Kalamazoo, MI – 14 June – TLM Corpus Christi

A worthy notice:

The Solemn Mass of Corpus Christi
According to the Missal of 1962
Missa Octavi Toni
Orlando di Lasso

Gregorian Chant
The Schola of St. Mary Church

Sunday; June 14, 2009
12 Noon
Saint Mary Church
Charlotte Avenue
Kalamazoo, Michigan 49048
(269) 342-0621

Benediction will follow the celebration of Mass.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. John F. says:

    They have chosen one of the most difficult composers to perform. Di Lasso’s work is next to impossible to recover if you loose your place performing it. Either you perform it correctly or it can turn into a disaster before you realize it. His compositions are however beautiful.

  2. John F. They have a very good choir there.

  3. John F. says:

    I have heard them and they are very talented.

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