Various wings

A couple quick shots.

More than birds are flying right now.

It looks like the migration is on.

I am pretty sure this is a Cedar Waxwing.  I just got a glimpse.

This heron decided to take a hike as I walked down to Sabine Pond.


I caught this Hummingbird with the flash.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. ssoldie says:

    Father.Z what kind of a camer are you using?, your pictures are so beautiful. I appreciate and enjoy them very much.

  2. CB says:

    I love those first two. I have tried photographing butterflies before and found it to be very difficult.

  3. John P. says:

    Father, I have to say, those are some beautiful photos! I love the shot of the hummingbird, certainly a once-in-a-lifetime shot. I, too, would be interested to know what type of camera you use, because those are certainly some impressive shots.

  4. Finnian says:

    Fr. Z:
    I have had to satisfy my own interest in ornithology vicariously through your feeder-feeds and photos. Though I have a finch feeder, and a squirrel-proof song bird feeder, in addition to a bird bath for Robin Redbreast and his obsessive-compulsive family, new inhabitants of one of my taller pines have made the once popular feeders quite desolate. A very handsome pair of Cooper’s Hawks have made a capacious nest from which they can review the entire property. Thus, only the most intrepid birds (or perhaps those just passing through, not realizing they might soon themselves become a moveable feast) have been visiting my feeders. Unfortunately, in the absence of squirrels, I have acquired a new pest that eats all the bird seed: white tail deer. Yes, a couple of does boldly attack the hanging feeder with some frequency, and manage to lick all the seed out of the aperatures. Let me assure you and your readers that having an inadvertant deer feeder is not nearly as enjoyable as a traditional bird feeder.

  5. Chris says:

    Father, to piggy-back on ssoldie’s question, what kind of lens is on your camera? The background is blurred so nicely in that first shot. :)

  6. fxavier says:


    Same question: what kind of lens?

  7. I was shooting a Canon EOS 20D with a 75-300 zoom. Sadly the camera needs cleaning, etc. It has been through the mill.

  8. MargaretC says:

    Hello, Father —

    Great pictures. Yes, I believe that’s a cedar wax wing — I used to live in a place where they were pretty common.


  9. irishgirl says:

    I saw some waxwings in a tree at the library last Saturday!

    Great shot of the hummingbird, Father Z! And especially a night photo-pretty cool!

  10. Again thank you for the lovely pictures!

    You are in my daily prayers…

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