    Maybe my confusion can benefit others.
    I signed up but I’m flummoxed by the search. How does one search for others on Twitter? I’m only presented with searches of gmail, msn and specific web-based mail services that don’t fit the email addresses I want.

    Again, I’m not sure what the advantage to Twitter is! :-)

    Can anybody give me some ideas?

  5. Doug says:

    Tina –

    I had the same problem until i finally discovered Twitter’s search buried down in the footer navigation. It will let you search in all the normal ways you would expect. No idea why they put something that fundamental to the functionality of the site in the footer. As to the difference between facebook and other social networking sites, Twitter is basically a place to post random thoughts whereas the others are fully functional SN sites with friending, photo and video uploading, groups, gadgets, etc.

    Father –

    Yes, I tweet (and probably twit as well. At least my wife calls me one regularly :-)) and I’m one of your 183 followers.

  6. Jayna says:

    I plurk. Still not sure why I prefer it over Twitter.

  7. Floridajohn says:

    I’ve been following Fr. Z ever since he became a Twitterer! :-) I have 107 followers and I follow 184 Folks, most are Catholics and many are priests, deacons and nuns. If you go to my page at you can click on the followers pix and check out their profile and then follow them if you like. Then when they see you following them, they might follow you but there is no guarantee that any one will! Enjoy and have fun, meet new and interesting friends from around the world!

  8. Jim says:

    i can’t figure out how to add Fr Z to “following”

  9. Tina in Ashburn says:

    Doug thanks.

  10. John in E Washington says:

    Is twitter so hard to set up or is it just me? Thanks to Doug, I searched for and found Fr. Z, but now like Jim, I can’t figure out how to follow him.


  11. John in E Washington says:

    OK, color me blind, but NOW I go back to the page and see the Follow button. Right under his picture. Large and everything.


  12. Jim says:

    Thanks John!

  13. I’m a twit, but I don’t tweet. I have enough to update and
    keep track of as it is without adding one more medium to the mix.

  14. @Doug Thanks! Couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to find people w/o being sent back to the “search my contacts” page. I’m on now and following fatherz.

    To follow me: SuzanneSadler

  15. @James How do you use the #Catholic hash tag when posting a tweet?

    To follow me: SuzanneSadler

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