Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard at the Mass to fulfill your Sunday obligation? Let us know!
Many people will have celebrated Corpus Christi today (even though it was, properly, last Thursday). Others may have had the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost, and green vestments.
If you had Corpus Christi today, Sunday, did you have a Eucharistic Procession?
Let us know. Anyone can vote. Registered participants are encouraged also to comment. Tell us what you saw.
The Priest highlighted the Eucharist and altar as sacrifice in contrast to table and food.. Why the variability between Thursday, Sunday, and the second Sunday after Pentecost? I also wonder why traditional processions are so out of favor in the USA.
My homily was on the gift of the Eucharist and the Mass, which we might take for granted if we aren’t careful. I talked about some of the things that contribute to reverence, including how we should receive Holy Communion. I encouraged receiving on the tongue. I would like to have said more, but we used the sequence for Corpus Christi, and that is a bit long, as good as it is. I told a story about an Air Force chaplain who offered Mass at a U.S. air base in Saudi Arabia, where any Christian worship is strictly prohibited. The Mass was in a shack, surrounded by chain link fence. A foreign worker — of which there are many in Saudi — wandered by, and realized, it was the Mass! The chaplain described seeing the man pressing his whole body against the fence, as if to try to press himself through the fence. You see, that man can NEVER go to Mass. NEVER EVER. It’s not allowed. And here, he was so close, but he couldn’t get any closer than that fence. The priest described the gaze of ecstasy on the man’s face, and said he will never forget seeing it.
We had our assistant priest from India (soon-to-be-pastor-at-least-for-a-year), so no heresies this week. Got off to a good start by stating the Eucharist is the most important part of the Church – not the people, not the ministries, not collecting for the poor. The Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul, & Divinity of Jesus. (Haven’t heard that for a while). Then he went into a bunch of quotes from reputable sources (St. Paul, St. Padre Pio, St. Theresa, Pope Benedict). Finished up by talking about how everybody runs up to Communion but the Confession lines are so short. When someone comes to him with a problem, he often asks if they have been receiving Communion unworthily, which he says causes a lot of problems. (That ending reminded me of another famous priest who often says “Go to Confession.”)
We heard of the importance of the Eucharist as source and summit of our faith. Then we were instructed on proper technique to receive, either on the tongue (tongue extended so priest doesn’t have to frisbee the host) or in hand and not to attempt self intinction.
We had a procession, then on my walk home I encountered another procession, of the Hispanic community of the other church of my parish, and knelt down on the opposite side of the street and said prayers in Spanish with them (they stop at each corner around the block with the Blessed Sacrament and say a Padre Nuestro, Dios te Salve Maria, and Gloria al Padre) then sang the song they always sing for Eucharistic occasions (“Bendito, bendito, bendito se a Dios, los angeles cantan y alaban a Dios”). This was a really lovely thing to run into on the street. There are more people in the Hispanic side of our parish and they did have a more animated and more musical procession, though our English one included a nice canopy, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, and even as a special bonus a highly welcome visitor from Rome, a great local priest now an official of the CDF, who has sometimes been a commenter on this blog.
Also, one of my catechism students waved at me from the Hispanic procession!!!
My 1947 St Andrew’s Missal, of the time, states ‘the solemn celebration of this feast is in some places observed on the following, Sunday’ so while Thursday was the most common, it was hardly intrinsic to Thursday like Ascension Thursday. The High Mass for Corpus Christi here in Dublin, Ireland, was on Thursday with a procession in the block around the church. Sunday was a Mass for St Kevin, Mass of a Holy Abbot.
The homily for today related how St Kevin, like St Anthony of Egypt, had to daily battle demons, demons who for now have overpowered so many who voted for abortion.
No procession today since mass today was a Mass of Thanksgiving for a newly ordained priest. My diocese had 6 new priests this year — half from my parish. Thanks be to God for the gift of the holy priesthood!
May God keep His priests in His Love.
Due to the parking lots undergoing renovation we did not have our usual procession but we did have exposition of the blessed sacrament and benediction after mass, which was a good consolation prize.
For the homily the deacon spoke about his native state Minnesota and that you can go to the headwater of the Mississippi and wade across it on foot before the mighty river transforms the land, provides water for farmers and commerce and is such a resource for our country. So too when we receive the Body and Blood of our Lord in a small parish we should be transformed and refreshed to become the body and blood of Christ in the world.
Interestingly, Father gave communion to the sick/elderly in the first pew kneeling by intinction which I had never seen in a Latin rite mass before. How blessed we are to have a pastor who clearly believes what he teaches and shows such reverence to Our Lord in the Eucharist.
Those who voted yes were told not to receive the Holy Eucharist and they shouldn’t consider themselves catholic until confession and conversion.
Our parish Church of All Saints, here in N.E. Minneapolis, is a Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter apostolate, so yes, we had a three priest solemn mass with procession and exposition of the blessed sacrament and benediction after mass. I believe their third priest was a newly ordained priest perhaps fresh from Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary in Nebraska last week!
Today’s mass included the little one’s first communion holding baskets filled with rose petals strewing them on the path during procession.
The priestly reverence for our Lord’s sacrifice and commemoration of the last supper, never fails to move me to tears of the utter humility and honor given to God by our noble priests.
A most powerful homily given by Fr. Alex Stewart reiterating the presence of Christ in the Eucharist in a world that denies Him on so many levels, including so many “Catholics.”
Both Father Stewart and Father Bauknecht are outspoken and inspirational priests who in addition to giving us deeper meaning to the Gospels, they keep us up to date of the latest blasphemies taking place in our world at large, especially in what passes for “Catholic Ireland” today.
Fr. Stewart reiterated baby Alfie and the secularization of mankind without full realization of the damnation it brings to those who participate and concur…
Fr. Stewart, a deeply devoted, fiery, passionate, priest who arrived at our parish almost a year ago fresh from ordination in England, makes a powerful team with Fr. Bauknecht.
We walked in a most beautiful procession with Gregorian chant, for about a mile around the church, stopped at three tents along the way for benediction and blessing.
This is what i grew up with until 1967…that is why i am back after 49 years! That said, upon reflection, i have only the greatest admiration for all those who “stuck it out” these past 50 years no matter what heresies and errors they saw happen before their eyes…God Bless them all.
Today we celebrated Corpus Christi. I personally thought it was very lacking because there was a baptism during the Mass and the only reference during the homily was that we are all members of the body of Christ from the moment of baptism. Other than that it was an ordinary Sunday Mass. But there was a note in the bulletin. Does that count?
Our priest today gave a sermon on Purgatory, just giving a basic overview of what the Church teaches. He mentioned praying for the Souls in Purgatory is the greatest act of charity we can perform and if we get even one soul out of Purgatory we’re sure to get to Heaven because we will have at least one friend praying for us in Heaven. (I was under the impression that the entire Communion of Saints are our friends and are praying for us.)
We did Corpus Christi on Thursday and had a procession in the rain stopping at three altars set up along the way where we stopped and had benediction. We used to have solemn Masses for Corpus Christi, but sadly, only having two FSSP priests we had to rely on either a diocesan priest filling in as subdeacon or a priest from the Anglican Use Ordinariate. Sadly, the prior bishop has barred the diocesan priests from coming to our parish to help with solemn Masses and our new bishop has upheld that rule, and the priest who used to celebrate solemn Masses with us from time to time moved away to another continent, so we’re a bit limited. That being said, despite the rain and the cold, it was good. The choir sounded good. We sang some great polyphony, chant, and hymns along the way and at Mass.
Corpus Christ Sunday ( no procession)
Father C talked about Memorial Day, and praised Trump’s Speech at Arlington—said that Trump mentioned the word “Sacrifice” several times.
He recalled in his early years of priesthood, one morning after Mass, he noted a young man who was quietly weeping in the pew, and cautiously asked him if there was anything he could do to help. The man composed himself and said that the tears happened to him from time to time at Mass, because one of his soldier buddies (when they were posted in Vietnam) noticed some movement in the bushes, and dove down covering this man, and took the bullets for him. The man said that when the priest says the words of Consecration, he thinks of this fellow soldier laying down his life for him.
Then Father said, “Yes, we say ‘no greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friend’, calling it a Sacrifice.”
But what about laying down one’s life for our enemies? —which is what Jesus does.
That is called “The Love of God”.
We had a procession today, originally scheduled to go outdoors we had heavy heavy rain in Baltimore today so we did the procession on the inside of our church. Our pastor reminded us that Jesus pours all of himself into the bread and wine to truly transform their substance, that what we experience at Mass is truly a miracle but to fully experience the miracle we must be properly disposed to receive the graces that Christ freely gives. He reminded everyone that we must be free of mortal sin and fast prior to receiving Communion.
I went to the Sunday evening 5:30 pm Mass at our parish. Our Pastoral Provision priest did the homily relating to the readings (The blood) and as Mass closed a procession was lead outside for the Feast of Corpus Christi. The monstrance was processes outside and prayers were said. Many of us kneelers. After the procession, we had Benediction.
A female friend and I walked together in the procession, and she said to me that in the United States that we are blessed to be able to have public processions.
As a man who grew up Catholic in the 70s and 80s, (our family attended Mass weekly) I don’t recall ever walking in a Eucharistic Procession until 2002 – and that procession was also at a parish where the Priest-in-Charge (now retired) was also a Pastoral Provision priest.
Actually we had Sung High Corpus Christi Mass with Procession on Thursday evening and a low Mass in the morning. Then again today we had sung High Mass with Procession for our 10:30am. It sort of “threw” me as today’s Gospel was from the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost with the Epistle being from the Corpus Christi Mass.
Today’s Mass ended with Benediction and then the sung Angelus. All in all it was a beautiful morning.
God Bless the FSSP.
I was disappointed we didn’t. My teen was expecting it. It’s so important to do these things for kids to see it all matters. I told her next year we will drive to a parish that’s farther away that I know always has one.
All Saints is on my way to church, I’m past Holy Cross, at St John’s, the other Byzantine parish, on 22nd and 3rd.
Holy Cross has its procession next week, doing the church walk, ending at All Saints, the 7th church on the route.
In DC on Thursday, St. Thomas Apostle had a Missa Cantata at 7 am and in the evening Old St. Mary’s had a Solemn Mass with a procession – inside the Church because of pouring rain. It was all usus antiquior and beautiful. Our priests are so generous and also the scholas, organists, and many servers.
On Sunday at St. Mary’s, with the Gospel reading about the invitation to the feast, Fr. Melcher reminded us that the feast has already begun in the graces we receive in the Sacraments, particularly the Eucharist. We are already participating in the feast and liturgy of Heaven. We were blessed with visiting seminarians from the FSSP who had just completed a walking pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. Yes, they were soaked in their leaky tent on Thursday.
Then back at St. Thomas we had Solemn Vespers of Corpus Christi, Benediction, and a Procession, inside because it was pouring rain again. So we were blessed with two days of Corpus Christi!
What about an option for those of us who, while knowing that the parish we went to for Mass would do a procession after a later Mass, did not attend the Mass at which a procession was done?
We hear a great sermon on the Blood of the Lamb.
We then had a Corpus Christi procession about 1.5 miles through the center of town from our North side Parish to the South side. Approximately 350 people participated.
This has been dubbed by our Priests as the first Annual Corpus Christi process, made possible after a very successful Marian Procession for the 100th Anniversary of Fatima in October. Our Lady always leads us to her Son.
We woke this morning to a photo of Our Lord being carried in procession on the front page of our local paper, above the fold.
Our Parish had the Mass of Corpus Christi on Sunday along with the Saturday evening vigil. At both masses, we had a period of adoration with the blessed sacrament in the ciborium after the post-communion prayer. Father invited us to kneel for a period of about 5 minutes and then lead us in a prayer asking for the forgiveness of God for our personal sins and the trouble that has happened in our Archdiocese, most importantly the conviction of our Archbishop for covering up historical child sex abuse at the hands of priests.
The practice at our parish of at least enjoying a moment of adoration on this feast was introduced by our previous parish priest and myself since I was serving at that mass. I was lucky enough to have served this year’s mass as well.
Bread of Accompaniment
Bread of Compassion
Bread for the Journey
Thursday was Mass, but Sunday was Mass and procession.
That we are at mass to celebrate the greatest sacrificial offering of our Lord Jesus Christ and not to meet and chat with friends before, during or after mass. Respect other people’s need to pray.