From the Cardinal Newman Society:
The Cardinal Newman Society
For Immediate ReleaseJune 1, 2009
Bishops Who Opposed Notre Dame’s Obama Honor
Receive More Than 700,000 Prayers in ThanksManassas, Va. – Beginning the weekend of May 31, Pentecost Sunday, the 83 U.S. Catholic bishops who publicly opposed the University of Notre Dame’s commencement honor for President Obama started to receive spiritual bouquets consisting of hundreds of thousands of prayers. The prayers, primarily from people who signed The Cardinal Newman Society’s petition opposing the Notre Dame scandal, were offered in thanksgiving for the bishops’ inspiring witness to the importance of Catholic identity.
The request for the prayers was made by The Cardinal Newman Society on Ascension Thursday, May 21, and were sent to the bishops on Friday, May 29, in advance of Pentecost Sunday.
Each of the 83 bishops were sent a Spiritual Bouquet certificate which reads:
“On behalf of the members and staff of The Cardinal Newman Society and the more than 367,000 faithful who signed the petition at, this spiritual bouquet is made on the twenty-ninth day of May Anno Domini Nostri Jesu Christi two thousand and nine in grateful appreciation to the Church’s shepherds who prayerfully provided witness for a strong Catholic identity on Catholic campuses.”
A copy of the Spiritual Bouquet Certificate sent to the bishops may be viewed by clicking here. A list of the 83 bishops may be viewed at
The overwhelming prayer response in the spiritual bouquet includes:
Mass Intentions: 116,741 Divine Mercy Chaplets: 74,974 Aspirations: 57,728
General Prayers: 236,615 Eucharistic Holy Hour: 37,125 Holy Rosaries: 146,944
Novenas: 19,877 Days of Fasting: 28,862In addition to these prayers, Catholic priests offered 3,272 Holy Sacrifices of the Mass for the bishops.
“Our bishops deserve our support and prayers for their defense of Catholic identity, and as the battle for the soul of Catholic campuses continues, the bishops will need them more than ever,” said Patrick J. Reilly, president of The Cardinal Newman Society.
I like this announcement about as much as I like applause in church, and for the same reason.
Pray for our bishops, of course, whether in thanks or petition on their behalf, just don’t put out an announcement telling the world how many times you are praying for them. It reads like pious self-congratulation.
I don’t get it Father, but what exactly was accomplished by the bishops speaking out? What was prevented? Who was held accountable? At the end of the day Father Jenkins got his way and the bishops were ignored. Many say that Father Jenkins has brought scandal to the Church by his actions but he is putting in practice what he believes is right and has held strong to his believes. Where as the bishops who have the truth on their side only spoke out. They permited the president to be honored and have done nothing after the fact. How have the bishops defended their believes? How have the bishops’ words been transformed into action? How have the bishops put an end to disobediance? How have the bishops sent a clear message to the Church that they are truly shepards who protect the flock by defending it? I am sorry but speaking out just doesn’t cut it when at the end of the day priest, nuns and layity get away with going against the Church and its teachings thus bringing confusion to the Church! And this to me is the bigger scandal.
Our family took part in this spiritual bouquet, which is not like applause in Church, but a simple thank you and sign of gratefulness for the bishops who publicly took a stand on the Notre Dame scandal. We absolutely need to support our priests and bishops publicly. Spiritual bouquets such as this one bring people together in prayer. Too often, we feel separated in our “good fight” against the powers of evil. I am personally strengthen in knowing how many people took part in these types of prayers and sacrifices. We are the Church Militant together and in need of mutual support.
Very cool, very well deserved.
But I have a question.
Being a new Catholic, I am still only slowly learning the things of Catholic culture. It is easy to find theological resources and to read the catechism and such to find out the more clinical aspects of Catholicism. However, sometimes the hardest parts to find out about, especially in a more left leaning “faith community,” (Pastor’s words, not mine) are things like traditional prayers and spirituality. The RCIA director, (the parish DRE) when I asked what the liturgy of the hours was about, told me that really only monks and some Episcopal churches still did that sort of thing. I kid you not. But I had already done too much homework, I wasn’t going to let RCIA prevent me from becoming Catholic.
With that, let me ask, what are “Aspirations” specifically? How are they different from general prayers or any other the other specific devotions mentioned?
April 21, 2009…
That division must be addressed through prayer and action, and I pledge to work with Father Jenkins and all at Notre Dame to heal the terrible breach, which has taken place between Notre Dame and the church. It cannot be allowed to continue.
I ask all to pray that this healing will take place in a way that is substantial and true, and not illusory. Notre Dame and Father Jenkins must do their part if this healing is to take place. I will do my part.
Sincerely yours in our Lord,
Most Reverend
John M. D’Arcy
Carlos. We may one day (not soon, of course) awake to discover that the “prayer” and “action” promised was “prayer” but the “action” promised was “dialogue.”
I would not at all be surprised to read that a dialogue has taken place and that, in the future, Fr. Jenkins has promised…blah, blah, blah… but that at this time it would not serve the cause of Catholic unity to resurrect the political controversy surrounding the President’s appearance at Notre Dame and so we must all pray and work towards that day when…
RUDURD (Rug Up. Dirt Underneath. Rug Down)
there is hardly any expression more precious than ‘Spiritual Bouquet’. Ugh – can’t anybody think of some replacement?
A “Spiritual Crusade”?
I missed this-can I still participate in the ‘Spiritual Bouquet’?
I like Aaron’s better….’Spiritual Crusade’…after all, we are SUPPOSED to be the ‘Church Militant’ while we still live on this earth!