Detroit cop intervenes. Stoic Fr. Z tries not to tear up.

I grew up surrounded by cops. My mother was the FIRST woman on the Minneapolis Police Department.  Imagine how they swarmed our house.  These were incredible men, family men, engaged, dedicated.

I bleed blue.

When I read of attacks on cops, I just… fallen humanity apart, I start to see red, not blue.

This made me just want to cry.


Cop helps homeless man trying to shave in puddle

“I just went over there, threw a pair of gloves on, took my water bottle out, dumped it in his cup and tried to help him shave.”

DETROIT, Mich. — A police officer with the Detroit PD is receiving praise for his kindness after he was seen helping a homeless man attempting to shave in a puddle outside Comerica Park this week.
The officer, identified as Jeremy Thomas by Fox 2 Detroit, said he saw the man was struggling and just felt like he needed to give him a hand.
“I just went over there, threw a pair of gloves on, took my water bottle out, dumped it in his cup and tried to help him shave,” Thomas said.
The interaction between the men was photographed by Jill Metiva Schafer, who was outside the venue when Thomas began helping the man.

Thomas said he’s seen the man outside the stadium several times this year and has never had a poor interaction with him.
In this case, it was clear to Thomas that the man needed some help.
“I said, ‘Excuse me sir,’ and he’s like, ‘I’m leaving, I’m leaving.’ I was like, ‘No you don’t have to, do you need help?’ and he said, “Yes sir,’ before he could even see who I was,” Thomas said.


Let’s all admit when we need help.

Meanwhile, my biretta tip to blue.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. pjschmidtmn says:

    So many problems in the world could be solved if we were all just decent to one another like this fine officer. Little acts of love and kindness matter.

  2. hwriggles4 says:

    In reference to acts of kindness, it took me a few months to realize that when I was an EMT on a volunteer fire department (I did this for six years) that a large part of my job was just being there and lending a hand. Experienced EMTs, paramedics, first responders, etc. will often say that 90 percent of EMS is holding someone else’s hand.

    Thanks for sharing a story like this.

  3. gaudiumcumpace says:

    “If someone who has worldly means sees a brother in need and refuses him compassion, how can the love of God remain in him?” (1John 3:17)

  4. Semper Gumby says:

    Great story Fr. Z.

    hwriggles4: Thank you for your service.

    An uncle was a police chief, the ride-alongs with him when I was a boy were educational. (Nope, hands off the radio and siren. “Remember, Semper, there are criminals, then there are people having a bad day.” My mother informed my uncle that ride-alongs were daytime only.)

    Another good story:

  5. Facta Non Verba says:

    Well done. And, Minneapolis could use quite a few more police, but the mayor and city council do not agree. Our city needs prayers!

  6. TheBackPew says:


  7. Hugh says:

    Last night I ordered take away from a local Chinese. Went to pay and only had a $20 (Au) note. Meal cost $11.00. Owner gave me $10.00 back and said, “Don’t worry … give me a dollar next time”!

    I went back to my car and found a couple of dollars in coinage in my dashboard drawer.

    I went back and gave him the dollar I owed plus a tip.

    He was shocked.

    God bless him, and I said prayers for him today.

  8. veritas vincit says:

    I’ve always believed that the most effective police forces are those who make an effort to be a part of the community they serve. That builds trust which is sorely missing in many controversies involved the police. This is a prime example.

    Kudos to this Detroit police officer!

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