A shot of one of my Say The Black Do The Red mugs “in the wild”.
Nice photo!
These mugs can do double-duty, of course. I have a Latin version of the same near to hand and it holds pens and reading glasses.
But don’t they look, and smell, even better when they contain…
I’ll bet that right about now you are thinking about coffee. Right? Am I right?
Coffffffeeeee… cofffffeeeee….
Refresh that supply before it’s TOO LATE!
Yes, you are thinking about coffee… how good it smells, how nice it is to drink in the morning, in the afternoon, even in the evening….
Buyyyyy coffffffeeee…. help the monks in Wyooooooming….. help Fr. Zeeeeeee toooooooo…..
You are not getting sleeeeepy.
Mystic Monk Coffee!
It’s swell.
Oh yes… they also have tea.
Fr. Z, you are at your most charming when drumming up business for the monks. This is as it should be!
help Fr. Zeeeeeee??? I always thought it was Fr. Zedddddddd!!!
Those pancakes look incredible!
If that’s a photo of the breakfast table, I can’t wait for supper!!
Okay, this, “Say the Black, Do the Red has, “somehow, made me think about pepper. Is there black and red pepper? I wonder what that has to do with anything? Spray the black, grind the red?
The Chicken
Other things come in black and red, such as ants and choke cherries – in both cases, avoid the red ones.
I have to second that Mystic Monk makes the best coffee around, and that is a compliment from someone who lives in the coffee-loving Pacific Northwest. It is a little expensive, but to think that the funds are going toward a magnificent new monastery make it worthwhile.