Maltese Catholics take out newspaper ad, plea to bishops

You will want to see this.  HERE

Some of the faithful in Malta are making their case in the open.

The other day a priest friend said to me: “Let bishops start treating the faithful the way they treat us.”


Today Veri Catholici, the International Association of Catholics for the Defense of the Faith against the Errors of Cardinal Kasper, (!!! What times we live in where we have such organisations in the Church!) published in the Times of Malta Newspaper, on p. 29, an Open Letter to the Bishops of Malta and Gozo regarding their recent pastoral document, in which they have openly approved of communion for those living in public sin.

This is a picture of the advert:


A readable copy can be viewed here

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. visigrad says:

    The time has come….
    “Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops, like bishops, and your religious act like religious.”

    Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen, before the Knights of Columbus, June 1972

  2. Dan says:

    Shouldn’t it be the Bishop’s urging the lay people back to the faith? Truely sad times we live in.

    Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but what is Pope Francis’ relationship with these Bishops? Their timing with the dubia seems suspicious. Is this letter by the Bishops the Pope’s way of answering the dubia without answering it? Since he is blocked by God from making such a statement in teams of the magisterium it seems he hopes to just change the rules but convincing everyone that it ok to ignore the rules. If we ignore Church teaching long enough surely we will forget it altogether before to long.

  3. Kathleen10 says:

    We are grateful to these faithful Catholics. We are going to print this out and send it to our local priests and our bishop.

  4. Huber says:

    I cant wait to see the way Our Lord treats/handles these bishops…

    Luke 17:2 comes to mind…

  5. rmichaelj says:

    They do take donations at their website for those who want to help with the costs.

  6. amenamen says:

    Archbishop Charles Scicluna was prominently involved at the CDF during the prosecution of the case of Father Maciel. There was every reason to think he would be one of the bishops to clarify the Church’s teachings, and not to obscure them. What happened?

  7. Ultrarunner says:

    Good management easily overcomes and survives bad emoloyees. Good employees rarely survive under bad management.

    [Exactly. That’s why I posted…]

  8. Pingback: Canon212 Update: Toppling Catholic Institutions is the FrancisPoint – The Stumbling Block

  9. Huber says:

    This prayer comes to mind as well:

  10. thomas tucker says:

    I’m not sure what your friend means when he says to let the bishops start treating the faithful like they treat the priests. But if they start to treat the priests the way they treat the faithful, it means that they will start asking you for money severla times a year and ignore you in between those requests.

  11. ChgoCatholic says:

    That’s an interesting idea, Kathleen10. Is it something we think our US Cardinals/Archbishops would take under consideration, to try to help Malta?

  12. JARay says:

    I have been delighted to post my support for the actions of Veri Catholici. My name has been added to their list of supporters.

  13. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    Not being sure I’ve kept up with everything here on this subject, I risk redundancy for the sake of thoroughness to note Edward Pentin’s 23 January attention to “Bishop Grech Defends ‘Maltese Guidelines’ in Radio Interview”:

    This utterance (as translated) seems (I say under correction!) a sort of disingenuous ‘doubling down’.

    Partly following on from Dan’s comment above, the Bishop’s saying

    If you want a guarantee that our teaching is that of the Church, I assure you that myself and the Archbishop are in complete unity with Pope Francis. In the Church, to be in communion with the Pope has always been, and remains, a criterion which offers a guarantee that a teaching is authentic. The fact that the criteria which we issued a week ago were published in the newspaper of the Holy See, L’Osservatore Romano, confirms that the doctrine given by us bishops, is not opposed to what is known as the Magisterium of the Church. Whoever criticises us bishops – and criticises roughly and with lies – has a problem with Pope Francis

    gives the Holy Father yet another sort of ‘morally compelling opportunity’ to contradict and correct this!

  14. Dan says:

    “gives the Holy Father yet another sort of ‘morally compelling opportunity’ to contradict and correct this!”
    Or gives the Pope the opportunity to just simply remain silent and allow this heresy to become pseudo-magisterium.

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