I had heard that another blogger who had made easily available access to the text of Pope Francis’s encyclical Lumen fidei had received some threatening notes the USCCB and “the Vatican” that he was “stealing from the Pope”.
Today I received my own note from the Libreria Editrice Vaticana (emphasis and comments mine):
GC/fa 1156.F284/2815
Reverendo Don Zuhlsdorf,
abbiamo visto che nel suo blog Fr. Z’s è riportata la versione audio ed il PDF dell’Enciclica LUMEN FIDEI.
La informiamo che la Libreria Editrice Vaticana è incaricata di gestire e tutelare tutti i testi del Magistero dei Sommi Pontefici ed i documenti ufficiali della Santa Sede, pertanto qualsiasi riproduzione deve essere prima da noi autorizzata.
La invitiamo per questa volta, ad inserire come referenza il copyright Libreria Editrice Vaticana e che la riproduzione e la vendita sono vietate.
In futuro, dovrà contattarci per tempo, o in caso contrario, saremo costretti ad applicare le leggi in materia di copyright. [That’s the threat part.]
Augurandoci che ciò non accada più, porgiamo distinti saluti.
Prof. D. Giuseppe Costa, sdb [A Salesian!]
Libreria Editrice Vaticana
Via della Posta s/n
00120 Città del Vaticano
Bottom line, I do not have to remove the files. You can still listen to them.
However, I am requested to insert something about the copyright.
There are a couple things everyone should know.
I did NOT, as the email says, post “la versione audio… the audio version”, I posted MY audio version. Let that pass. Also, I did NOT post the PDF. In this post (HERE) I provided a link to the PDF on the vatican.va site. When you down load that PDF, it is from the Holy See.
Furthermore, I looked through that PDF and there is NO indication of copyright.
Nor have I sold the recordings.
I will, however, honor their request and post what they suggest.
In the meantime, its the same old same old in Rome.
We don’t need any commentary on this, because it is sure to get out of hand.
I have not attempted to sell the audio files. You can download them for free, as usual. But, since I am irritated, here is my donation button:
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