
We are having a bit of a blizzard.

Supplies have been laid up.

I jarred some very spicy homemade mostarda last week for such an occasion.  I made a batch of oranges and lemons, and a batch of carrots, celery and fennel.  The second should be pretty aggressive!

Tonight a guest comes for a little beef roast and roasted veggies.

The birds are also laying up stores, despite the fierce wind and snow.

Here is a sturdy Chickadee.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. RichR says:

    amidst the liturgical and ecclesial chaos……………simplicity. ahhhh. nice.

  2. Willebrord says:

    We had some recently, but luckily todays we have a respite.

  3. TomB says:

    Wowsers! I just looked at the radar summary.

  4. kelley says:

    Could you tell us what mostarda is, please? Would you provide a recipe or a link to one?
    God Bless!

  5. ckdexterhaven says:

    The mostarda looks good, I have never heard of it before. I looked at RichR’s link. Is it a sweet heat? Fr. Z, do you watch Top Chef?

  6. Ken Mueller says:

    Are you sure that’s not a nuthatch?

  7. Immaculatae says:

    Mmmmm. That mostarda looks good. Please give us a recipe. I thought it sounded good when you mentioned making it and now that I see it…..

  8. Pater, OSB says:

    three things:
    one – please post the recipe
    two – do you have any good chutney recipes?
    three – when does the Fr. Z cookbook come out? really… you’d probably make a mint!

  9. TomB says:

    What does the Recipe Really Say?

  10. Jurek Piasek says:

    This is off topic, but simply amazing. Take a look at the blatant anti-Catholicism of this following site. I was astounded when I came across it today. If you use firefox you can remove the cookie for the site and respond differently to the question of whether you are a Catholic or Mormon.

    The irony is that this fellow is full of hate (or as he call it h8).

  11. Jim Dorchak says:

    Fr Z

    What is all that white stuff all over the chik a dees?

    Sugar? Salt?

    Just planted our lettus here in South Carolina. Put the corn in the ground about 2 weeks ago, a little early, but I am taking a chance.

    Dog woods are starting to bloom, and the peach trees. We will have tomatos in another month and a half from my sets.

    I have to get the lawn mower going again soon as well, even though it was really cold here this morning at 50 degrees.

    I just hate this cold weather.

    Don’t you? hee heee…..

    Jim Dorchak

  12. SophiaGrace says:


    I’m still wondering though, why the parchment paper to prepare the mostrada?

  13. SophiaGrace says:


  14. Sophia: Really sticky stuff doesn’t stick to it very well.

  15. Gloria says:

    It’s a chickadee, all right. I get ’em here in the Sierra foothills in winter, too -AND nuthatches, which, tiny though they be, grab hulled peanuts from my acorn woodpecker feeder. They often drop a couple before they can get a rather large peanut to stay in their beaks. Sigh! Wish I had a good camera.

  16. joy says:

    I wonder how a mostarda made with candied orange peel would be, I have a huge container of them.

  17. I haven’t seen the nuthatches for a while, now that I think of it.

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