A couple things to report on the Ham front this week.
One Wednesday evening I tuned in to listen to the local ARES check in. This is something I might consider in the future. This is the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, which is a network of hams who volunteer to help with communications during emergencies or disasters. It might be handy to have a priest in such a net. And if I go ahead with some EMT training, even more so. Just thinking aloud at this point.
I finally heard back from the nice, but pokey, folks who made my Juicebox. You may recall that my hardened portable power unit wouldn’t charge, despite my various efforts. So, the Juicebox folks wrote to say they were going to send new batteries. Then, days later, I got the email with the shipping information: That was a couple days ago, I’ll probably see them Monday, even though it was 2nd day shipping.
When I have those new batteries and if I can get the Juicebox to work, then I’ll fire up the Kenwood transceiver I received: it has only an Anderson Power Pole Cable, and the Juicebox has built in Anderson capability. I have a bunch of Anderson stuff on my wishlist. One of these days I’d like to do some cables, etc. along the lines of what USNERDOC has shown in some of his instructive videos. Example: HERE
I have to start thinking about a QSL card pretty soon. Would that I were more artistic. I suppose it ought to be in Latin… and retro. Or perhaps I should wait on my “vanity” call sign decision. So many conundra.
My little Baofeng (thanks readers!) is on and tuned to the local repeater. I’ve made a few brief contacts and listened to some interesting ragchew about radio gear: Way Over My Head™. They were going on about tubes and mods and making RTTY contacts. Yet, inspired, I fiddled around with my Yaesu and figured out what was wrong with my settings: I couldn’t get the repeater. It’s a complicated little thing to program, but I solved my issue. I am starting to recognize the calls (and personalities) of some of the local users.
Later today (Saturday) I’ll switch on Echolink. NB: WB0YLE has lent us his node. Do an F-key search for his or my call or: WDTPRS Ham Cafe
Not quite Z-Chat, but it is interesting.
Speaking of Z-Chat, I might have to start that again. It takes a lot more equipment to do the Ustream thing.
UPDATE 11 July 2112 GMT:
I was on earlier with WB0YLE and KE4WKV via Echolink and it worked well!
The topic of priests who are Hams came up. I’d sure like to build a list. Fathers! Bishops! CQ!
Also, I am wondering where our other hams are. I remember some of you have chimed in in the past:
- acardnal KE4WKV
- Joan W4JMJBMKoenig K3BMK
- chris1 KJ4MPE
- crule N4TII
- Bryan Boyle WB0YLE
- Andy Lucy KG4ZMF
- Navy Jeff KC9TCZ
- pledbet424 WB0MZT
- Kenneth Jones KB3JA/BY
- asperges G4NJH
- Dan Soderlund KBØEO
- Hesiodos AD7QQ
- MWindsor – KT5WX
- dahveed – KD8ZIB
- FloridaJoan – W4JMJ
- Jilly – WA4CZD
- jpaluh – KB3LUE
- Humilitas – KC4RAC
- Jeffc – AC5XL
- pledbet424 – WB0MZT
- Patrick L – AG4JQ
- Dr Guinness – VK3SJB
- MacBride – KC2MEO
- Evan C – N5EDC
- boxerpaws1952 – N3XFQ
- chris_R – N3GBJ
- Jack – W1JEM
- Julia12 – KC9ALW
- moon123 – KB9VSE
- Pearl – KC8JSL
- OK_doc – KF5THY
- Baritone – KD5AYJ
- ByzCath08 – W8GMN
- Mojoron – K0CCP
- Deacon Bob – W8CRO
- Incensum – N9WIV
- Fr. David McGuire AE4LH
- frdanbecker WA1ZHQ
- Rev. Canon Glenn Gardner K9ALT
- plaf26 – KC0GA
- Fr. Bryan – KD8ZFF
There must be more of you!
N3GBJ here. I did work a Catholic priest in Louisiana on CW a few years ago — I think I still have his name — Fr Daniel Brouillette – KF5UFN
You forgot me (how could you?): Fr. Paul La Fontaine KCØGA. BTW, check out http://www.cheapqsls.com/ for nice QSL cards. Have made contact with St. Paul Radio Club and UST Radio Club which meet here on campus. Might be able to operate the club rig (FT1000MP) from my computer, just like they do the telescope atop the science bldg. 73!
[I didn’t forget, but I was interrupted while updating. As a matter of fact, your QSL card was open on my screen!]
Fr Z, you should consider making some “Father Z Stuff” available using the “I am the .2 percent” comment.
acardnal: I like it!
I expect my fundamentalist neighbor will read that comment and ask me, “Are you talking about the rapture”
I could say 88, as I am a woman, but you might think I am being too forward :)
KB9VSE. Talked to you a few weeks back on the 147.150 on Saturday night around 11pm.
Not a Ham, but we’ve been granted an LPFM license (low power FM – 100 watts, maybe 250 in the future): WSEF-LP, Saint Joseph’s, Dalton GA.
We expect to go live August 1st. We already have a robust radio team, and our original content will consist of live Mass, evangelization, catechesis, youth, apologetics, discussion, prayer and praise, etc. When we’re not live, we’ll use content from EWTN and other sources. Plus a lot of Spanish music.
I am a Ham, but not particularly active. KC9ALW
Like Pearl, I would like to figuratively say “88”
I’m also a ham, not very active though I might dust off my equipment and see if I remember how to use it. SA2BXP
Not a priest, just a reader of the blog. 73.
KD8ZFF here. Thought I would answer the CQ. I am the only priest that I am aware of that is an active HAM in my area. Would be good if there were more.
K0CCP, a vanity representing my certification CCP, when I was not retired.
Inspired by the Ham related topics here, I am studying for the Technician license, hope to be on the air soon. The ARES stuff sounds interesting.
For those thinking of earning an amateur radio certificate…all I can say is “Go For It”. [Hear! Hear!]
You may have in your mind’s eye an image of a ‘ham’ as varied as a techie in overalls and funny baseball cap, seated at a bench with sparks flying around him pounding out morse code (no longer required but a nice skill to acquire) into all hours of the night; backyard festooned with antennas of all shapes and sizes (well, mine is, to tell the truth…but well hidden).
I earned my initial Novice class ticket in 1969 (!) while still in grammar school. First QSO (my elmer was a broadcast engineer for WOR in NYC) was with K2ORS (Herb, my elmer, was his board operator for his nightly show, and arranged for Jean to be listening for me in the Novice section of the 40 Meter band…). That led to a 15 year career in broadcasting, starting at Fordham’s radio station and ending up at ABC Radio Net in NYC, on both sides of the glass.
For me, this fed a lifelong interest in everything technical from radio to aviation to computers to who knows what next. While you may not travel down the same road, nor even have an interest to, the skills you can learn and contacts you make will have a positive effect on other things you are interested in.
An, should it happen that TEOTWAWKI comes about…the ability to establish lines of communications with like-minded individuals may just be what separates you from the hordes outside your place of refuge.
Besides, where else can you talk to the world from your basement with 5 watts and a hunk of wire?
Just Do It. We’ll be here listening!
Deacon Bob Schroeder, W8CRO – Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Same parish as Fr. Bryan, KD8ZFF.
Byran D. Boyle is right. If you are thinking about getting your ham radio license, go for it!
N9WIV – Coming a bit late to the post here – but I’m not too far away location wise here in 9-land.
I’ve been meaning to set up my antennas and equipment again. I have a collection of both newer and vintage HF equipment as well as VHF.
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