From a reader:
Pleased to let you know, through the good graces of Fr. Edward Kelty, celebrant and Fr. Stanley Krzyston, Pastor, a Low Mass in the Extraordinary Form will be celebrated (as of now) at 11AM on the 31st of December at St. Vincent dePaul parish in Yardville NJ. As of now, yours truly will serve as one of the acolytes along with another member of our weekly rosary group.
Fr. Kelty is a degreed Canon Lawyer assigned to the Apostolic Signatura in Rome at the present time, but will be home visiting family during Christmas.
Yardville’s only a half hour or so away from Princeton, so count me in! Reader, I look forward to meeting you.
I could possibly make it!
Also, Fr. did you get my second e-mail about the High Mass in Philadelphia?
I think this is one of the parishes featured in the video “Living Presence.” A Eucharistic miracle was supposed to have occurred there.
Have Schola will travel. I belong to a small group in Middlesex County and we would be willing to drive down and chant for this Mass. Please email me with a contact person if youi are interested.