We installed some new defensive tools on the blog to protect from spammers and other vile twisted souls. I’ve been watching the logs of nefarious activity.
I just strengthened the defensive perimeter so that failed attempts to log in will result in banning and being locked out for up to a month automatically (rather than minutes) or, under certain circumstances even permanently.
I realize that some innocent people might get caught in the moat and that the alligators (permitted to eat meat even on Fridays of Lent) will get you.
If you have a problem logging in and wind up getting banned, drop me a note.
I can whitelist specific IP addresses.
Furthermore, it is a sad fact that I have to do this. It is also sad that I have had to tighten up the combox permissions. I don’t want this place to look anything like the slimy fever swamp at Fishwrap or Crux.