I taught, on Friday, the final day, about the Christian statesmen in the “city of God”. Having an eye on how the civil virtues will be lived in the heavenly city, the statesman must, in this earthly city, govern through the civic virtues as transformed by the virtues of faith, hope and love. His concern is for the eternal happiness of his subjects. Thus, temporal benefits, while important, must at times be sacrificed for the sake of eternal benefits.
Someone sent a photo of me in action.
Something went a little crazy with my stats yesterday.
I’m not kidding. This is strange.
In a 24 hour period, ending at 7pm on Friday, I had 1,334,768 visits and 2,494,191 page views. Since then, to the time of this writing (several hours in the time frame yet), 1,308, 118 visits and 2,494,191 page views.
Maybe I’m not charging enough for ads!
Maybe something I don’t understand is going on. It’s sure is strange.
Fr. Robert Sirico addressing the crowd on the last night of Acton U.
Meanwhile, the heavens were putting on a show of their own. A beautiful crescent moon, Venus and Jupiter all together.
Viewed with an iPhone app.
Then it was off with some of the faculty and AU vets for cigars and libations (which I did not pour out to the Moon, Venus and Jupiter).
As always, Acton as exhilarating. It is a great experience.
From the release of the encyclical, to teaching for the first time for AU, to eating sandwiches with a table full of Southern Baptists, this week is never dull, listening to the trials of a Pakistani Christian, chatting with Argentinians about the Pope, and meeting an 18 year man from the Philippines who signed up and got a scholarship because last year he saw my tweets… unbeatable experience.
Your last paragraph, Father, is quite an amazing summary. You must have had a wonderful experience.
I’m glad you reminded us that it’s Jupiter with the moon and Venus. We marveled at the beauty of those three last night, and I had forgotten the identity of the third heavenly body!
Maybe the spike in your stats is due to being quoted in the Wisconsin State Journal’s article about “Laudato si”. (In short, the overwhelming majority of Catholics love it; you’re the cranky stick-in-the-mud.)
Where I live, on the west coast, it is usually overcast so we miss most of the celestial goodies. That particular show was in clear view and beautiful to behold.
I doubt WisSJ has more traffic than WDTPRS.
It could be web crawlers indexing your site. Especially if you can narrow down the spike to a specific location I would suspect this. If it is to a particular page, you could check your linkbacks and see if someone big referenced you. Google Analytics is good for this stuff