The Vetus Ordo, the Usus Antiquior, the Extraordinary Form, the Pian Rite, the Tridentine Mass, the Traditional Latin Mass… call it what you want, there are priests out there who want to learn how to celebrate it.
There are so many good reasons to learn to celebrate it, among which:
- It teaches you who you are as a priest in a way that the Novus Ordo cannot.
- It will have a marked effect on your ars celebrandi.
- It connects us across borders and centuries.
- It will have a huge knock-on effect on your congregation.
- If you don’t know it, you don’t know the Roman Rite for which you were ordained.
- It will have an increasingly important role as demographic shift in the Church.
- It’s beautiful.
Alas, priests can be busy. Not all priests know someone in their diocese or order, nearby, who can teach them. Priests can be tied down in a parish and unable to go to one of those places where workshops are offered, such as in Chicago at St. John Cantius.
A reader sent a link to a group who say that they will come to you.
It could be that a priest or two, or three, or four, could benefit from this.
Just do it.
Do you know of anything similar but in Spain?