Thanks to those who have sent donations through PayPal.
As you know, I am involved with a Society for the promotion of all things liturgically traditional, the Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison. This is a 501(c)(3) organization.
In my role as President, it is my pleasure and duty to ask people for LOTS of money.
I am about to ask you for LOTS of money.
We just obtained and used on Corpus Christi our procession canopy that matches our white Pontifical Mass set. HERE That set us back a bit.
Coming up, the diocese will use the TMSM’s red Pontifical set for ordinations to the priesthood on 29 June. It should be quite a sight.
We have two concrete projects going on.
Today I received from Gammarelli in Rome photos of the cutting of the fabric for a Solemn Mass set in green. The set will have chasuble, dalmatic, tunic, cope humeral veil, frontal, and material for a tabernacle veil which we shall make.
The trim will be serpentine column in bronze. Very classy.
This set should be done in a couple of weeks. We got it so that we would not put too much wear on a few pieces of our Pontifical Mass set, which is somewhat more spectacular.
So, the green set must be paid for.
The other project, which I am researching and working on, probably with custom woven fabric and in a Gothic style, will be a new set in BLACK for Pontifical Requiem Masses and also, eventually, pre-55 Good Friday.
Sorry, no photos of that… yet. But when that moves forward, you’ll be hearing from me.
We are doing great things here in Madison, with the support of the Extraordinary Ordinary, Bp. Morlino. I don’t think there are as many Pontifical Masses anywhere in the world. Hence, we are raising the bar for everyone. We need to keep raising the bar.
Won’t you help us to raise that bar?
Make a tax-deductible donation to support the Tridentine Mass Society of Madison, a 501(c)(3) organization, without any service fees extracted, by mailing a check to:
Tridentine Mass Society of Madison
733 Struck St.
P.O. Box 44603
Madison, WI 53744-4603
Or, you can donate via PayPal (who doextract a service fee), using the button below:
Though I am a broke college student, Father, please be assured of my support of you and your organization’s great work. When I am able, I will be sure to give generously to you all and other such noble causes. In the mean time, please be certain of my fervent prayers in support of your great mission.
I still cannot wait for the glorious blue set!
[Me too! However, I have had to set priorities. We really need the green set so we don’t over use pieces of a larger set and they wear unevenly. We really need a good black set for Pontifical Requiem Masses. I want to have pieces for it in the case of pre-1955 Triduum made at the same time and from the same bolt of cloth. We have a stop gap rose set for Solemn Mass. Blue should come along in course, perhaps next year.]