Mister Postman

I arrived home on Friday evening at St. Bede’s in Clapham Park to find that I had mail.

“But Father! But Father!”, you are saying, thinking that I am using this word “mail” in a loose, generic sense.  “From the time you went into the Buckingham Arms tonight till you sat down for supper later at the Ha Ha Restaurant, your iPhone showed 338 e-mails!  Surely getting mail is no big deal!”

“Ho ho!”, I respond.

This was real snail mail.

But this post is also a note of thanks to the one who sent it.

Many thanks!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Random Friar says:

    I mentioned this in an email to Fr. Z, but did anyone else notice that it has domestic rate postage? 44 cents won’t get you a postcard to Canada, nevermind a flat to the UK. A minor miracle! :)

  2. Random: I wondered a bit about that myself. But… seeing is believing!

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