Keep repeating: Anglicanorum coetibus!
From CNA:
Anglo-Catholic bishops try to rally supporters but foresee conversions to Rome
London, England, Aug 3, 2010 / 12:20 am (CNA/EWTN News).- Fifteen Anglican bishops have acknowledged that many Anglicans will convert to Roman Catholicism because of current proposals to ordain women as bishops. Granting that the Anglo-Catholic tradition will not have room to grow under the proposals, they nonetheless urged “traditionalist” priests and deacons to continue their opposition.
The prelates responded to an open letter from over 1,000 Church of England priests and deacons who oppose new changes that would allow the ordination of women as bishops without concessions for those who reject the practice as inconsistent with the Christian tradition.
“These are grave times in the Church of England especially for those of us unable in good conscience to accept that any particular church has the authority to admit women to the episcopate,” the fifteen Anglican bishops’ July 27 letter began.
The bishops acknowledged that some Anglo-Catholics, including some bishops, are considering joining the Ordinariate established by Pope Benedict XVI for former Anglicans. Others will individually convert to Roman Catholicism.
“Were the present proposals not to be substantially amended or defeated, many more of us will need to consider seriously these options,” the bishops wrote.
A number of Anglo-Catholics will remain in the Church of England because of personal circumstances, family loyalty or financial necessity, but they will do so with a well-founded “deep sense of unease,” the bishops said.
“Our concerns are not only about sacramental assurance though that is of profound importance. If the legislation now proposed passes, it will not provide room for our tradition to grow and flourish,” they warned.
The 15 bishops said a majority of the Church of England supports the ordination of women as bishops, and many in authority will not encourage the church’s “traditional integrity.” Noting that a recent compromise measure proposed by Archbishops Rowan Williams and John Sentamu only narrowly failed, the bishops argued that the “closeness of the vote” suggests “at least a measure of disquiet” in the majority about proceeding.
“Those who are not actively seeking a home elsewhere must work to defeat the currently proposed legislation,” the bishops urged.
“We are all bishops united in our belief that the Church of England is mistaken in its actions. However, we must be honest and say we are not united as to how we should respond to these developments,” they continued, pledging respect for other Anglo-Catholics’ decisions and advising against “unguarded or uncharitable criticism” of those who take different action.
The bishops’ letter noted that provincial meetings of the clergy in late September will have opportunities to discuss the future.
Benedict XVI is the Pope of Christian Unity.
I say we trade liberal Catholics to the Anglican Communion in exchange for traditional Anglicans.
. . . and a heretic to be named later.
Really, many of these folks would be much happier in the Episcopal Church. They aren’t doing themselves or anybody else much good where they are.
One of the biggest stumbling blocks to some Anglicans coming over might be ourselves. Let us welcome them with open arms and charity, as the father welcomed the Prodigal Son, and not as the Elder Son.
I wonder if people simply do not see what the crux of the situation is. We are living in a culture that more and more blatantly refuses to question why we do things but instead opts for the always amazingly logical line of questioning centered around the words, “Why not?”. It really is tantamount to mankind giving up their rationality and wanting to debase themselves to the point of finding no difference between themselves and other animals. We see this to be the case because of laws that were either suggested or are currently in place that give animals more rights than the fetus inside a woman’s womb. How sad is that? I just can’t understand how an organization, and in this case a majority of an entire religion (albeit a slim majority) that used to think and understand everything one way, now, after 500 years, decides that all of that “tradition” is about as useful as the monarchy has become. Maybe that is the real crux of it all. Perhaps it is because of a lack of a vocal authority that people slide into these amazingly awful errors. In the absence of true leadership, chaos ensues?
Anyway, I am happy to receive more brothers and sisters into what is an amazing journey. I pray that God grant them the strength to become saints for His greater glory and that they become shining beacons of Christianity in their country and effect massive change.
I think the edifice is crumbling right before our eyes, as a logical step in the internally inconsistent basis for protestantism itself.
Here we have a dissident ecclesial community, founded by one man’s ‘non serviam’, based on individual understanding of revelation (and pride) falling apart because of individualism and continual compromise to the world, rather than adherence to the divinely-protected authority of Christ’s real presence. I’m thinking that innately, people want a bulwark against the snares of this world…and belonging to a faith methodology that seemingly can’t make up it’s mind and falls on the side of fallen man every time is, in itself, as I said above, inconsistent.
I believe Benedict himself sees this and has presented and is walking the walk…and in a world that is seemingly out of control, is showing the right path, in his gentle yet absolutely wonderful way, to true freedom in God’s plan.
The remnant of Anglicans who won’t cross the Tiber, so to speak, will continue to fracture and flail about. The ones who realize where the truth lies (and I do believe they are coming to that stark realization) will come over, regardless of the cost, to enrich our own Church.
Random Friar: you are absolutely correct…those of us in the Church will be the greatest stumbling block in our own foolish pride or fear. Jesus is calling them…we should get out of the way of ourselves and let Him bring the sheep back into the sheepfold. His shepherd has it under control.
Father, do you read “The Anglo-Catholic”? I would be interested in your thoughts on some of the positions taken there recently regarding the Extraordinary Form and those who support it.
All these years they didn’t see the huge difference between the true faith and their lapse version of it, and now, just because they have some disagreements they will come over and become catholics? That’s a conversion? I hope there is more to it. Will they understand and truly appreciate the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist?
I LOVE revs96 reponse! How stupid the secular media and liberal people are not to see what a Truely HOLY Man we have for a POPE.
Is there an estimate on how many people this actually means?
Sorry to keep repeating this, but please pray for my husband who is an Anglican, as well as my mum in law, to cross the Tiber.
Please pray for the little St Francis of Assisi Anglican Church community in Spartanburg and for their Fr Tim— they are very good and holy people.
And yes, I’ll third revs96’s comment as well! (But let’s pray for them also as our Lord commanded.)
Well, gee whiz, Andrew, you just proved Random Friar’s point.
Let me explain. There are a lot of things that cause people to stay in the denomination they were born into — most of which have little to do with a conscious rejection of the true faith. Inertia, fear of the unknown, family in the graveyard, even the sordid issues of money and employment.
In the case of the Anglicans/Episcopalians, we high-churchers were taught that we were ‘really’ Catholic and that our orders were valid (you can read Saepius Officio, the response of Canterbury and York to Apostolicae Curae, for more details). Meanwhile, we were observing ‘cultural Catholics’ jettisoning Catholic tradition left and right in favor of felt banners, hippie vestments, awful music, and doubtfully valid Masses even from a high-church Episcopalian point of view.
Add to that the fact that I was a sixth-generation Anglican, and you can see why we had an inertia problem.
The increasing heresy and lunacy did not happen all at once, either. These things don’t usually come in a bolt of lightning, it’s more a gradual dawning realization that where you thought was home isn’t home at all. And then, with your entire faith structure in disarray, you have to pick through the ruins to figure out where you are going to go. It took some searching for us to find a relatively traditional and orthodox Catholic parish.
So cut the poor Anglicans a little slack, o.k.?
Prayers of course. A Tiber Crossing is no easy matter (at least, it ought not to be). Giving up the ’28 for the ICEL translation is kinda painful too, if you’re in a breakaway Anglican group as opposed to ECUSA/TEC, which of course uses the same iffy text as the ICEL.
Plus in the South you have all the social issues that cluster around the Episcopalians and the Catholics.
I will pray for your husband and mom-in-law.
Good answer! Makes sense!
AnAmericanMother WELCOME HOME! Praise be to Jesus Christ! Now and Forever! Did Jesus not pray at the last supper that we all may be one??? Is this the opening the door wider for the Orthodox??? Let us PRAY that it is…..
A.Mother, reading your message also applies to us Roman Catholics! i.e. I love what you said about the Felt banner, hippie vestments and awful music, believe you me we lived through that and it still hasn’t entirely gone away, but there is room in the Church for everyone.
Will pray for your Husband and his Mother, can truely relate to there feelings.
God Bless
The problem of women clergy in major orders is not the greatest of problems in the Episcopal/Anglican communion. In my opinion the gravest of problems is that many in this communion reject traditional Catholic dogma. A woman “could” be in major orders in the Episcopal/Anglican communion and adhere to Catholic dogmas concerning the Trinity, perpetual virginity, Eucharist, etc. Women in major orders is simply the logical conclusion of the rejection of Catholic dogma.
Many are converting to the Orthodox Church also. The Copts, Russians, Romanians, and Antiochians have all provided a western rite for the Anglicans/Episcopalians, and, some of these western rite parishes date back over fifty years. In addition to this Metropolitan Jonah of the O.C.A. has been in serious dialogue with Episcopalians in the U.S.A. He was a keynote speaker recently at a national Episcopal gathering, and, he has also given lectures at Nashota House.
The Anglican church I speak of is a breakaway from the Episcopalian Communion.
They only do the ’28. ;)
We MEFers especially need the Anglo-Catholics, and we need them — as they cross the Tiber over they bridge that “The Biggest Bridge-Builder”, the Holy Father, has built especially for them — to bring with them their Prayer Book in the 1549 edition, purged of Memorialism and including the Scottish epiclesis; and bring also their chant, and their tradition of almost half a millennium of Holy and beautiful language in English, including the ability to write and understand periodic syntax.
With them soon to be with us, the MEF will find more supporters, and the “gravitational pull” on the the MOF will be stronger.
The Anglo-Catholics have already enriched us. For it was the Oxford Movement that led to the Patristics Revival; and the Patristics Revival led to the Liturgical Movement, the theology of the Paschal Mystery, and an new emphasis on eschatology.
Now the Anglo-Catholics will enrich us even more.
I also echo High Mass’s sentiments about the felt banners and the “Hippie Mass” as I used to call it. (Unfortunately, that is what I had to grow up with…my love for Orthodox and Traditional comes from my grandparents—my Grandma ALWAYS wore a matilla in church. Unfortunately, they had a time searching for a more traditional church after V2.)
EIHN (Egeo interpretatione harum notarum.)
Any Anglo-Catholics in the GTA thinking of swimming across: Who are you so that we can welcome you! I keep you in my prayers and look forward to meeting you as brothers and sisters in Christ.
It’s extra hard if you still have the ’28. Most TEC/ECUSA churches never open the Prayer Book at p. 323, they fall open at p. 355.
I muttered the ’28 version under my breath for years and years . . . .
. . . but the upside was that I didn’t have as much to say goodbye to.
It cracked me up when we finally got my mom to Mass . . . she was raised Scots Presbyterian, the old rock-ribbed frozen-chosen anti-Catholic variety. After Mass she looked at me in astonishment and said “It’s exactly the same as our service!” (i.e. ECUSA Rite II). I told her she made the big change when she converted to ECUSA upon marrying my dad.
I am also a convert from the Episcopal church. Thank you, Random Friar, for your comment about Catholics being the biggest stumbling block to unification. I think the same is true in all communions, there is a certain segment with “superiority strut”, sometimes a duplicity in words and actions, that can make a non-Catholic recoil and a zealous convert fall into discouragement. I’m tending toward cynicism myself and it is a constant fight to keep hope in Christ when the ecclesial bickering and gossip threatens to drag us under. Keep it real, keep it honest and true – only then can God’s work have an effect on the world. We are fallen but the difference between a sinner and a hypocrite is that the sinner allows himself to be picked up, dusted off, and set on the road again. It is God’s work, not our work. In His mercy, He will see it brought to completion and desires each of us to play our role. “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” We need to pray this again, and again, and again…
Despite the bickering and the bad example, the Church founded by Jesus Christ is his beloved Bride. He calls us to himself. And Benedict IS the Pope of Christian Unity, both within and without.
Our choirmaster has instituted Anglican Chant to great acclaim (although of course we don’t call it that so that we don’t ruffle Monsignor’s feathers – he’s VERY Irish).
I tease Monsignor that we could cut to the chase on all the translation issues by just adopting the 1549 BCP (he rolls his eyes and harrumphs). I’d even settle for 1662 with suitable amendments, as you note. The majesty and clarity of the language is unparalleled. You would have to be careful that any amendments were made by a scholar with perfect command of 17th c. English, though.
I just finished reading “A Spiritual Aeneid” by Ronald Knox. It’s his story of how he, a young Anglican priest, came to realize that his Anglo-Catholic (Tractarian) position was wrong and he needed to be Catholic. Two interesting points from the book:
1. Just like Anglo-Catholics today, Knox and his Tractarian friends dealt with the problem of Anglican bishops doing things that were inconsistent with a Catholic understanding of the Anglican Church. (The big issue in his day– he converted in 1917– was a service in Africa at which Communion was given to non-Anglicans.) But they had a way of reconciling all this, and I bet some of their arguments might still be in use today.
2. I found this very interesting– when Knox finally converted to Catholicism, it wasn’t because he’d seen a logical flaw in his old arguments. He had no new information, no new train of reasoning. He simply, and rather suddenly, came to see his Tractarian position as a dream, something utterly unreal– and though he lingered in the Anglican Church for two years, trying his best to regain the old vision, he couldn’t. The wait was such a strain on him that he nearly lost all faith in supernatural religion. Knox had good will and a powerful intellect, but what moved him in the end was nothing but grace. He broke his Anglican ties and went to a Catholic monastery where he meditated for week, making acts of resignation to God, until his soul began to function again and he knew he’d be all right– he asked the abbot to receive him into the Church and later became a Catholic priest.
Anyway, all this gives me a more sympathetic view of those Anglo-Catholics who still can’t see their way clear to joining the Catholic Church.
I’ll say that we haven’t had any problem with people looking sideways at us in our parish. Probably because we’re in the South and the Cradle Catholics are thin on the ground around here.
Also, I try to be careful not to fall into “Yankee syndrome” i.e. “we did it better there” . . . to which the answer is “why are you here then?” That’s a great temptation when it comes to the ICEL translation, but I am circumspect.
But I can honestly say that after five years with our new choirmaster/music director, our music is better than or the equal of that in any Episcopal or Presbyterian parish in the state. And our former ECUSA parish choir cut records, gave concerts on the radio, and was invited to Spoleto, so that’s saying a lot.
All this, and the One True Church, too! :-D
“Really, many of these folks would be much happier in the Episcopal Church.”
Actually I disagree, I think a great many of them get their jollies by thumbing their noses at the Church and bending weak bishops and pastors to their will. Doctrine is malleable and subjective don’t’cha know, more fun to stay here and “renew” our Church rather than go somewhere that comports with their version of Christianity. Here they have an identity and “stature”, if only because of their notoreity; in the Episcopal swamp they’d be small fish and newcomers as well.
But I do wish we could trade them, even at a discount, for some traditional Anglicans.
You have a good point, maynardus.
I’ll amend as follows: “If these folks really meant what they said, they would be much happier in the Episcopal Church.”
In my experience with Anglican converts and Episcopalian converts, I have found most of them more doctrinally informed than the typical cradle Catholic, who has not studied or kept up with Church teaching. The priests I know who converted from the Anglican Church, went to Catholic seminaries and were ordained in the Catholic Church are very special, indeed.
I am so glad you converted and thank you for your journey and choice to come home…
I think your post, the fifth one posted, is an excellent observation, along with Random Friar’s caveat that we not act like the Elder Brother.
I think Andrew’s concerns are grounded, but tends to be the exception.
Ultimately charity must trump suspicion; it is only in line with Christ to believe so.
That should not mean rigorous catachesis of course; if Anglican converts were to convert with the intention of, say, ignoring Mary’s Immaculate Conception and Assumption or the prohibition against birth control, that would be a problem.
I expect far more will as would children accept the Church’s authority to teach and not dwell on aspects of the faith that are, initially, less immediately clear.
But instead of exporting our heretics, I want them converted with real teaching and excommunication when required.
Thank you! Very glad to be here!
I think worries about Anglicans not adhering to the Magisterium are largely unfounded, because you can’t look at the entire range of Anglicans/Episcopalians but only those that would seriously consider swimming the Tiber.
Because the Anglicans were originally Queen Elizabeth’s political solution to a political problem, you actually have at least three and perhaps as many as five or six completely different groups all travelling under the label of “Anglican”.
The ‘broad church’ adherents see no reason to leave. The ‘low church’ and ‘evangelical’ segments would never even consider the Church, too many liturgical, doctrinal and social differences there.
Among the ‘high churchers’, there are two basic groups. The ones that just like the pageantry and smells and bells and the tasteful music, like the broad-churchers, see absolutely no reason to leave. They have everything they want right where they are, e.g. Smoky Mary’s in NYC which has the old prayer book, gorgeous music, tons of pomp and circumstance but also female (and homosexual) clergy and great enthusiasm for whatever the latest trendy theological craze is.
The Anglo-Catholics (i.e. ‘high’ in both ritual and theology) are the only ones that are honestly considering a change. And by and large they will be no problem. Monsignor very kindly gave us several hours of his time when we converted . . . and quite seriously the only doctrinal issues on the table were the validity of Anglican Orders and the supremacy of the Pope. My daughter, then in her early teens, said she could perceive no serious difference in externals, we still went to Mass every Sunday, still said the family Rosary, still had the crucifix on the stairhall wall, etc. etc.
I think the same is true in all communions, there is a certain segment with “superiority strut”, sometimes a duplicity in words and actions, that can make a non-Catholic recoil and a zealous convert fall into discouragement. I’m tending toward cynicism myself and it is a constant fight to keep hope in Christ when the ecclesial bickering and gossip threatens to drag us under.
Amen, sister! It’s really discouraging to be unwelcome by everyone.
if Anglican converts were to convert with the intention of, say, ignoring Mary’s Immaculate Conception and Assumption or the prohibition against birth control, that would be a problem
We’re still Protestants until we prove ourselves otherwise, eh? Why on earth would you assume this from the outset?
No one is assuming anything. We just don’t know. So we ask. It is not unreasonable to ask questions, is it? Telling the truth is a sign of true friendship and good will.
Andrew, to get an idea of who we are talking about, it is worthwhile to read Fr. Hunwicke’s posting on the Ordinariate Liturgy:
One of the money quotes there is:
“As clergy of the Roman Rite, Ordinariate clergy will also lawfully be able to make use of the provisions of Summorum Pontificum. This may surprise some Roman Catholics. There are those who have been nervous that the Ordinariate scheme would mean that some dubious semi-Protestants would be squeezing into full communion with the Holy See. Nothing could be further from the truth. Amid the diversity with which Roman Catholics are familiar, Anglican Catholic clergy are very much within what you might call the New Liturgical Movement end of the spectrum. I myself use the Extraordinary Form most mornings of the week.”
Sorry. I must have missed the question mark at the end of that statement. Oh, wait…
I’m not sure how you derive this from the line you quoted.
If someone were to state ‘I’m converting to Catholicism, but I believe the Church is wrong on various points of morals and dogma,’ it does not matter if that person were Buddhist, Anglican, or atheist: such a statement would indicate that the prospective convert has not been prepared properly.
If on the other hand someone were to state ‘A lot of what the Church teaches is hard to believe and I personally don’t understand various teachings, but I defer to the Church’ this person is a model convert.
If someone had stated something like “I know that these folks are not sincere converts” then you could speak of an unfair presumption. But no such statement was made by anyone on this thread. Besides, this is just a discussion. Anyhow, who am I to approve or disapprove of anyone? For all you know I could be an atheist or a lesbian jewish rabbi.
MEF = Mass in the Extraordinary Form, what Holy Father wishes to call it.
thank you for your explanations about the differences within Anglicanism. I was shocked when, upon moving to philadelphia, I spent quite a long time on a church’s website which included information about Vespers, recitation of the “most Holy Rosary”, traditional Marian hymns. etc. “the perfect Church!” thought I, until i discovered… it wasn’t Catholic.
I will be sure to stop and pray for them and for a communal conversion of heart whenever I pass that church from now on.
I was a traditionalist Anglican who swam the Tiber this last Easter. The way home was long and if I am honest, probably started 35 years ago when I was in high school. Once I made the decision, there was no turning back; no continuing to attend an Anglican church.
I thank God for his mercy in bringing me home and I pray every, single, day for my brothers and sisters still left behind.
lux perpetua,
Either St. Clement’s or St. Mark’s (I went to school over the river in NJ and passed through Philadelphia on my way to Gaelic classes).
I must confess that I covet St. Mark’s architecture AND their bells. AND the Aeolian-Skinner organ.
Andrew and Jon,
Sorry. I guess I’ve been kicked in the teeth once too often…by progressives and trads alike. It can make you a bit twitchy.
If on the other hand someone were to state ‘A lot of what the Church teaches is hard to believe and I personally don’t understand various teachings, but I defer to the Church’ this person is a model convert.
This actually describes my situation perfectly. But you might be surprised how little traction this idea gets in some parts of the Church.
Peace! And I should say this: I like converts. It must be difficult to make the transition. I have known converts (some as a result of endless arguments we would get into) and they have been usually the most pius individuals around. And we see this also in the Bible: some guy would believe (like the jailer who held St. Paul in jail) and the whole family would get baptized, and no one questioned the “sincerity” of all the members of his family. There is an element of faith that is deeply personal, and there is a social element. The Good Lord can sort it out: I surely cannot.
Converts, overall, make the best Catholics.
Just my observation, fwiw.
We’re all converts. Every day is a conversion. Just my observation.
Marxist blogger Andy Newman has just written a fascinating piece on the contribution of the Church of England to English national identity:
In England there are two religions: Catholicism, which is wrong, and all the others, which don’t matter.
The anonymous (at least in this article) “fifteen Anglican Bishops” had better get used to the fact that this fight in the CoE is very much over and that their side has already lost. The bishops’ use of “oooooh, be careful–people are going to become Catholic if you don’t change your ways (horrors!)” is really QUITE offensive as a scare tactic–but also quite prescient. They are exactly right–people WILL become Catholic as a result; it’s already happening, actually.
I’m guessing that most of the people who feel like they must in the CoE against their conscience due to “personal circumstances, family loyalty or financial necessity” are clergy (a.k.a. the selfsame fifteen bishops). I’m not in their shoes, but these don’t really seem like good enough reasons to stay.
An American Mother:
St. Mark’s was my “last stop” before I got thrown off the horse, so to speak, and found my way back to the Roman Catholic Church. We had the Society of Mary, “confession”, the Most Holy Rosary, and, as you mentioned, the bells and AE Skinner organ. I found the interior of that church a very easy place in which to pray and meditate. It was quite a treat to arrive early on Sunday to listen to the change ringers doing their thing. The Fiske Doors are like nothing I’ve ever seen in this country. However, once I came to realize that, for all its external beauty, the Real Presence was still missing, I had to leave. Part of the catalyst was hearing the now former rector of St. Mark’s talk about his visit to the Carmelite Monastery one Sunday morning. He was invited by the Prioress to return for the feast day Mass for St. Therese, and he, in turn, invited me. The rest, as they say, is history.
it was st. clement’s of which i spoke. i’ve just had a look again at their site and, in particular, at their rector’s blog. considering one of the entry titles is “gay bishops are good for you”, i think i will make that church a fixed prayer intention in my life. especially since he blames the “ghastly child abuse cases of the Roman bit.” for this fear of gay clergy.
AnAmericanMother, Episcopals in the South are a bit different than the ones in the North, I a-reckon. You see the problem of leaving Peter – it divides and divides and divides. What I would give for an Anglo-Catholic church in Mpls/St Paul. i am a Yank. Oh well, we’ve got some good Latin.
lux, “gay bishops are good for you”. ACK! CHOKE! BE GONE! BARF!
Glad I’m a Catholic, even if I can’t have an Anglican rite.
Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
These are “grave times in the Church of England”. As in “lies a mouldering in the grave”?
Many thanks to Random Friar, AnAmericanMother and Supertradmum for their thoughtful comments. As a Nashotah House grad (’98) and convert (’05) your support of Anglican converts is greatly appreciated.
I occasionally contribute to the “Per Christum” blog — a blog in which all of the contributors are themselves converts. A couple of months ago, I posted concerning Anglican to Catholic conversions — and some of the difficulties faced by Anglicans. It might be of interest to some readers.
David Z,
Enjoyed the article. I really haven’t seen much of that sort of nonsense around our parish, other than some graying hippies who are pretty unhappy about the ‘retreat from the spirit of VCII’ as they see it. But I see that as just a backlash in general, not against Anglican converts in particular. (I’m graying myself, and I used to be a hippie, but I got better.)
Glad that you mention “the beautiful translations of St. Thomas Aquinas’ Eucharistic hymns”. If you’re not singing them in Latin, the translations out of the Episcopal hymnal (whether 1982 or 1940) are the best. Especially Adoro te devote. ZENIT credits Gerard Manley Hopkins as the translator and it’s certainly good enough to be his work (neither edition of the hymnal identifies anyone as the translator – too embarrassed I suppose).
YIKES! “Gay bishops are good for you”. As Donn Byrne once said re an open window in Connemara, I would think a good stiff dose of strychnine would be preferable . . . . at least it kills you quick.
The wakeup call for us, after becoming progressively more and more uneasy over the runup to General Convention 2003 and the whole Vicki Gene Robinson controversy, was when our then rector proclaimed that anyone who didn’t subscribe to the “gay bishops are good for you” line was not only mistaken, but evil. Walked out of church and never went back.