Here is an interesting piece from Catholic Culture.
My emphases.
Prominent rabbi urges Pope to say Jews need not convert
May 11, 2009The co-chairman of the Bilateral Commission of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and the Holy See is urging Pope Benedict to state publicly that Jews need not convert to Catholicism. Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen, who addressed the Synod of Bishops last October, writes:
In the Second Vatican Council and the Nostra Aetate document, it was made clear that no efforts would be made by the Catholic Church to convert Jews. Rather, the Jewish people should continue the faith of its forefathers as expressed in the Bible and rabbinic literature. The Jewish people remain a people of God’s covenant, a people chosen by God to give the world the Bible. Put simply, the Catholic Church accepted the theological principle that Jews need not change their religion to merit redemption. I hope you will take the opportunity during your visit in Israel to reiterate this fact … I do hope now to get your help as a religious leader– as well as the help of the entire free world– to protect, defend and save Israel, the one and only sovereign state of the "People of the Book" from the hands of its enemies.
There is more. You can go there and read it yourself.