There is a good interview [HERE] of Peter K by Aurelio Porfiri, whom I just met in Rome. It’s good. Porfiri is a composer of sacred music. At the Pontifical Mass in St. Peter’s for the Summorum Pontificum conference we heard his Mass and Te Deum.
Against the back ground of present controversies, I’ve been thinking.
Again, NOTHING that we undertake as a Church will succeed unless it is rooted first and foremost in the proper liturgical worship of God.
Hence, I need to plug Peter’s book again.
I am almost done with this one and it is excellent. The book contains so many quotable lines. This is liturgy apologetics at its finest and it could easily be called “The Case for the Traditional Latin Mass”. I’ve sent a copy to my bishop, a pastor at a large parish in my diocese and also a priest radio show host in my diocese. Hopefully they will examine the incredibly strong case Dr. Kwasniewski makes for how the TLM is not only superior in every conceivable way to the NO and essential for the revitalization of the Church, but that when it is approached reverently, one can naturally experience all the noble goals the Counsel fathers had for the Mass that are difficult or next to impossible to achieve in the NO. This book is very readable, so give it to ANYONE who thinks the NO is just fine as is and has not experienced or does not want to experience the TLM.
Don Zuhlsdorf,
why do I, a nobody, understand this, and so many others, including prelates and priests, do not????
That’s one thing I wonder about.
Priest chants: Let us proclaim the Mystery of Faith.
Priest shouts: Form D!
Regarding the beauty in music, Robert Reilly has updated his book, ‘Surprised by Beauty, A Recovery of Modern Music’, speaks about (and plays) modern music, the execrable and the beautiful at ‘The Institute of Catholic Culture’. What he says about the life changing effect upon himself of Sibelius’ 5th Symphony…go there.