I received a note from Juventutem.
Report of President Bertalan Kiss on WYD Conference in Rome
At the invitation of the Holy See, Bertalan Kiss – the President of the Fœderatio Internationalis Juventutem – spent much of the first week of passiontide in Rome, as a member of a conference which reviewed the lessons learned at the WYD festival in Krakow, began to plan the WYD festival in Panama, and advised ecclesiastics in preparation for 2018’s Synod of Bishops on youth and vocation.
Bertalan’s full report regarding the conference can be read in this pdf:
„From Krakow to Panama – the synod journeying with young people” – International Conference, Rome – 4 April to 9 April 2017In order for the young adults of Juventutem to do their little part to continue to advocate around the world for the Roman Tradition of the Church, it is necessary to have the prayer and other support of young adults and not-young adults. Please consider donating to support this year’s efforts!
Just before the most sacred of feasts, the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ began this year, the new dicastery of the Vatican for the Laity, Family, and Life organised a conference in Rome for the national delegates of episcopal conferences’ youth ministries and other various international youth associations. The Foederatio Internationalis Juventutem has also received an invitation to this event, and I took it upon myself to represent our federation. Accompanying me was the newest member of Juventutem Magyarország, and a fervent organiser of youth events in the Hungarian diocese of Vác, my friend Ervin Dér.
¡Hagan lío!
Do they do a children’s liturgy?