Prayer Before Using The Internet HERE
Almighty and eternal God, who created us in Thine image and bade us to seek after all that is good, true and beautiful, especially in the divine person of Thine Only-begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech Thee, that, through the intercession of Saint Isidore, Bishop and Doctor, during our journeys through the internet we will direct our hands and eyes only to that which is pleasing to Thee and treat with charity and patience all those souls whom we encounter. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Daily Prayer for Priests HERE
Daily Offering HERE
How excellent!
Oh my (sigh) that is breathtaking. What is the significance of the short capes that 2 of the Altar Boys are wearing please?
Absolutely lovely, thank you Father.
Those are vimpae (singular vimpa). They are used so that the altar servers do not touch the mitre or crozier.
Would have liked to come if it was not so difficult for me to get there.
Thank you :)
Children DO pay attention as well. My 7 year old daughter asked why the Bishop was wearing white shoes when all of the others were wearing black. My wife noticed this as well.
I think I got it right when I explained that this was a privilege of a Bishop or higher prelate only during pontifical Masses in the color of the day.
Someone let me know if there is more to it that this.
I certainly hope we get to see more pictures.
What a beautiful site! P. H. Mass
Unfortunately, I am on the other side of Madison and the side street to get out was iced over. After watching 3 accidents at 6pm I sadly stayed home. I was there in spirit and cannot wait until the next Mass! God love Bishop Morlino. It is a blessing to be under his care here in the Madison Diocese!
Your set of new vestments added to the beauty of an already august event.