During the course of the day I might do some experiments with the Z-Cam.
Right now it is running from a laptop in the chapel. I will try to use a remote log in program to change my router settings, so that I can switch the cam from the laptop in the chapel to a desktop in the front room with a cam aimed at the bird feeder.
If I get that feeder cam working, there might not be audio at first, until I figure out how to switch Radio Sabina around.
"But Father! But Father!", you might be exclaiming, "Why?"
As we say in Latin… animi caussa.
So, there may be some changes to the cam during the day.
So far, I have been able to get everything working!
Trying yet another combination. I want to solve the audio problem.
It’s offline now…
It’s gonna be really nice to see some birds!
Okay…. I think I have the audio for RADIO SABINA solved on this other computer.
Quite a lot of eating activity going on right now. That is too cool!
My, that snow cover sure looks beautiful to these Florida eyes.
I am turning it on and off in order to adjust the brightness and contrast.
So… do you say Mass at any set time of day? Something we can tune in to watch?
And, I’m sorry to bug you about this, again, but is there anywhere on here where you’ve talked about your chapel – how it was built and all? The photos I’ve seen are so lovely and I’d just love to know more about it.
It’d really be interesting.
At this moment we are getting some plowing done. Serious business here today, I can tell you. And great music from St. John Cantius in Chicago. You can buy their excellent CDs at their webstore.
Please do turn off the blink attribute on the “Live.”
Forgive me for bothering you with this request; I find the blinking distracts me while I’m reading. I thank you for your indulgence.
BTW, I love your anti-spam words.
Thanks Father Z, I’m enjoying the music. Hope I catch you saying mass some time.
As an experiment I decreased the bitrate in an attempt to allow up to 15 people to watch at the same time rather than only 7 max. I don’t know how this may affect the quality of audio. Lemme know.
Okay, good…. it pushed past 9.
I switched the Z-Cam back to the chapel.
I had a note from a concerned reader:
Dear readers, caussa is a legitimate spelling of causa. Check your dictionary. The Lewis & Short says “causa (by Cicero, and also a little after him, caussa)…”
And the day prelates begin correcting Latin, is a day I will rejoice.