A while back I posted about the Benedictine nuns who signed a recording contract. Read that here.
If you are a user of amazon.co.uk (the UK store for Amazon) you can pre-order their Gregorian chant CD.
Click here.
I am sure that anyone could order if from the .co.uk site if they want to pay a little extra for shipping.
On the US site is is available as an IMPORT.
Father, we’ve had the opportunity on this roadtrip to visit many churches and several cathedrals, including a Sunday Mass at one cathedral. We’ve noted the acoustics in these large spaces and how inappropriate the ‘modern’ liturgical music is for such places. Gregorian chant, however, fits perfectly, as the notes are always in harmony. Even when the lag in sound causes the people in the back to hear or chant the notes out of step with the front, it is in harmony and creates beautiful sounds.
It’s available on the US Amazon web site as “Voices: Chant from Avignon”.
ridiculusmus: I found it eventually on US Amazon as “Voices of Avignon”. Thanks for helping me find it.