Your Sunday Sermon Notes

Was there a good point from the sermon you heard for your Sunday Mass? Tell us what it was!

Good points… good… right?

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. frjim4321 says:

    Mainly focused on the first and third readings, and the relationship between listening and loving. We’re focusing on the Apostles’ Creed in these early weeks of the YOF, so some comparison to the Sh’ma as a creedal statement of sorts. Noted how the scribe listened to Jesus, and how that opened the door to faith for the scribe. Listening as the essence of obedience, the law as a gift, true freedom from listening to the law as inscribed on our hearts.

  2. Girgadis says:

    Father used the readings to talk about how there can be no disconnect between what we do at Mass and what happens once we leave the church doors to go back out into the world. He “connected the dots” by talking about how this pertains to the upcoming election and how there can be no compromise on the protection of human life from conception to natural death and the defense of marriage as God intended – a sacramental bond between one man and one woman.

  3. melindaknight says:

    In our great parish staffed by the Dominican friars of the Province of St. Joseph, our pastor preached about the qualities of a good leader, in particular how a good leader practices the virtue of prudence. He reminded us that in regard to moral action, the virtue of prudence allows one to take general principles, apply them to specific cases, and to use one’s intelligence not for evil but for good. And which is the most important moral principle? It is that the direct and intentional killing of innocent human life is always wrong. A leader who concludes that abortion and euthanasia are morally acceptable does not possess the virtue of prudence, and so lacks what is necessary to be a good leader. Simple, direct, understandable.

  4. Matt R says:

    Fr Mark, the associate chaplain here at Christendom (On a visit this weekend!), gave an awesome homily on love, obedience, law, and the wandering in the desert. It was beautiful. He and Padre Planty (the head chaplain) are both wonderful priests.

  5. Bea says:

    Follow our conscience in voting.
    Follow your Catholic conscience.
    He quoted Pope Benedict XVI address to to Bishops of the U.S. on January 2012.
    To support/defend Religious Liberty.

    He also posted this in the Sunday bulletin.

  6. Elizium23 says:

    Our pastor blessed us with a most fantastic sermon which began describing the Shema Yisrael and used that commandment of love as a bridge to talk about time management. He gave us the old story about the professor who fills a jar with tennis balls, then rocks, then small pebbles, then sand, then water, continually filling the container to the brim. Father told us that the moral is that if you fill your time with the unimportant things first you will have a hard time doing what really matters. And what really mattered during the past week? Our holy sacred obligation to attend Mass for All Saints Day. He said how important it is to fulfill our obligation, and that conversation with his brother priest revealed that several parishioners did not show up at all for the holy day. He said that if we missed Mass then we had better not receive Holy Communion. He said we should avail ourselves of Confession as soon as possible. Now, this is a parish which holds dual-priest Confessions four times a week. Father said he would process right out into the confessional and be available for anyone who wanted to come right away. Confessional attendance was slim (I didn’t watch anyone during Communion, I had to sing) but there was a family of three, of whom two went in to confess. And I spoke to the father who didn’t want to confess, he said he wasn’t prepared, I assured him that was OK, and that both priests are great confessors, with easy penances. He wasn’t convinced. So I will pray for him and a change of heart about this great Sacrament. Thank you, Father Z, for your evangelization, and may God Bless all three of you priests for your tireless efforts in saving souls.

  7. PhilipNeri says:

    Preached at one of New Orleans’ historically African-American parishes, Our Lady Star of the Sea.

    I drew out what it means for us to love God with our heart, mind, and strength. Spent some time with what it means to understand God; i.e. “stand under” His loving authority.

    Fr. Philip Neri, OP

  8. colospgs says:

    That during the month of November especially, we are to pray daily for the poor souls in purgatory.

  9. APX says:

    “Difficultly now, reward later, or reward now or extremely difficult later. Which one are you going to choose? […] It’s a no brainer, really.”

    The former door-to-door saleswoman in me applauds his use of the phrase, “it’s a no brainer” as this phrase has never let me down with a sale. People don’t want to be thought of as being dumb.

  10. PA mom says:

    Very good point: all priests in the diocese were to read a letter from the PA Council of Bishops.

    Bad point, by the time it was finished (longer than 15 minutes, read by an English as a second language priest) I could not recall a single sentence from it.

    To make an impact, it needs to be shorter, and more clear. Now I understand why “boiled it down” to three paragraphs rather than present it in entirety.

    Regardless, I am delighted that they made the effort, whether or not it changes a single vote.

  11. AnnAsher says:

    Christ promises forgiveness for penitents; He does not promise tomorrow to sinners.

  12. Buffy says:

    Our pastor set up a single sermon by one of our priests at all our Masses this weekend. Bishop Olmsted’s booklet “Catholics in the Public Square” became the basis and the sermon covered voting. Very good presentation of the topic. “Non-negotiable” / intrinsically evil topics were covered. Other topics, about implementation of which we can disagree were also discussed. Great presentation by our young Father.

  13. Banjo pickin girl says:

    One of our priests said that our election is important because it also affects the rest of the world. He quoted what the cardinals says individually as they cast ballots for a new Pope and used this as an example of how voting can be sacred. There was a lot of good stuff in there too but I don’t have my notes!

  14. Chris Garton-Zavesky says:

    Not in sermon, but in bulletin: The Last Supper began with John’s embrace of Christ, and His betrayal was complete with Judas’ kiss. What kind of embrace will you offer Our Lord?

    From sermon: How does Paul dare to say “be imitators of ME”? He does so because Paul is imitating Christ. (I half expected Father to develop this into a discussion of tradition, but that didn’t happen.)

  15. inara says:

    Our newly ordained Parochial Vicar told a funny story about how he was recently at Sam’s Club, wearing his cassock (as always) & a guy came up to him & said “Hey!…you Catholic?” (duh) “Yeeeah.” “Well I’M apostolic!” (LOL) “Me too!”…from there he launched into a series of “so why do you Catholics…” questions, one of which was “why do you keep Jesus on the cross?” So Father explained to him that a crucifix is a reminder to us that Jesus gave everything on the cross to pay for our sins & that we are called to do the same, to “make up what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ” (not that Christ himself lacks anything, but that since He is the head & we are the body, we must participate by offering *our* everything as well.) He said this is what we are all *supposed* to be doing at Mass…participating in the sacrifice.
    He also said that since we are pretty much “on the buckle of the Bible belt” here, that we should be prepared to answer these types of questions too. He has started a Wed. night apologetics class (after the weekly Low Mass he now celebrates!!) for the high schoolers to give them the tools to do just that. He’s pretty awesome. ;o)

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