I am sad and angry about the assassination of two New York City police offers.
I will remember them and their families in my prayers.
There’s lots of blame to go around. First, the perp was a Muslim who posted photos of pages of the Koran on his Facebook page (about inflicting terror). Next, there are professional race-baiters who have been in vulturine orbit around the city, and around Ferguson, in the wake of other incidents. Third, I don’t see a way not to blame the Mayor, De Blasio, whose real name is Warren Wilhelm, Jr., and who traveled to Nicaragua in the 80’s in support of the Sandinistas (who aligned with Cuba to support Marxist revolution in South America), and who honeymooned in Cuba.
You cops out there: Keep your heads on a swivel!
Sts. Nunilo and Alodia, pray for us.
St. Lawrence of Brindisi, pray for us.
St. Michael the Archangel, patron of police officers, be our defense.
Thank you Father. At this moment there are very many family members of Police Officers that are terrified. Some in my own family.
Very upsetting, and even more so for having a police officer in the family (not in NYC, fortunately). I saw that De Blasio and Bratton went to Mass at St Pat’s today and Cdl Dolan walked out with the odious Mrs. De Blasio on his arm. I actually saw a photo of that one.
So now the NY left is trying to make it all right with the Church, and obviously Cdl Dolan is all too willing to go along. I suspect that many NYC police officers will never darken the door of a Catholic church again.
Thank you for mentioning this, Fr. Z. Yes, there is plenty of blame to go around. What a mess. And to think that before 2008, Americans pretty much got along with each other and law enforcement was generally respected. Gee, what changed in 2008.
I hope Bill “DeBlasio” gets shown the door. He has lost the confidence of the NYPD, but the people of NYC wanted a Communist, and a Communist they got.
Every single day it gets worse. I don’t know that we can make it until 2016. God help us.
I’m also having trouble not blaming the mainstream media and Eric Holder, who spread and continue to perpetuate lies about what happened in Ferguson.
I wondered about the name change and found this:
Warren Wilhelm Sr. (DeBlasio’s father) committed suicIde about ten years after the divorce.
I speculate that the point of the point above by jhayes, Father, is that in shedding his father’s surname, De Blasio also shed any sympathies and/or connections with his father’s staunchly pro-freedom political perspective and went on to embrace Marxism/Leninism.
The mayor of New York is a leftist who will throw the NYPD and anyone else that doesn’t subscribe to his philosophy under the bus…
Where’s Rudy Giuliani when we need him? A RINO he may have been, and not exactly the most exemplary Catholic of all time either, but as a mayor he was light-years better than either Nanny Bloomberg or leftist loon De Blasio. One thing’s for sure, no cop would ever feel compelled to preemptively disinvite him from their funeral….
As I’ve asked myself so many times since that election …… just WHAT were the voters of NYC thinking? Regardless of low voter inforamtion and apathy, my prayers go out for the souls of these two brave officers and to their friends and families. The tweets posted by the son of the one police officer were particularly heart wrenching.
On a semi-related note, now that we’re all kissy-kissy with the Cubans, I see that my Governor, Governor Christie has written to Mr. Obama. He has asked him to use his new found influence with the Cuban regime to hand over Assata Shakur (Joanne Chesimard), convicted of slaying NJ State Trooper Werner Foerster back in 1973. She escaped to prison and fled to Cuba, and has been granted safe haven ever since.
Should I hold my breath?
I believe that Cardinal Dolan is trying to help tone down the volatile rhetoric which isn’t helping the situation. He has always been very supportive of the NYC police, and is merely calling for calm heads to prevail. In the end, that helps the police as well as the citizens of my city, especially since we have such an incompetent mayor.
I think Cardinal Dolan could have calmed things down without making it look as if he was approving of the activities and statements of De Blasio and his wife. There are a lot of cops who are feeling very betrayed right now, and not only by De Blasio. Cdl Dolan actually made some rather ambiguous statements when this all started, and since then, has not said much of anything, to my knowledge. I don’t live in NYC at the moment, but I have family there and follow things closely.
Cardinal O’Connor – and perhaps even Cdl Egan – would never have let things get this far. If De Blasio is now claiming to be a Catholic (and he went to Communion, so I would assume he is), then it is the responsibility of Cardinal Dolan to call him to account for his undeniable role in inflaming the situation.
Isn’t it amazing how liberal radicals feel compelled to call themselves by other names than their real ones? I guess it’s all part of the re-inventing themselves process.
I live in NJ and know the city well; this is the most appalling thing that has happened since 9/11!
Mayor Sandinista ripped the NYPD apart 2 weeks ago and let it be known that he feared for his own son at the hands of the police! Can you imagine! If ever there is a police dept. that can re-train police depts around this country, NYPD is it! They don’t need any re-training.
What they need is a mayor who stands for all the people of NYC, not just the protesters, and minorities who are constantly making victims of themselves!
Personally, there should have been SOME repercussions for officers concerning Eric Garner. He may have been resisting arrest but how the police handled the situation should not have resulted in his death. I pray for his family, too!
How does anyone ever “win” in dilemmas like these?
Blessed Jesus, come and be with us, this week!