Some people in my native place, the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, have in their bizzaro-world imaginations dreamed up a project to nominate the next Archbishop.
Yes, the Catholic Coalition for Church Reform, all four of them, have been busy.
To get an idea of what these folks are about, look at the links on their side bar:
- Council of the Baptized
- Progressive Catholic Voice
- Catholics for Marriage Equality MN
- American Catholic Council
- Call to Action MN
- Call to Action US
- FutureChurch
- Roman Catholic Womenpriests
- Spirit of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community
I think you get the idea.
For some real fun, scroll down a bit and read their “Toward an Expanding Lay Spirituality for the 21st Century”. Whew!
Excerpt (with my emphases and comment):
The conditions on this planet earth are just right for molecules of matter to combine energies to form living cells, and they combined to form organisms, which combined to form ever more complex organisms in billions of species. And then, one species of very complex organisms, walking upright, with a cranium large enough to house an expanded brain, became conscious of itself as experiencing the world. The universe became conscious of itself and saw that it was good. [Nah, that’s not weird.]
The evolutionary pattern is that new being emerges from the combined energies of already existing being; for example, hydrogen and oxygen combine and there is water. Looking back at that pattern of new creation emerging, from sub-atomic particles to atoms, then molecules, then cells, we can see that humans too have combined conscious energy to create cultural forms to produce new consciousness. They created increasingly complex or nuanced systems to live in community–governments, economic systems, educational systems—and complex systems to create meaning—religions, art, literature, music, dance. They have become co-creators of the evolving universe that now includes the culture of the species that has covered the face of the earth.
CCCR wants to explore how the above creation story can reveal Jesus’s message of God’s love for the world.
Wow. Just… wow. It sounds like the loony ravings that the LCWR has wallowed in for the last couple years. HERE and HERE
Now for the ACTION ITEM!
If you want to help them nominate a priest to become the next Archbishop of St. Paul and Minneapolis… my native place, I’m just sayin’… they have an online form HERE.
I’m not saying that you should nominate anyone in particular but… well… it is my native place, after all… I’m just concerned for their welfare.
¡Vaya lío!
I’m thinking that these folks might benefit from frequent use of the Litany of Humility.
It seems the author(s) didn’t do any actual science let alone philosophy at college. Probably went the way of Liberal Arts – heavy on the liberal and light on the arts. It is truly amazing what rubbish educated people will believe.
Oh, yikers…. I had never heard of “Spirit of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community”.
Unfortunately I clicked on their link.
“Spirit of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community is an independent Catholic community rooted in Vatican II and Catholic Social Teaching. We believe in the priesthood of all people of faith and center our worship on the Eucharist. We support each other in trying to follow the nonviolent Jesus who was radically inclusive. Justice and inclusion in our worship and in our community support our work for justice and peace in our world. We are living the questions, and listening for the Spirit’s guidance. All are welcome.”
[Yah, that’s pretty messed up.]
Do you think they’ll accept nominations by people outside the Archdiocese?
Do you think Fr. Z. may himself score some nominations?
I’m guessing no, and undoubtedly. [What’s with all the negativity? I mean… they are taking nominations… right?]
I nominated Fr. Z, Fr. John Berg from the FSSP, and Bishop Rifan from Campos, Brazil!
They are gonna love those! ;-)
[That’s the spirit!]
Father Z, I must confess that I am a sinful man, because the first thing that I thought of was to play with the CCCR in Minneapolis minds by nominating both Michael and A.J. Matt. That is, if their ordinations can be arranged….
In Christ,
Zuhlsdorf, Zuhlsdorf, he’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can!
[What can I say? I’m humbled.]
I’m sured they’re honored to have such an esteemed prelate as Raymond Cardinal Burke nominated as a potential bishop.
I nominated Their Excellencies John C. Nienstedt, Lee Piche, and Andrew Cozzens.
Frank H.,
That’s ARCHBISHOP Zuhlsdorf , but we can just call him Your Excellency for short!
[And in Italy bishop are “Monsignore”…. it’s my only chance!]
I had to go with Bishop Thomas Paprocki – proven track record, anybody. Never mind that he’s already a bishop, that should be a plus! I also nominated Fr. Mitch Pacwa. He’s good in front of the camera, theologically grounded, and a Jesuit!
I had to go with Bishop Thomas Paprocki – proven track record, anybody. Never mind that he’s already a bishop, that should be a plus! I also nominated Fr. Mitch Pacwa. He’s good in front of the camera, theologically grounded, and a Jesuit!
I’m also rather tempted to call up Mrs. Paula Ruddy, whose name and phone number are on “Contact Us” form of the website. Perhaps let her know when I see Archbishop on Monday I’ll pass along I nominated him! I’m sure he’ll be thrilled! (or perhaps just pray to St. Anthony, the Hammer of Heretics, for her conversion….)
At first I thought Father Z might have a bit of a problem with the “theologically open” part of the qualifications, but then I thought he might be creative enough to come up with an acceptable interpretation of “theologically open”. So go for it, and if Father Z wins, we can all look forward to buying new mugs with a coat of arms on them.
[If I am elected, I promise that my first Mass in my wonderful Cathedral, with be a Pontifical, at the throne, in the traditional form of the Roman Rite. I will enter to the sound of the Imperial March from Star Wars.]
“Spirit of St. Stephen’s Catholic Community is an independent Catholic community rooted in Vatican II and Catholic Social Teaching”.
Really?! That must mean that their liturgies give pride of place to Gregorian chant and the ordinary texts are all in Latin, and everyone faithfully studies and lives the “Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church”! Terrific!!!
They will not like my entries, I am pleased to say: Fr. Zuhlsdorf, Abp. Cordileone, and Bp. Barber.
[Great company!]
You have to admire their scientific basis:
“…for example, hydrogen and oxygen combine and there is water”
Yep. Just ask anybody who was at Lakehurst Naval Air Station on May 6, 1937.
I was going to pray for a successful nomination of Fr. Z., [o{]:¬( ] but since this gang sounds more New Age than Catholic, I’ve decided I’ll just go light a peace pipe and traipse around a labyrinth instead. Or maybe a crop circle. That should cinch it for him. No self-respecting co-creator of the evolving universe would be caught dead praying. That’s so pre-Enlightenment.
Father Z.: “A great priest and a great man” This is fun!
OrthodoxChick: You would have to call him ArchbiZhop or Your ExcellenZ.
Maybe nominating Fr. Z is not such a great idea. If this group actually nominates someone, they aren’t going to be choosing their next Archbishop. They may be buying some favorite priest of theirs a one-way ticket to twelve years of parish life in a place without internet access, but they aren’t going to be choosing their next Archbishop.
Oooo, look what I found! A letter from Archbishop Nienstedt to them telling them to stop calling themselves Catholic:
iPadre, you got me! I stand corrected. LOL!!!!
In UK they are concerned with ‘Flying Pickets’ traveling around for various strikes. Why not here? Could we fold the ballot box for Fr Z? Sort of an ACORN like resettlement of people with the right view of the world into districts that need attitude adjustments.
“If you want to help them nominate a priest to become the next Archbishop…” The rank clericalism displayed here shocks the conscience. Priests is all they care about. They are sooooo not with it.
Me, find me a good catechumen. AMBROSE! AMBROSE!
[HA! With Jerome: Heri, catechumenus. Hodie, episcopus!]

How do we nominate for Chicago, for when Pope Francis accepts Card. Francis George’s resignation? I’d like to throw Bp. Paproki’s and Bp. Joseph Perry’s names out there – two outstanding auxiliaries to Cardinal George! [I guess you’ll have to find the corresponding bizarro world in Chicago.]
As to St.Paul-Minneapolis, how giving them a Cardinal? Why not Cardinal Arinze, yes he’s retired but being minority, from Africa, a Cardinal should prevent the loonies from objecting .. and everything else should win him everyone’s admiration!
Personally, I was amused by the option to list one’s “Parish (if any).” Is that welcoming “interfaith” nominations (after all, we must be inclusive of the unitarian universalists), or are they reaching out to the many former Catholics in the area who “just don’t identify” with the Church or any of Her parishes any longer? What an enfranchisement!
Sorry, I thought undoubtedly meant yes.
Father, if this doesn’t work out… Don’t give yo hope! Fancy cleaning up the mess in Germany, perhaps? The Archdiocese of Cologne is vacant, and there is a similar nomination call going on there. Perhaps you would like a red hat, for which Cologne is traditionally almost a guarantee? :)
I’m going to swim against the tide. Sister Joan Chittister or Phyllis Zagano. I do this only because I want to read Fr. Z’s column when they accept this nomination. And also, I would love to read Archbishop Nienstedt’s next letter, which will discuss “ordination” and “Catholic” and “excommunication.”
Don’t give UP hope, that is. Strange spellchecker.
I strongly stand with ASPM Sem on this one. I’ll be at SJV in the fall, and I can’t go wrong with supporting our true bishop.
You know, Father, despite your obvious aptitude for this post, that oddball creation myth sounded so like a riff on Teilhard de Chardin, I’m awfully tempted to recommend him for the see.
As his qualifications: ‘Knowledge of the Omega Point and expertise in Orthogenesis and the Noosphere, also stimulating views on Original Sin.’
‘Theologically open and well-read’ – tick!
‘Value transparency’ – definitely!
And certainly ‘able to represent the Church to the healthcare community,’ as Teilhard has himself undergone quite a rehabilitation recently.
I’m not sure whether he’d be able to ‘dialogue’ – possibly not: but it sounds as though the restless laity who’ve formulated the nomination process won’t need much dialogue anyway. I doubt if the newly appointed prelate would ever be able to get a word in edgeways – or would ever be called on to do so.
Which is just as well, really, considering Teilhard’s current orthogenetic status.
Fr. Z, Bishop Morlino, Bishop Vasa
I nominated the illustrious Rev. Z and no others, because I am not very inventive. I also supplied my full name and email address. I followed up on the “Contact Us” form with a Latin invocation of the Sign of the Cross and a St. Michael prayer against these freaks. [Now now! This is my future flock you are talking about… if I win the election, that is.] I hope they spam me like crazy now.
Since they say we can vote, I say we vote them out and let them form their own “church”. My next vote is for the current Archbishop. My next vote is to end this foolishness and let Rome decide from now on. My vote and my 2 cents.
Father – I did submit your name, after all. In support, I cited your possession of each of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, a driving license, a knowledge of handguns, and proven expertise in the Traditional Latin Rite.
Is that OK? I hope so.
[Satis superque!]
Only three? I’ve got a much bigger list: of course our gracious host Fr. Z; [Bless you, my son.] and, keeping in mind that these days archbishops tend to be selected from among men who are themselves already possessed of the episcopal dignity, HE James Conley, late of Nebraska; HE Michael Sheridan of Colorado Springs; HE Daniel Jenky of Peoria IL; HE Peter Jugis of Charlotte; HE Robert Finn of Kansas City; and last, but not least, HE Fabian Bruskewitz – yes, he’s technically retired, but it would make for a swell spectacle!
nomination done!
Oops. Forgot to mention this campaign to seek candidates for the future Archbishop of St. Paul must be in anticipation of HE John Nienstedt, their current archbishop, being summoned to either Rome or the Archdiocese of Chicago.
Just one name submitted, Archbishop Z :)
I, too, nominated Fr. Z, noting his deep understanding of the Second Vatican Council. I figured they’d like that.
Qualifications from the website:
–> have knowledge of liturgy and a demonstrated ability to celebrate well.
Me thinks they know not what they ask.
[Yes. But I, too, was surprised not to see any mention of knowledge of giant puppetry as a qualification. I guess bishops have people for that. I don’t know. I’ve never been a bishop … in this life at lest. Maybe in a previous incarnation?]
another vote for you. Good luck, Father. Remember us when you get the hat!!
What a bunch of Episcopalians — nominate an archbishop, indeed! When will they have the election??
Father, I nominated you, of course. I wrote this for your qualifications :
Ordained to the priesthood in 1991 at Basilica of St. Peter, Vatican City, by John Paul II; he is a Latinist, a superb liturgist, well-versed in Patristics; a truly pastoral heart and a great sense of humor. Native to MN.
I also put St. Agnes’ as my parish and Scott Fitzgerald’s birthplace as my address, since I am in Austin and thought a “local” would carry more weight. ¡Vaya lío!
Has no one mentioned that Fr. Z. is an accomplished chef? That he knows all the Aubrey-Maturin novels by heart? That he not only speaks Latin but speaks O’Brienese. [Which its a necessary qualification, ain’t it?]
That he does his own computer geek-work? Surely these are among the most important qualifications for the Very Model of a Modern Archbishop?
But yes, I was most relieved to note that someone did mention the single most important qualification: he knows his way around handguns. (Though he should probably have also been recognized for the sheer amount of paper he has killed.) I would hazard a guess that very, very, very few current, future, or potential Archbishops are as good of a shot as our own beloved ‘Puter Padre.
I nominated Sister Joan Roccosalvo, the brilliant scholar of liturgical music.
The liberals will vote her in. (A woman bishop! How transgressive!)
Then, if chose, she’d “What the F” in Latin Gregorian chant and give them a lecture on the priesthood.
In addition to Father Z, I nominated Father Laird and Father Ubel.
“The conditions on this planet earth are just right for molecules of matter to combine energies to form living cells, and they combined to form organisms, which combined to form ever more complex organisms in billions of species. And then, one species of very complex organisms, walking upright, with a cranium large enough to house an expanded brain, became conscious of itself as experiencing the world. The universe became conscious of itself and saw that it was good.”
For a moment there, I thought I was reading a poorly written Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy fanfic written by a person who thinks HG2G is a serious story and missed all the jokes.
If you have Father Z as Archbishop, at least you know there will be plenty of Mystic Monk Coffee up at the offices. That and proper celebration of the liturgy is all any Catholic needs.
If not Archbishop, maybe President Father Z in 2016! At least we know the First and Second Amendments would be defended well.
Finally, just the mischief I needed to brighten my day! Two nominees:
Fr.Z. for his defense of the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI for his extensive experience as Christ’s Vicar on Earth.
@texsain LOL! I do love HG2G’s proof for the nonexistence of God which uses the existence of God as one of its premises… quite humorous.
@JDBenedictH looking at your username I believe I know who you are, but I have no way of emailing you to verify as I don’t know your email. Look forward to seeing you in the fall!
Lacking imagination and sleep, I confined my nomination to our blogmaster. Were I to consider a second nomination, it might well be Fr. Z’s neighbor Bishop LeVoir of New Ulm, a sound, courageous, and genuinely pastoral servant of Christ.
Since Vladimir Putin has more Christian credentials than these folks,:
(Sung to the Fig Newton jingle)
“You’re darned tootin’
you’ll like Vlad Putin!
Whadaya think?
I think these “CCCR” people are a bit confused in their acronym, linguistically. The Cyrillic R should look like a P.
Just to spread the love…Bp. Richard Williamson, Fr. George Rutler, and Fr. Z!
Father Z, I am afraid you may have just found yourself a new job! It is UNLIMITED fun! If they put their money where their mouth is, you should be getting a letter soon…
Hee hee hee. I just nominated Fr. John Zuhlsdorf.
qualification: He know Jesus personally.
This is fun. :)
If I am elected, I promise that my first Mass in my wonderful Cathedral, with be a Pontifical, at the throne, in the traditional form of the Roman Rite. I will enter to the sound of the Imperial March from Star Wars.]
“be willing to create structures within the Archdiocesan framework for two-way communication with priests and laity.”
YES! Father Z has (or has been working at getting) a ham radio operator license, the ultimate two way communication tool between laity an priests! Yay!
I am sure that you are all giving them some food for thought.
It makes you feel good to help, doesn’t it?
I’m in a High School band, and if you get elected, I would be honoured to play for Darth Bishop Z.
I came for the comments and depart well-satisfied.
I nominate Fr. Z and no other. Living in the SF Bay Area I selfishly wish to keep Cordileone, Barber, and Vasa in place a long time.
“Heri, catechumenus. Hodie, episcopus!”
Father, you’re too modest. Perendie Papa!
@FatherZ I have it on good authority that the opening hymn at your installation will be “The Imperial March” from Star Wars… It’s nice to have these groups consider you with such a grand turn out such as this :P
Voted. Fr.Z. Why? Adequately fits all criteria, plus he is Theologically sound, and he loves God and His Church more than public opinion.
plus, I couldn’t resist when I saw this…
Hell yeah, I’ll be there!
Dear ClavesCoelorum,
we still have to play by the rules though.
To become a German diocesan bishop, you need to have a German passport and a degree from either a German university or a pontifical university set in Rome.
But waiiit… if I’m rightly informed our reverent host has the latter, and given his ancestry, surely something could be done about the former?
(And you need to get the government of Northrhine-Westphalia to acquiesce, as they have a veto for “political but not party-political” reasons.)
Maybe this isn’t so bad. I want to nominate and enthrone Fr. Robert Altier. We’ll see what CCCR thinks of that.
Surely these helpful votes are acts of charity.
Og the caveman from Far Side say, “Hummph! Where hydrogen come from?”
I am surprised the ability to play the tambourine is not listed in the criteria. But, I am sure our dear Fr Z has several in all the different liturgical colours, including rose.
This is easy for me: for Archbishop, my good friend from college (we were both philosophy majors together and lived in the same dorm–but he graduated 2 years ahead of me) Bishop Andrew Cozzens; and Fr. Z as auxiliary!
I nominated a well known priest with these qualification (hope they’re accurate), but I don’t think they are the qualifications they are looking for:
Priest over 20 yrs., Orthodox, Offers TLM, Fluent in Latin and Italian. Smart. Holy. Experience in the Curia. Loyal to the Magesterium of the Church.
I nominated Father Z and Father Altier. That way we have the archdiocese covered from A to Z!
“but they aren’t going to be choosing their next Archbishop.” true but voting for Fr Z will be the icing on the cake if he wins. wink wink. Just gave him my vote :)
I have nominated Zuhldorf for embracing modern forms of communication especially with Catholic youth, far beyond his peers.
They fail to mention the part where their letter to the papal nuncio gets lost in a stack of papers and never seen again (accidentally, if they ask). I nominated Fr. Z, Fr. John Paul Erickson, and Fr. Simon Harkins, FSSP.
I nominated Fr. Z, listing his qualifications as “A Proud Self-Absorbed Promethean Neopelagian”. His Eminence, Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke and His Excellency, Archbishop Sample also received my nomination.
In my home diocese, Calgary, they actually elected the bishop who confirmed me through a similar process.
Well, similar in that they consulted. Their consultation was to ask each priest in the diocese to suggest someone on a private ballot.
I agree a local carries more weight, and after all I AM a local, so I went with people currently ministering in the Archdiocese: John Ubel, Bill Baer, and John Paul Erickson. All three would be great bishops, and have more pastoral skills than anyone they’re likely to come up with, and I hope someday one or more of them actually are elevated to the episcopacy!