From Canada Free Press:
In a rally on Saturday, Salvini kissed his rosary, looked up to statue of the Blessed Virgin atop the 14th-century Milan Cathedral and said on behalf of the Italian people, “I entrust Italy, my life, and your lives to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, who I’m sure will bring us to victory.” He said, “I am the last among good Christians, but I am proud to always have a rosary in my pocket.”
That Vatican leaders should oppose Salvini is telling. Apparently they support the 500 undocumented African migrants that stormed and seized Terminal 2 of the Charles de Gaulle airport on Tuesday, and shouted, “France does not belong to the French.”
Francis’ globalist push for a centralized world government with open borders is unfortunately fueling the increasing insurgent attacks we have seen throughout Europe in recent months. As pope he should scrap his political aspirations and join Salvini in his noble attempt to protect Italy from evil. The fact that he doesn’t support Salvini raises serious questions about his pontificate and calls to mind Christ’s words: “He that shall deny me before men, I will also deny him before my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 10:33)
For the whole story, continue here…
Vatican leaders outraged as anti-immigration politician commends Italy to Mary
For more on the invasion of Charles de Gaulle airport. HERE
France, and all of the European nations, are on the brink of self-destruction. If enough of the French and the Brits and the Swedes are convinced their culture and lives are not worth fighting for, it and they will disappear into Islam, which will not record French nation and culture except as a nation conquered for Allah. They will go into the dustbin of history.
This existential threat is facing all of the West. There is no co-existence with Islam. There is only Islam biding it’s time. “You have the clocks, but we have the time” is an old Islamic saying. Truly, and the West has short memories and refuses to learn any lessons, in fact, a large segment categorically refuses to accept the evidence of it’s own eyes.
This pope has helped fill Europe with Islam and wishes that to continue in the West. He has used Christianity to obtain that goal, and verbally shamed Christians who rightly understand the evidence of their eyes and history. He insults them and calls them names.
To follow him on this issue will be to commit national suicide. The danger cannot possibly be overstated. The taking over of airports and violence is going to increase, until France and other nations decide if they will turn and fight or just give in and allow their own destruction.
” The fact that he doesn’t support Salvini raises serious questions about his pontificate”
I’m not very well versed on Italian p0litics, but I can’t help but think this line sounds rather like it was drawn from A Man for all Seasons. This form of rhetoric alarms me – the Pope doesn’t approve of a political leader, therefore the pope is illegitimate?
That said, so do comments of Church officials quoted in the article that seem to deliberately mischaracterize an act like publicly entrusting one’s career to Our Blessed Mother as in some manner keeping God away from everyone.
Bishop Mogavero’s words in particular were alarming, as they seemed to basically propose excommunication for him.
Overall, it looks like Italian politics are just as broken as American politics, but with perhaps even greater danger for scandal to Catholics due to the closer involvement of the clergy. I will have to remember to add Italy to my prayers.
I assume “support Salvini” here means supporting this particular action, rather than indiscriminate support for anything he might ever say or do. I agree the Pope should not be expected to endorse any politician or party, but if the Vatican and bishops cannot support (and actually criticise) a leader promoting devotion to the Rosary and invoking Our Lady’s help and protection… you have to wonder what on earth is going on.
And yet Pope Francis in 2016, during an interview with Corriere della Serra, praised Italy’s leading abortion proponent Emma Bonino, “One of the nation’s forgotten greats” he is reported to have said.
But a politician with a Rosary, that’s a bridge too far, apparently.
What pray tell is a “Vatican leader”? Perhaps a misspelling? Is Schubert “outraged”?
The words and deeds of Jesus Christ oblige us to be charitable to neighbors. So do the deeds of pious clergy and laity down through the centuries. Amen.
However, it is also obligatory upon neighbors to be neighborly.
Rioting in an airport, making demands, and extorting concessions from a government and a corporation is not neighborly.
It is also not neighborly to exploit goodwill and infiltrate jihadis, MS-13 gang members, sex predators, and numerous criminals across unsecured borders. Nor is it neighborly for migrants- legal and illegal- to form enclaves which turn into No-Go Zones which turn into platforms for conquering the host country and culture.
There is a growing civil anarchy these days, aided and abetted by Leftist governments in Europe and the “Democrat” Party in the US.
Civil anarchy is exacerbated by spiritual anarchy (such as displayed frequently by the current pontificate which, behind its walls and security force, is too often intent on promoting adherence to Leftist political ideology, and too often exhibits vulgar, even hostile, speech and behavior toward those Christians who disagree with this pontificate).
So, certain Leftists, journalists, and people at the Vatican are upset about a politician with a Rosary, and are also upset about securing borders? Tough. The New Testament is not a manual for sadists or masochists, Christianity is not a suicide cult, and the Church founded by Jesus Christ is not a Leftist NGO.
There is alot to be said for “sentire cum Ecclesia”- thinking with the Church. There is also alot to be said for reading the Signs of the Times and being wary of wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Well said, SemperGumby!
Can any of us fail to see that what is transpiring across Church and society, across nations, is of the same piece, orchestrated and rooted in atheistic Marxist social analysis.
Time to drop the blinders.
They are everywhere.
acardnal: *a tip of the fedora*
Dear Salvini, you’re not the only Catholic with a Rosary in your pocket. My EDC Rosary is a plastic, glow in the dark, string rosary. Only Rosary able to take daily abuse in factory, on job site, in everyday carry. My Awesome Rosary was made by the woman Fr. Z recommended on Etsy. It, however, was buried with my Father last Saturday. Prayed the Rosary together before he passed and he didn’t give it up afterwards. You’ll have that sometimes.
Speaking of migration and borders, here’s Matthew Schmitz in the May and June issues of First Things. Sure, one can quibble here and there with these thoughtful pieces. With our host’s permission, some excerpts.
From May, “Immigration Idealism: A Case for Christian Realism”
For much of my life, I believed in open borders. Aside from violent criminals, I could think of no person who had entered this country illegally or overstayed a visa who deserved to be sent away. But in fact, I had thought little about the matter. I simply meant well…
It is impossible to understand the Western response to migration without understanding its basis in a certain form of liberal Christianity: a Christianity that reduces the gospel to an abstract law of love, ignoring much of Scripture— and reality.
Christians need a response to migration that does not merely baptize liberal pieties. The richest resource is in Question 105 of the Summa, where Thomas Aquinas discusses the justice of the Israelites’ laws governing the treatment of foreigners.
Our Christian leaders take neither Scripture nor political reality as seriously as Thomas did. Conflating the openness of the Church with the openness of society, they imagine that immigration preferences based on shared history and culture are unjust— though their justice and prudence are demonstrated in Scripture. They conflate the welcome given the traveler with the different and more demanding welcome given the aspiring citizen.
Above all, a more realistic immigration policy will recognize that not everyone can or should be admitted to any political community. Despite what some seem to believe, neither the United States nor Europe is a Celestial City from which no weary pilgrim can be turned away. Sentimentality about migration should be rejected as firmly as anti-migrant bigotry.
From June, “A Nation of Americans”
America is a nation of immigrants. America has always been a nation of immigrants. Or so we are constantly told. Strange, then, that the phrase did not become common until John F. Kennedy published a book with that title in 1958.
Even in the Church, where a healthy patriotism ought to be cultivated alongside piety, I regularly hear people attack American culture and history. They speak as though they would rather abolish the American people than win them to Christ.
Speaking of America as a “nation of immigrants” encourages contempt for our common culture, which originated with the English colonists and was spread across the continent by conquest, trade, and settlement. Those who derogate this great, though imperfect, inheritance imagine they are rebelling against the WASP establishment. In fact, they are conforming to one of the deepest WASP impulses: the Emersonian desire to reject one’s own birthright, the Thoreauvian impulse to rebel against even just authority.
When assimilation becomes suspect, a nation of immigrants becomes a nation of competing colonies. An immigrant comes to a new land and assimilates to the culture already established there. A colonist brings his culture with him and plants it in new soil. He does not seek to assimilate, any more than the first Pilgrims sought to become Indians.
One last note. Christopher Caldwell wrote a reasonable book focusing on Europe, with several mentions of Benedict XVI, in 2009 titled Reflections on the Revolution in Europe: Immigration, Islam, and the West.